"I'm simple, yet confusing."

in OCD4 years ago

According to my zodiac, I'm a Capricorn.

And according to a personality test, I'm a Questioner.


Both align with how I know about myself. I tend to inquire about the things that I think matters to me. And I also question things that don't seem fair to me.

I also tend to simplify things and naturally avoid complications. I prefer making fewer steps to arrive at the same result. Believing in something that I don't have proof of is not easy for me. I have the tendency to always doubt and find proof before I arrive at a conclusion.

Answering questions that are subjective by nature is something that I also struggle with. It's not that I don't know the answer but it's just that I'm not sure whether my answer would speak for the answers that someone is looking for. If a question is vague then I will also try to respond with a vague answer. Does that sound fair? It is to me.

I don't normally disagree with someone. However, I don't normally agree with someone as well. That's the complicated part of me. If you know me well, you should not ask me questions that can "not" be answered with a simple Yes or No.

That's the funny side of my personality; I try to be objective but I'm vague at the same time.

I think I'm a simple person but I very complicated at my very core.

I thought I know enough but I tend to have a lot of questions even on the very basic aspect of life.

Making easy decisions is my forte but I tend to be choosy as well.

If I'm not prepared for something then I won't act at all.

I pursue being prepared about life but I'm not even sure in which direction should I take.

"I'm simple, yet confusing."

I guess that's me ;)