What Would You Do with More Time to Hive?

in OCD4 years ago


There are times in my life that are quiet and still and not much activity is taking place. I am able to take my time with things, mark my things to do list off and relax without feeling overwhelmed or stressed.

Right now is not one of those times.

School is back in session, we just started a homeschool co-op and sports season is again underway. Everyday I have something to do or plan and take care of. I’m constantly receiving calendar reminders cause Lord knows if I don’t put them in there I’d forget.

Blogging has become a resting place for me. I come here and get lost while surfing my feed. I easily lose track of time chatting with you all and replying to comments. I still get a thrill when I figure out what my next post will be as I began to outline, organize and prepare my photos.

I got to thinking last week about the many things I wished I had more time to do here. There are plenty of times when I have to get offline but feel I have missed so much or was not able to do everything I set out to do.

So what are some of those things I am speaking of?

I list four of the main ones below…

Mαĸe More Vιѕιтѕ

I’ve developed somewhat of a schedule for when I’m able to get on Hive. The majority of my time lately has been spent on curating and nominating posts for OCD’s Community Incubation Program and responding to comments. Once I’m done doing this I haven’t much time to visit some of my Hive friends and favorite authors.

If I had more time to Hive I would definitely spend more time catching up. I love keeping up with people to see how they’re doing and hearing updates about the happenings in their lives. When I can’t do that it sucks.

One of the things I like most about blogging here is the relationships that are built. You get accustomed to following a person and staying tuned to the events and milestones in their life. You literally start to look forward to their updates and staying in the know about the latest.

It’s like watching a television series and missing new episodes 😳 lol. I know realistically I can’t read every post but when I get so behind it’s like 😧 I gotta catch up. I would love to visit those blogs I enjoy reading more often.

Poѕт More


I think this is a pretty obvious one.

At one point I was posting faithfully twice a week. Now I’m even struggling just to get one post out per week. I’m determined to at least keep that going though.

I have several post ideas lined up in my notes but very little time to get them going. If things keep coming to mind I jot them down to continue building on my ideas. If too much time goes by without me working on a post eventually I become bored and uninterested…those posts you’ll never see.

Remember I mentioned before if I’m not feeling it you won’t either so it would just be a waste of both our time. I can be excited about writing something and then next month be like

Nevermind I’m over it…onto the next.

Ideally I’d love to have enough time to create content at least three days a week as I did before. I wasn’t stressed and it was achievable. I will admit that only being able to post once or twice a week helps to always have something to post about.

I tip my hat to all of you that have the time and the content to post EVERY single day of the week! 🤯 I don’t even know what that looks like lol. I’d probably run out of things to talk about anyway. 🤷🏽‍♀️😅

Leαrɴ Aвoυт Soмeтнιɴɢ New

With limited time it’s easier to stick to what you’re familiar with. I tend to visit the communities that deal with things I’m already acquainted with because let’s face it, learning takes more time. I like to reread things to make sure I understand them and sometimes it takes me longer than anticipated.

Some of you write detailed, technical and/or very elaborate posts where I might need Google’s assistance. 😄 I learn so many new terms and definitions that it takes more time to look them up than to read your post hahaha. I don’t mind it it’s just that my schedule does. 😁

I would love to have more Hive time to learn about new things and actually take all the time I need to understand them. You never know what new subjects you’ll find yourself loving until you dive into them a little more.

I’ve always loved the learning aspect about Hive. There is always something to discover and explore here. I just wish I had the availability to do it more.

As long as I live I won’t get tired of soaking up more knowledge.

Feed me, feed me says my 🧠!

Joιɴ More Coɴтeѕтѕ


I LOVE HIVE CONTESTS!! You get to learn more about other people and even yourself. Who doesn’t love a friendly competition right?

Since I always have limited time I barely get to join them anymore. ☹️ I’ll read about a contest and see the deadline for the entry and realize I can’t make that commitment. However, if it’s really one that speaks to me I’ll make the time and push myself to get it in.

Silver Bloggers Community. When I saw I had the opportunity to share about my beloved grandparents it was immediately decided ”I’M DOING THIS!” Ideas start flooding my brain and within that same day I knew what my entry would look like.Like recently I came across a contest by @galenkp that was created to support and give awareness to the

Even though it was already a crazy busy week for me it was important that I joined. I’m so glad I did because I end up winning first place and I’m still elated about that. 😃 Thanks again to the judge of that contest @dandays.

Another great thing about contests is they are a great writing prompt. If you are having trouble finding things to write about go find an awesome contest to join and you’ll have your post entry for the day! 🤓


These are the main things I would do more of on Hive if there was more time on my side.

I think it would be fun this week if I visited a few people I haven’t caught up with in awhile. I will go to their blogs and say

Surprise Did Ya Miss Me?!!! 😂

Okay, I think it’s time for me to close this post our before I get to crazy with it. 😆

My question for you today is this:

What Would You Do for a Klondike bar?

Wait, my bad wrong question.

What Would You Do With More HIVE Time?

Are any of the things I’ve listed something you would love to do more? My inquiring mind would love to know. 😀

All photos are my own and were taken with our Cannon EOS Rebel T6.

As Always Thanks So Much For Reading!!


Read all the posts I can from other people, because that leaves me a great learning, since I'm pretty new in the hive I'm in one of researching to learn from others, I really love to read and @crosheille is one of my favorite users, also @galenkp, @tarazkp , @ryzeonline, @eddiespino, among others.

Honored to be included in such a great list, thank you! May we all have more time :) 🙏

Thanks for the shout out. :)

 4 years ago (edited) 

Learning is definitely something that takes place here on Hive!

Thanks so much! I’m grateful of that and appreciate your comments on my posts. ☺️😊💗

You've mentioned some really great authors ~

When I saw your title my immediate thought was: if I had more TIME .... I would be able to (fill in the blank of all the housework, homesteading work, homeschooling..........)

These days I have to miss sleep to actually write. And like you I have soooooooooo many ideas writing themselves in my brain. When I get to posts I read my favourites but I barely have time to comment. Although I did notice you were otherwise occupied @crosheille my big question is "a WHAT bar???!!"

 4 years ago  

Hahaha yes I can totally see someone as busy as you reading the question and thinking of what you could get done in your home life with more time.

These days I have to miss sleep to actually write.

This 👆🏽 is exactly why I had to go from writing 5 days a week down to 1 or 2. I was literally losing sleep trying to get my post in and a wife and mother of five just can’t function properly like that. I had to face reality real quick lol.

I definitely understand. I can’t always comment like I’d like to either so sometimes an upvote is all I have time for.

🤣🤣🤣 I was wondering if anyone was going to comment on that. It’s a saying (or song) that has been in my head for YEARS (since I was just a little girl). It’s an old school ice cream bar that is sill very popular in the U.S. today. They are so delicious! Since you asked I thought I’d let you hear it for yourself 😁😜…

Hi @crosheille

It's always fascinating to read what you write, it keeps me learning in two ways which are: how to improve the way I write my content and for the content itself of what you share. Thanks for motivating me with your content.

Just today, this morning I was wondering what else I can do in Hive, apart from posting content and commenting, my answer at that moment was: keep commenting and with that relate even more, improve even more my content and see how to get more rewards, this last one I don't know how, I don't know if I'm a curator. I ask for your help on the last one.

Something I didn't understand What Would You Do for a Klondike bar?.

Thank you for so much kindness and for your wonderful support😘.


P.S: I miss you too

 4 years ago  

I really value your feedback and it makes me smile knowing you find my content fascinating ☺️. Thank you for always giving me such valuable feedback.

Commenting is always great! It makes being here more fun and meaningful when conversations start flowing and people are enjoying learning about one another. I encourage you to keep doing so as much as your time allows. 😊

If you read and upvote posts you are a curator. Most of us here are curators. Some just may focus more on finding valuable content to support rather than creating content.

😁 I just couldn’t help myself towards the end of the post. I added that line/song in there just for a little humor. If you would take a moment to look at my response to buckaroobaby’s comment I explain what it is and include a short clip. 😃

Of course 💗! I am so glad you are here. I have always enjoyed our dialogue and it has been really nice seeing you expand on your writing.


You have hit on many things I would do with more Hive time. I especially feel bad when I cannot finish up comments in a timely manner. In the quest to try to answer them fully and decently, I run so behind sometimes. It just seems like life gets in the way, but, honestly, I feel fortunate for having such a full life.

Posting. Isn't that the same for everyone?

Can someone tell me how people seem to have dozens of posts in the can? I am by the seat of my pants with posts and of course, this has nothing to do with the question, I just had to ask. :)

If I had more Hive time, I think I would spend more time helping new people navigate this place. Not everyone takes advantage of the discords and programs they have to familiarize themselves with Hive, and I have found that without a proper introduction to all of the different aspects of it, some get lost in the shuffle.

Oh, if I had more time... :)

Always good to see you and hope that everything is going well with the coop! I was just sorting through some paperwork yesterday and came across documents on our coop and I thought of you. :))

 4 years ago  

In the quest to try to answer them fully and decently, I run so behind sometimes.

This 👆🏽 right here is my dilemma. I feel the same way about my comments in trying to answer them fully…I always run behind.

but, honestly, I feel fortunate for having such a full life.

Amen!! ☺️🙏🏽

Hahaha good question. I am very impressed with everyday content creators.

I love what you would do with your extra Hive time. That is so true, it’s very easy to get lost in the shuffle here. You and I both know how it was when we first started, we didn’t have a lot of guidance because we all were new and learning together. 😄

It’s always good hearing from you. The first week of co-op was a bit tense due to the unfamiliarity of everything. Now that I have a better idea of the setting and my students I think the next few weeks will go smoother. I’ll try to do an update sometime next month. 😉

Thanks for such a thorough and thoughtful comment as always ~ ❤️

I post almost every day, but, it is by the seat of my pants. I have been up to my eyeballs with projects in the last two months, but, still manage to push out 5-6 posts a day. Sunday is purely family at their request. Haha...

I am so glad to hear the co-op is doing well and the more you do it, the more you will find it extremely useful. I look forward to the update!

Thank you, always. You are such an inspiration! ❤️

 4 years ago  

I’m glad you still manage to push out those posts even with all the projects you have going on.

Thank you for that reassurance of co-op. That’s exactly what I’m hoping to feel about it. 🙂

Thank you so much! Likewise for sure ~ 🤗

What Would You Do With More HIVE Time?

I am looking for a good web based curation tool, which I can use, to curate some good posts and increase my curation rewards. Though I wish I could post more, its not possible in practice because of other commitments. But curation should be doable.

 4 years ago  

That sounds like a good plan. I definitely understand about having other commitments…that’s exactly why I have limited time here. I hope you find what you’re looking for to achieve your curation goals :)

Thanks a bunch for chiming in ~

Leave detailed comments on as many new promising users' posts as you can ... cultivate relationship with the future dolphins and whales who will just fuckin upvote you when they see your name and profile pic later lol

 4 years ago  

Oh wow looks like you've got it all planned and mapped out already lol!

Leaving detailed comments is always a good thing to do anyway. Sometimes I get to talking too much on comments. 😄

never too much. we apreciate data

 4 years ago  


Silver BloggersMy sentiments exactly. I used to be so much more involved with Hive than I am right now - and theres just not enough hours in the day. I thought that my @pandamama had been compromised due to a scam that was put up in my comments but it seems that I have escaped that. Nonetheless I started writing in my other @christinepoulos - so now I'm trying to keep both alive - although I am moving any liquid funds across to @christinepoulos - just to be sure. I've decided to keep the contest posts on pandamama as I have more friends there. Anyway perhaps a good thing because now I have to keep my mind busy with both. HIVE has literally saved my life. 4 years ago my son introduced me to the platform and I have brought many people on - the most successful being @olgavita who is a daily inspiration to me - how she enters competitions and blogs regularly. The student has become the teacher - I am so proud of her. She is a teacher - so maybe that is the reason. Nice to have met you through

Thank you my dear friend @pandamama , for your nice words about me. I will always remember who made me involved and so interested in HIVE, and I have been very grateful to you for that. Enjoy your time Hiving and stay healthy!

I'm so happy to see your involvement in HIVE my dear friend. It warms my heart. Need some lessons from you as you are doing so well

 4 years ago  

Oh if only there were a few more hours in the day. Although I have a feeling even with a few more hours we'd still feel the same way. 😄

It’s great you were able to escape what was going on with your account. It’s also good to keep taking precautions just in case.

Oh yes I see you have been here since 2017, it’s nice you have introduced many to the platform.🙂

It was nice to have met you too. Thanks so much for reading and commenting ~

Yes, I have introduced many to the platform but only a few are writing blogs. I guess time is so precious these days - but those who don't blog now will surely pick it up sometime in the future. I look forward to more of your blogs

 4 years ago  

Yes, time is so precious and so much has changed now. I can imagine that many more will pick this up in the future for sure.

Thank you so much. ☺️ I look forward to visiting your blog and getting to know you better. 😊

Thank you - introduced a new lady today from South Africa - just waiting for my son to set up her account. She is an artist and it will be wonderful for her to showcase her work

 4 years ago  

That’s awesome!!

Yes I can't wait for her to get started

Somehow you've outlined everything I've been wishing I was doing more of. If I had more time to focus mainly on just hive I'd love to connect with more people.

I think that would be the major thing I'd focus on. In real life I find it hard to connect with people but here on hive it's easier because everyone is so receptive and I don't have to bother about being judged.

Learning will also be at the top of my list and I think I would achieve that if I connect with enough authors.

 4 years ago  

Sweeeeet! It's great to know I'm not the only one that thinks about these kinds of things. 😄

In real life I find it hard to connect with people but here on hive it's easier because everyone is so receptive

Real talk! 👆🏽 I’ve found that I enjoy connecting with my Hive family sometimes more than the people that surround me in real life (not speaking of my close family but acquaintances).

I remember when I started here I just began reading and commenting on as many posts as I could. Some of those reads and comments lead to connections and some didn’t. The whole point was for me to just get out there and mingle to get to know more people. I still talk with some of those very same people today which is pretty amazing.

Have fun on your mingling journey! I hope you make many new connections here within the next few months!! Whoo Hoo! 🤩

Same here, I used a similar approach. Reading and commenting on as many posts as I can. I've been here for some time and I already have people I feel comfortable talking with. It's a nice feeling☺️☺️

I hope you make many new connections here within the next few months!!

I hope so too!!!

 4 years ago  

That's good to hear. Yes I agree it is a nice feeling. ☺️

You and the other 54 entries made it so difficult my one'ish post per week I release (you were saying) is now at day 9 and counting. The ladies stole the show on that one. I'm glad we crossed paths, getting to know you will be a pleasure.

I know what you mean by notes getting old. If I let them idle too long it's an old story I'm not excited about. What's happening to me lately is I'm unable to go start to finish one at a time, what was a handful of notes in my notes pad is now more than 30 beginnings only.

Daily posters are something else. Takes me that long just to rearrange edit reword opening sentences.


 4 years ago  

I'm glad we crossed paths too.

Yes exactly! It’s better for me to post while I’m still excited about something or else that mojo is a no show. 😄

Oh I see. So you have started plenty of writings but before you get to the end of one you’re working on another and the cycle keeps going?

Hahaha that’s so true! I spend about half a day just on the title and cover alone before I can even get to the first sentence. 😅 I think that’s another good reason why I don’t mind not posting every day. My family would never see me or know me because I’m such a perfectionist and it just wouldn’t work.

Thanks for stopping in to add your input ~

I spend about half a day just on the title and cover alone..

It's not just me.@nineclaws see?

Mono-e-mono, i feel your pain Crosheille.

This is you spreading your dandaysness infection to others. It's already impacted me once, thank you

@crosheille, he just wants to confirm others are suffering with him on this and if possible spread it further so he feels "okay" about it all.

 4 years ago  

Lol this is hilarious! I'm enjoying reading these comments.

dandaysness infection


Although I do admit when you know others are dealing with the same thing it does give you a sense of comfort. 😁😆Thanks for the heads up of what’s really going on @nineclaws. 😅

Ever since I met him it's been this ongoing thing like a couple of kids. He nailed my attention down with his cheeky snark immediately and off it went into a tennis game of comments. So much fun. 😂😂😂

I felt it necessary to give you a heads up since I never had an issue with titles until @dandays started talking about what he experiences. The very next post, I hit the "Title Wall" and I had to ask him for his assistance. He was most obliging and gave me the idea for the title of my most recent post. I still cannot look at it without bursting out laughing. Thank you @dandays, you're best, a real friend.

Although I do admit when you know others are dealing with the same thing it does give you a sense of comfort. 😁😆

That is so true and I feel the same.

 4 years ago  

Oh wow I love that! I can tell how much fun it has been. 😄

The very next post, I hit the "Title Wall"

Lol that explains the infection comment 😂. It’s so great when you can get help from a fellow Hivizen and have fun along the way.

Thanks so much for sharing that. I look forward to reading content from you both ~ 😉

 4 years ago  

Hahaha that's so funny. Nope you're not alone on that...the struggle is real. 😅

I love your posts a lot, and I specially love this one because it took me into a bit of my imaginations.

You might want to see my response to your question, I couldn't say it in the comment section. It might be too long 😅

So here is the link to my answer - MY ANSWER

Posted via proofofbrain.io

 4 years ago  

Oh wow that's so cool it motivated you to respond in a post! I love that!

Thanks so much for your sweet feedback of my posts. It makes me happy that you enjoy reading them because I really enjoy writing them. ☺️

I will head on over to read your answer soon. Thank you for reading and for your comment ~

Good morning Crosheille 😃. I hope you're well. Answering your question, I think I'm currently spending quite a bit of time on Hive and would still like more. I would like to broaden my circle of friends from Hive since I have only read and interacted with the same people for a long time, mainly from NWM community 😅. I have to take some time to bond with new people, that would be great 😃.

I have a funny question for you, maybe a little late because I think we've been here for quite some time. But... your name is Crosheille?? ahahahaha I never heard that name, I don't know how it's pronounced either. Every time I write it I literally read "Crooo-sheee-i-lleeee" 😂😂😂😂.

 4 years ago  


I was thinking I needed to do another post about my Hive handle and how it came about. I did one back then but it's buried so deep by now.

I'm glad you asked. It's a mixture of two things that you'll find out about soon. Thanks for asking and reminding me to do that. I’ll be sure to tag you when it’s done. 😘

Hahaha I also assumed it was two mixed things, Cro-Sheille. Well, I'll wait to read the mystery 😂😂😂.

 4 years ago  

Hahaha yes!! Soon the mystery will be revealed! 🤣

 4 years ago  

Hey there @lauramica! I always love your visits. ☺️

Hahaha I LOLed when you said

I think I'm currently spending quite a bit of time on Hive and would still like more.

That’s how I was when I was posting here like 4 to 5 days a week…I still wanted to be here more. 😁

I think that would be good for you to get around outside your normal feel and get connected to others. There are so many wonderful folks here that you will definitely enjoy interacting with.

I challenge you to visit 3 different communities you have never visited and comment on at least 4 posts from Hivizens you have never interacted with by the end of this weekend! 😆😎

Have fun bonding ~ ❤️

It would be a good way to make new friends. I regularly visit the #argentina tag to see if there are any Argentine colleagues here that I don't know yet, but at the moment there aren't many people using that tag.

I will do the visit to the uknown communities. Thanks for the idea ❤️.

 4 years ago  

Yay awesomeness! I know you'll enjoy doing that. Maybe you'll even run into some Argentine colleagues. 😉❤️

Can I please have the Klondike bar and the Hive time???

If I had an extra few hours in the day, I would meet more Bees!!! Also those contest posts would always be on time!!!

At the moment I average like three posts a week, one for each community I am active in. Adding a couple more communities would be nice too :)

 4 years ago  

😆😆😆 Love it! I was wondering if anyone wanted the Klondike bar lol! 😄

Oh nice! I would love getting in at least three post a week. Maybe you’ll find some more communities of interest soon. 😉

Thanks for your input ~

If I had more time for HIVE, I would read more posts to know better lots of interesting people I have met here. Their stories are amazing and photographs are out of any words.
I would learn about many, many moments I still do not know about HIVE. I am for a year in HIVE but I still do not know about or do not understand a lot.
I would also learn how to make my post contents more interesting to read and SEE.
I am not sure I will have much time for that in the near future because the new school year starts soon, but I will probably retire next year so I have a hope for that in future...
So good questions you ask, dear @crosheille! For the second one, I think I have an answer. I am very grateful to my friend @pandamama who mentioned me in her comment to your post and led me here!

 4 years ago  

I agree about there being amazing stories and photography on Hive.

There will always be more to learn here especially as things are continuing to be developed. I’ve been here going on five years and I still don’t know everything lol. As you read and surf around you will learn what you need as you go. Plus you can always reach out and ask questions as well. 😉

If you continue to have fun and enjoy what you do I believe the excitement and interesting factor will show in your posts. If you enjoy what you are writing so will others. 🙂

I’m so glad you were led to my post. Thank you for taking the time to comment ~

Thank you for answering, @crosheille. I am glad to meet you and your interesting posts. Have a nice weekend!

Thanks for the mention @Olgavita - once you are so invested in HIVE - I believe you will always be here - even in smaller doses until you retire

It is always good to interact and connect with people, it has been an amazing things here on Hive. I also like writing and expressing my view about different topics after a wide consultation and investigation about the subject matters. Both have been my priority overtime here. @crosheille ! As you know, there are a lot of under value posts out there, so I'll like to curate those posts, if I have more time and power to do so. Thanks

 4 years ago  

Thank you for taking the time to add your input :)

I like that you take the time to deliberate and investigate before stating your view. It’s always a good idea to get an understanding of a subject matter first.

Yes for sure, there are many posts that go unnoticed. I love my job as a curating…finding those posts and bringing them to the surface for others to enjoy. It’s great that you want to spend more time doing that ;)

Thanks again for your response ~

Ante todo lo que estamos pasando, ésta plataforma ha sido una distracción para muchos, y ha sido muy efectivo para llevar todo nuestro estrés por las circunstancias
Gran Post, me encantó 😁

 4 years ago  

Such a great point! I know many can use a distraction right now and Hive really is a great one. I call it my getaway because I can truly get away from the many stresses that arise in my life. So glad you mentioned that. 😊

Thank you. I’m glad you enjoyed the read. I appreciate you commenting ~

Thanks for the shout out. Much appreciated.

 4 years ago  

Absolutely!! 😉

You're a great community-member. It shows from a mile off, or thousands of miles considering I'm in Australia. 😀

 4 years ago  

That means a great deal coming from you. Thank you kindly. ☺️

The same goes for you as well. I really love your contest ideas. I haven’t yet had the chance to participate in a weekend one. Keep up the awesome work you’re doing. It draws in a nice amount of interaction ~

I agree with all you have said but thank God you still have some time to your self and that is why you are here doing the needful time and plan is everything, though the time might not be enough just make sure you give in your best at what you do @crosheille its a privileged meeting you take time to cheek my blog stay safe and stay alive

 4 years ago  

Oh yes having time for myself is a must in order for me to keep functioning properly for my family. If I'm not well and so drained I'm no good for them and I don't like that feeling. That's why I am thankful to have this platform that poses as a getaway for me (when I can't literally get physically away lol).

Thanks for the visit and comment :)

You are welcome

I think it's as you wish, there everyone can share whatever creativity and mindset of a better life. I am very happy that there is a hive, where various activities and skills can be shared together. :)

 4 years ago  

Yes, I am very happy we have this place too ;)

It is definitely a rare jewel ~

I'd probably still not post.

 4 years ago  

I appreciate your honesty. 😎

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.