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RE: Creative Generocide - the road to low value content

in OCD3 years ago

I never heard the term "spinning" and I have to say that I disagree with you.
Maybe the people that you read when you google some title (as you said), they probably have way more experience in that particular topic you are looking for.

For example, I wrote an article on Artificial Intelligence here on HIVE, but let's say I am still learning AI but I want to introduce the basics to people, specifically here on HIVE where at lease it will have some viewer if I post it on a community (some say that when you are learning, you have to teach it to other people in order to say you understand that topic at all), but there's a catch, I don't have years of experience programming AI, it is logical that my post will be lacking "something", making my post, as you say, low quality content.

On the other hand, at first, I thought that "spinning" was applied to curators that gather a couple of posts and put it on a already made template with a generic text and get more rewards that the curated posts itself. It makes me laugh but it's real.


You have completely missed the point it seems.

The content you provide is you providing it, right? Or are you just essentially cutting and pasting the content of another, changing a few words here and there and calling it your own? If it is yours - good. If it is the latter, it is spinning. When people don't make any effort to put themselves into the article, their thoughts and experiences, posit ideas and talk about how they feel - it is probably that they don't know much about what they are talking about, nor will they.

I haven't heard of any curators with any significant stake doing anything like you describe, but crap like that probably happens too. People will do anything for a little money it seems.

In the example, yes, but let's say it was based on some tutorial, the post will be practically the same as the content is the same for the "basics" of AI but with other words.

And yeah just search for "top curated posts of the week" or something like that (I see it written in english and also in spanish).