An incredible opportunity, I do not remember the last time I had to introduce myself to a community, my work sometimes becomes routine, but most of all I enjoy the presentations of the guests in the conferences, classrooms and organizations where I frequent.

We can practically say that we are in a new time, with many challenges ahead that as human beings we must face where the power of the agreement plays a predominant role in the global ecosystem, so we think of Hive as something that comes at just the right time with new opportunities to advance and with a great purpose in technology, empower communities and empower the individual being.
Similarly, I invite you to participate in the challengestarted by @anomadsoul,sponsored by @blocktrades and @ocd.

Identified as @darlenys01 I can easily describe myself as a person of great human simplicity, in love with the creator, with his creation and lover of the school of life.
This is my life in sheets, my great challenge as an inhabitant of this planet:
Systems Engineering, Fashion Design and Social Work.
From an early age I had to leave the family land to go in search of my dreams, I really did not know the world that I had to face but my spirit of overcoming and reaching goals has always been my greatest strength.
I obtained my university degree at the age of 21 as a Systems Engineer, specialist in computer networks and administration of computer systems, I obtained a specialization with the Cisco Network Academy in 2007.
Venezuelan and with a lot of love for my country since that age I have held strategic positions in important organizations in my country such as the Oil Industry, the National Identification System and the Ministry of Education through which I was able to obtain gratifying knowledge and experiences.
My great challenge was to realize that everything I am passionate about was directly related to the nature of being, in my early days as a systems analyst I began to explore communities, carry out preliminary research for the construction of systems, over time I realized that the most complex and difficult system to analyze is the human system, my passion for children was imminent, those rural areas that were the object of samples of studies led me to create community social work with active participation in my environment.
My affinity for social work began with the proposal of a reigenieria of the technological platform to free software in the national educational system.

My hero from childhood has been Jesus, his life has really impacted me in such a way that I try to follow his example of love, of service to others, when I read the Bible I always paid attention to the stories of those great men that God dressed, was something like recovering identity, beyond a trend every time I went to a place that saw children, I imagined them with new suits, new opportunities that would give back their identity, it was there that he created "Vastago" which means I renew a family textile brand that carries the destiny of a dreamer intrinsic, until now I have kept it in the local market but in a not too distant time I want to expand my territories.

Instagram: @vastagocasademodas
A social production company based on creating direct and indirect jobs for housewives and fashion entrepreneurs.
From a very young age I had the privilege of visiting rural communities, searching in those areas for children to be identified, in the same way I had activities that for others perhaps would be frustrating, however it helped me to investigate the shortcomings and the interior of the human being, I had Identify (identification) on many occasions prisoners in prisons, care for people with drug and alcohol addictions, children at social risk and children with cancer.

I have been promoting the adoption of social work in Venezuela in the last two years on a permanent basis.

It seemed like a normal day and any day in December 2017 when I started writing some blogs based on Christianity and personal growth, so I met a wonderful person who had ideas of forming a community to empower men and women to fulfill a purpose, improving their quality. @sirknight, who very graciously invited me to work with him, in that wonderful community that is @Steemchurch, now with a new name @Heartchurch, since then we have been building opportunities for all those people who want to make a difference in their cities and countries, we have come a long way, first in Steemit, Telos, and now Hive.
Finding communities, empowering the individual and reducing poverty through the solidarity that Jesus taught us, we are not a charitable or religious organization, we are promoters of true freedom. My most special project that is actively operating from Venezuela is "Bread from Heaven", fixed and mobile integral children's dining rooms. You have been an incredible experience with this feeding program that has received great support both in Venezuela and in the community.

I hope to use all the tools available to continue doing an excellent job, currently I continue to represent @Heartchurch and encourage the adoption and participation of the masses, as well as fully develop the educational project of the church "give wings to freedom, education without limits "
Hive has a powerful future if we know how to take advantage of it, remembering that human value will always be the most important, union is the strength of peoples and love is the engine that moves the universe.
Thanks to all the people who have put their time and effort into launching Hive, let's never forget that a hive is a home that means protection and multiplication, a place of blessing.

Very proud of the mother of the crowds, she is Darlenys, a virtuous woman, highly esteemed. I love you !!
A beautiful woman with a great love for her fellow men, also equipped with great intelligence and wisdom from God, thank you for sharing with us this short story of yours
We love you! Thanks for your courageous heart. Continue in this path, the Lord will equip you more and more.
Beautiful woman of God and with an extraordinary example of courage, honesty and intelligence.
You help housewives find jobs? Awesome.
Welcome to HIVE @darlenys01. You are a winner. God Bless you.
You are not just called a mother but mother of crowd.
A person of great vision is the person that goes far in life.
Here you said:
Hive on daughter of Zion and an apostle with a great Heart for Christ.