A Quick Introduction...Sort Of

in OCD3 years ago

Before we begin…

A major thank is owed to both @traciyork and @lovesniper at the @ocd team for reaching out and encouraging me to write a proper introductory post here on hive.

The comment was thoughtful with helpful links and suggestions. Much like my brief experience so far in the Hive community, the welcome was warm and supportive. I look forward to participating in the growth of this amazing platform.


A Bit About Me

To say that I'm an intensely private person would be an understatement.

My background is in IT security and administration. Since the advent of social media, I've been actively avoiding placing too much of myself online. In hindsight, it appears to have been a good decision for reasons that have become all to obvious.

The privacy concerns and censorship problems surrounding companies such as Google, Facebook, and Twitter have created havoc for many in these modern times.

With that being said… the advent of new technologies such as those built on decentralized blockchains are turning the tables, allowing people to have better control over their information and security online.

Communities like those found on Hive present a whole new paradigm which is disrupting the old model.

Finally! An opportunity to create my own personal brand, without giving away too much personal information or compromising my privacy.

What Brought Me Here

With these crazy times and most of the world in lockdown, we're all spending a bit more time at home. I'm no exception to this new way of life.


Learning to pass the extra time became essential. Boredom began to set in, and it became clear that finding new people and communities to interact with was going to be the way forward.

Ironically enough… it was a few Hive based games that brought me here, even though I would never describe myself as a gamer (I've never even owned a game console)!

Without going into details here, you can find out what games caught my attention be checking out my first couple of posts (links below).

What I discovered was something far more reaching…
A vast, diverse community which had developed into a whole new ecosystem beyond my first introduction in 2018 when it was still called Steem.
Games, businesses, and innovative new ways of transacting had grown past any limited foresight I had at that time.

But, it's not too late. This must still be 'ground floor'.
There are some remarkable opportunities to take advantage of.
It would be nice make my own mark and contribution to the ecosystem!

Just A Bit More

Here are just a few extra points of potential interest, without getting too specific. :)
If you want to get to know me more, please give me a follow and reach out if you want to connect.


  • I live in the wild wildnerness of Canada
  • Semi-retired because of lockdowns in my mid 40's
  • Single, with a handful of close friends and family
  • A crypto investor for several years now
  • Movies and film are a passionate topic
  • No pets (at the moment)

And most importantly:

  • A potential Hive enthusiast!

Thank you for reading :)
I look forward to next time.


Follow me on DBuzz

Check out my previous posts:

DCrops Cards By The Numbers - A Harvesting Strategy

On Investing A Few Hundred Dollars Into Hive Games


Fantastic intro! I'm relatively new to Hive and so far I have found a wonderful global group of folks from all walks of life who have been kind, helpful, and entertaining. Participating inside the Hive Ecosystem is another reminder that at our core we're all just regular folks trying to enjoy life as we spin around the sun. Cheers! ☕

Thank you in return for the awesome shout out, @cryptolytical! I'm glad you found the reply helpful - it was a group effort on behalf of the Love Sniper curators. Excellent intro as well, and seems like your brief experience is very similar to mine over the past almost four years, so I feel pretty confident in saying you're gonna continue to love it here! 😊

Welcome to HIVE!! Hope you have a great time here ❤️