Hi Hivers!
I'm glad to have you all reading this interesting article which I'm sure of will lit a spark within your soul.
Image Source: Pixabay
Today, christians of different race, background and sect are celebrating the death of him who authors the faith. He lived and exemplary live teaching people to live in a certain manner that pleases the creator of mankind. He brought a news that man has sinned against his master and needed to pay. He knew that according to the jewish law which had being centuries before his descendtion to earth demands that a sinner should die.
For the wages of sin is death
*** Romans 6:23a ***
So out of love for mankind, he decided to pay for their sins, he died for everyone. That's is what Christians celebrate today, not just the death but the deeper thing it symbolised; Love.
Many years ago in a small and not so popular village in Africa, there was a man called Maji. Maji was a very clever and crafty man. He was knowledgeable than people of his time that many rumoured that his father was a god from the sky who raped his mother the night she went to the popular villiage river. This version of Maji's wisdom origin was widespread mostly because his mother couldn't point to anyone to be his father.
Maji never used his wisdom to gather wives for himself. He didn't overthrow kings, he didn't gather golds and silvers and neither did he use it to wage war. He lived a very simple life with his mother and wife. Years passed and the king died leaving a very tender son to the throne. The young new king knew he was inexperienced so he requested that Maji be his counsel at the palace. Maji's wisdom was about to be put to greater use. He did wonderfully well as he helped prevent unnecessary wars with neighboring villiages and kingdom. There was peace and all went well. Until the king's uncle Fabila returned from the other side of the world. New had reached him of his brother's death and had come to sussed him. He was angered seeing a fiften years old boy govern the affairs of the villiage under the tutelage of a commoner of no royal blood. He assembled a group of greedy men whom he gave promises of great fortune when he assumes the throne. They hatched out plans and began to afflict the villagers. They burnt their farms and houses in pretence of being perpetrators from an ally kingdom. Evidences from the scene proved that it was the ally kingdom Derima that did the evil things. Lives were lost yet the King refused to go to war with Derima. The village economy was going down and the people were losing trust in their king. Soon, Fabila the king's uncle gain enough support from the villiagers to assume the throne as king. The young king was dethroned and barnished from the villiage. Over the course of eight years, the villiage condition did not improve, it deteriorated the more under the reign of Fabila. Then the worse was about to happen, Fabila decleared war upon the ally kingdom Derima. The greedy king wanted to take over the riches of Derima. Their lands, golds, silver, sapphires, horses, cattles, women and children. The king of Derima called on two other villiages to form an alliance against Maji's villiage. The kings involved in the war would divide the land into three and rullle over its people. All through these years, Maji had gone back to living with his wife and mother. He knew about what was going on and predicted the end of his villiage. Based on history, he knew the new ally wont keep his people for long, eventually they'll all be anhillated. He went to Fabila to offer his advice, that he should make peace with the king of Derima. Fabila who was proud and stubborn, and have refused to form ally with anyone in order to fight the war dismissed Maji and promised to put him to jail if he ever sees him near his palace.
Maji in his love to his people bid farewell to his wife and mother to journey to the evil forest. He promised he'll be back to take care of his wife and mother. In the evil forest, Maji met strange brings who were neither men, animals nor aliens. They looked smokey, without a body yet alive and powerful. They gave him a dreadful offer. In order to save his kingdom, he would have to sacrifice his body to the dreadful beings. They will free Maji's spirit and soul from his body which will now belong to the bodiless beings forever. They'll use it at will and be able to disguise and blend in among men.
In essence, Maji Spirit will be given special power such as ability to possess animals and humans, translocation, ability to influence thoughts and as well see into the past. Maji knew he would not be able to return to his family, yet accepted their offer, since he'd be able to save his people.
Maji used his new powers to help Fabila win the war and as well take over the three villiages. Fabila went ahead to conquer many other villiages, unknown to him that Maji was the spirit who created the paranormal manifestations. Fabila created a new and mighty Kingdom. Soon people recognised the presence of the spirit of Maji in their kingdom and named it Lobala. He became the official god of the Kingdom. He appeared to different noble men in the kingdom that his wife should be made his priestess through which he would make his desires known to the people. These people didn't recognize him as Maji in their dreams because he had an unrevognisable form. Years passed and Fabila became very sick and died. The priestess of Lobala (Maji) have a prophecy which was given through Maji in a trance that the young king who was battered should assume the throne. Have directions on how to find him and go by the command.
Over the course of centuries, Maji's soul rested nor found happiness, this was 5he sacrifice he paid for his people.
Love is all about sacrifice. Love should be extended not just to our family and friends but to the country we claim alligence to. Africans have leaders who are not concerned about the development of their country, the don't love their people and are only concerned about themselves alone. Every African culture has histories of how ordinary patriotic citizens and noble men sacrificed things unrecoverable for the sake of their people and humanity. People such as Moremi of Yoruba Land, Nigeria; Yaa Asantewaa of Ashanti, Ghana, Hatshepsut of Egypt, Aminat of Zaria Emirates, Shaka the Zulu of South-Africa among others.
Africa has patriotism in his blood, we just need to find it.