National Superhero Day. Coincidence?

in OCD5 years ago

One more soppy post and I'll stop 😉It's David's birthday AND National Superhero Day. Coincidence? I think not! 🦸‍♂️

David was an absolute superhero to me when I unexpectedly ended up in hospital recently and I think the world should know how awesome he is 😊 He visited (until visitors were banned) despite it being far away, brought me things I needed, was there for me on the phone when things got really rough and came and took care of me for a week when I was discharged sooner than what was safe whilst I was still really unwell and unable to do things for myself. One day in hospital the ward activities coordinator brought some pictures for us to colour in so I coloured the people in to look like us! (pic below). It looks like a 5 year old did it but I'm going with the "I wasn't well" excuse hahaaaa 😂

He's not the only superhero. Thank you to everyone who has helped me through this difficult time by doing stuff like messaging me, taking me to pick up my meds or go shopping, offering support or distraction and countless other things I'm probably forgetting. Life is far from better but you have all helped more than you know 💕 As the pic below rightly points out, you guys are keyworkers and superheroes too!



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