Tale of the Creation (Fiction)

in OCD4 years ago (edited)

Thousands of years ago, the earth among other solar planets were creater by a supernatural being called Fos. He was neither male nor female as this concept only exist in the world of men.
For he was a light soul. Fos was the last of seven brethren but was blessed with all forms of wisdom. Out of boredom, he created whole world that man has come to acquaint himself with. With the knowledge of mathematics, arts, philosophy, language and science all things were made and it was perfect. He now spends time having fun in his new play space. As of the time, earth had no humans in it. Just animals and plants. Dinosaurs roamed freely dominating the earth with lions, elephants and sharks. He created aliens of all kinds but kept them away from earth, it was his most beautiful creation and kept it only for himself.

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Thousands of years passed, Fos was always found in his play ground. He began to withdraw from his brethren but this got them angered. They decided to destroy the whole play ground. However, this technology was too advanced for them. Then they tricked Fos into creating for them a re-creator: this was a bio-device which had the ability to convert an object or tool from it's natural form to a more advanced or lower form. They were glad to have the device, then on the day of Chara, a festival that happens every 3 million years, Fos brothers concluded to destroy what Fos treasured the most. They sent Fos on an errand into the world of demons to bring back a crown that belonged to their mother. Of course there was no crown in the demon's possession, Fos brothers only made up the story. Fos had to do it since 'the crown' would make his mother proud.

On getting to the demons, they captured him and sent messages to his brothers that if they wanted Fos back, they will have to exchange worlds. The Light souls will come over to DemonOrbit and live there, while demons go to Realms of light. The brothers of Fos agreed on the condition that only a third of the demons will be allowed through the portal, they were to come have a negotiation with them. The demons foolishly agreed but on entering the Realm of light, they were converted into infectious spirits using a re-creator. They were then released into Fos play ground. This caused chaos in the universe as diseases began to exist and darkness became a place of refuge.

News came to DemonOrbit of what happened. The demon king was angered and called that they bring Fos.
"Heard thou of thy brothers doing?" asked the demon King. "Nay! I've been imprisoned and cut from worlds beyond, I know nothing save that they tricked me into your captivity"
"Thy brethren then not only tricked you but the demon race as well. Our brothers have been captured and transformed into creatures ever unheard of. Knowest thou not of this plot, I know you created the re-creator"
"I, Fos of the realm of Light did truly designed a re-creator to please my brothers. Of a truth also, I know not of their intentions. I'm alien to all their knowledge and craft"
"You shall be bannished into the underworld till thou disintegrate forever. This is the perfect punishment"
"No O powerful king. This obviously is my brothers' wish. Quickly I realise how heavy the hatred they have for me, sacrificing their brother for joy known to them alone. If you may, I have a better plan. Your demon brothers can be converted back and brought back to you."
"How would I ascertain this is no further trick. You and thy linage have suddenly become deceptive"
"I swear on my existence Demon king. No true son of light lie on his existence because it is pure and true, it must never see corruption"
"Now tell me Light soul, how intendeth thou to restore my brethren back to their original form?!"
"I know not the form they've been transformed. I need to go to Realm of light, survey and tell you how to go by it. I'm a Light soul and will never betray you. "

The demon king chose to believe Fos. Fos was accompanied by two demons into the realm of Light. After seeing all that happened they went back to the demon king.
"This is powerful, the damage is huge. Your demon brethren are trapped in a world I created and can not be released unless by sacrifice. I have the option of destroying the world I created but the demons in them will be gone"
"Spill it out. What is the sacrifice?"
"All demons will have to go into realm of light and inhabit the world I created. We have one third of you living presently as chaos, evil and destruction in the world I fashioned. The two-third of you left will go in, a part as a living creature with body, similar to the aliens but superior, then the second part will posses power over elements in the world, they'll be gods, spirits and angels: Everything good. The alien-like creatures will be called Man. Their function is to live right and overcome evil with the help and guidiance of angels and gods. With each evil overcome, an infectious spirit will be liberated and turned into man to aid the conversion of other infectious spirits. Men will die and be reincarnated till the end of days, that evil might become good"
"What about you?!"
"I will sacrifice myself, I'll be harmony. I'll be a great spirit bond that keeps the world moving, and all things things happening. This process of saving the demon race will last for eight million years and all evil will be rid of. When this happen, the world I created will be destroyed and every demon will be liberated"
"What about you?!"
"I'll be gone too with the world, forever never to exist anymore, but a favour I seek thou O demon king for my life which I lay down, spare my brethren. Take it as gain because living in this new world will make you the wisest of all, even above light souls. Come back to inhabit demonOrbit and excuse my brothers and their sons"
"What of your brothers? Won't they inflict upon us harm and end my people"
"They can't do us any harm, the world will be too sophisticated for them to understand"

The demon king agreed and they left DemonOrbit putting a great lock on it to prevent invasion by light souls while they are gone for eight million years. Now we are here today, demons living as men, good and evil.

Thanks guys for reading through, what do you learn from this short tale?