[ESP/ENG] Contento de trabajar en el campo/ happy to work in the field.

in OCD2 years ago


Buen dia amigos, espero la esten pasando muy bien, yo feliz de poder contarle lo orgulloso que me siento por ser ganadero y todo lo que he logrado en pocos años.

Antes se me dificultaba porque no tenia la experiencia necesaria y las tierras para mantener el ganado, pero me dedique a lograrlo y poco a poco voy avanzando como se debe.

Todo se lo debo a Dios que siempre ha estado conmigo en las buenas y las malas, y en mis caidas me ha levantado.

Good morning friends, I hope you are having a great time, I am happy to be able to tell you how proud I am to be a rancher and everything I have achieved in a few years.

Before, it was difficult for me because I did not have the necessary experience and the land to keep the cattle, but I dedicated myself to achieving it and little by little I am advancing as it should.

I owe everything to God who has always been with me in the good times and the bad, and in my falls he has lifted me up.


Orgulloso de ser llanero y les digo que si tienen algo como meta no descansen hasta lograrlo y se siente muy bien.

Existe un dicho que siempre digo y lo mantengo primero nos comemos las verdes y despues las maduras.

Proud to be a llanero and I tell you that if you have something as a goal don't rest until you achieve it and it feels great.

There is a saying that I always say and I keep it first we eat the green ones and then the ripe ones.


Mi experiencia como veterinario me ayuda a realizar el parto de mis propias vacas sin ningun problema, en algunas ocasiones se me ha hecho dificil pero nada que no pueda solucionar.

Este parto es de los primeros de esta vaca y fue todo un exito, no se necesito de mucha ayuda para que esta diera a luz.

My experience as a veterinarian helps me give birth to my own cows without any problem, on some occasions it has been difficult for me but nothing that I cannot solve.

This calving is one of the first for this cow and it was a complete success, not much help is needed for her to give birth.


Durante el invierno es que se complica, porque el lodo dificulta el paso y los becerros se llenan por todos lados lo que le provoca enfermedades y si no se atienden a tiempo pueden morir.

Debemos ser bien cuidadosos con los recien nacidos y cuidarle bien la parte del maruto u ombligo para que los gusanos no hagan estragos.

During the winter it gets complicated, because the mud makes it difficult to pass and the calves fill up everywhere, which causes illnesses and if they are not treated in time, they can die.

We must be very careful with newborns and take good care of the part of the maruto or navel so that the worms do not wreak havoc.


Debido al trabajo diario se me hace dificil escribir pero hago lo que puedo, ser ganadero no es facil porque no tienes dias libre, y siempre se debe llevar a pastar la vaca.

Se necesita de ayuda de obreros ya que solo no vamos a poder, y a la hora del ordeño todo debe estar en orden.

Fotos: A20

Due to daily work it is difficult for me to write but I do what I can, being a rancher is not easy because you do not have days off, and you always have to take the cow to graze.

The help of workers is needed since we are not going to be able to do it alone, and at milking time everything must be in order.

Photos: A20


Amazing! Welldone Sir

Saludos amigo @sumptous amo mi trabajo.

Hello @danieldrawing. Thanks for sharing your work experience with the community. I see you came back after missing a good few months, so let me drop you a few suggestions to help you navigate better on our platform.

We have different communities on Hive and we're encouraging users to post in the right community based on the topic of the post. This post for example would fit better in WorkLife community, which is a place where people can talk about their work experiences, from any angle they want. So next time when you want to post about your work, please considering the mentioned community.

OCD is for topics that don't fit in any other community and should be used when you don't find a niche community for your post.

Here's a guide I put together to help you learn about how communities work and why you should use them -> Communities Explained - Newbie Guide. I also put together a list of communities, which is not complete, there are much more communities on Hive, but it will help you get started.

Once you posted your post in the right community, you can then cross post it to OCD community. Here's a guide about cross posting.

Please don't delete any post with the purpose of reposting it in another community as that can be considered abuse! Leave this post here, you'll get it right next time.

Last, but not least, it would be nice to reply to comments left on your post and engage with others as well because Hive is a social platform, engagement is important.

Muchas gracias por el consejo @Erikah espero seguir aportando buenos contenidos, saludos.