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RE: Smile fishing

in OCD5 years ago

There comes a time in life when being grumpy is the best of what you can do. Fishing seems a great hobby, I would ease my mission, put a net and throw some already captured fishies just to spare myself of the trouble😂😂
You got great plans for the weekend, burgers and barbecue and sitting outside will most likely bring a smile. Arhhhh if I were there I would have definetely joined. A virtual burger will do I guess🍔😂😂 I plan to go and have a read in my park and take my camera maybe I could capture some stuff. Fresh air and letting my mind breath kind of a weekend. Maybe a facepainting? Hmmm I'll see.


I'm pretty average at actual fishing but have ninja-skills at fishing at the fish and chip shop. Lol.

It should be a good weekend I think, I'll read too of course, that always happens. We will probably take books on our picnic. We rarely go anywhere without books just in case an opportunity to read comes up. Burgers and fire pits at my place is where its at I assure you...Just us this weekend though, unless someone from the hive decides to come over. Romania to Adelaide is a long way for a burger though, no matter how good they are!

A virtual burger is much better. Yum I can already taste the aroma🍔😋😂😂 A picnic outside with friends is a great way to spend the free time, I hope you will get your smile back and extra fat😂

What do you mean extra fat? As if I am fat already but need to get more fat? Lol

Hahhah. I think I was actually thinking of what I would do if I would be you in this weekend 🤔🍔🍔🍔😂nom nom nom

Lol, well I can assure you I'll be doing what I can to get a little fatter. I make good burgers...Although I have to make two different ones since Faith is vegetarian...But that's ok, after 33 years of that I'm used to it.

You're missing out on G-dog burgers...

I rarely eat meat too, but once in a while I fall into temptation🍖😂 You're such a tease, I am missing it for sure. Just to spite you look on how many burgers I can have and don't get fat 🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔 yum yum🤣🤣🤣

Oh yeah, one of those people who can eat and not put on weight? If I look at food I put on weight!

I had a friend who swore that if she was happy whilst eating food that was not good for her it wouldn't put on weight. She said it was all psychological. I'm not sure I agree, but didn't have the heart to tell her.