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RE: Life painting

in OCD5 years ago

Writing has indeed almost therapeutic properties. And I admit that the power of memories is something that we yet have a grasp of how powerful it is.

It must not feel easy to go through all of this. Merlin and dad and everything. It requires a lot of mental power to maintain a positive vibe. But I think that the memories of what your father was in his good times will matter in the future.We always hold on to the little good things in our lives. It makes the dark room of our thoughts a bit more bearable.

It's not easy and I can only say that I hope it will get better in time to get over this very painful moment in your life.

Your dad's legacy is the character and education he managed to give to all of you. That will spread out through generations. Somehow, that is a form of immortality in itself for all of us. A comforting thought that our efforts will not be in vain once we reach the end.


I think each of us has a large portion of my dad within us and our personality and general traits. It would be difficult not to, and so his legacy will continue, as you say.

It's quite odd thinking that in the coming days I will have lost my last parent, although memories endure and even now things are popping into my head from the past, making me smile a little. I'm sure that will continue to happen, as it did when my mum passed away, and that's something to look forward to.

Thanks for your comment, as always.


I feel like words are very unnecessary now, but I feel what you say. Have a lovely day, I would lavish you with my invisible engage tokens, but I selfishly keep them for myself lol.

Thanks, I'm just about to go into that meeting with my mate at the Ferrari dealership. Gotta push on right? Have a good day. Catch ya later.

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