Hive, Steem, Twitter, Facebook

in OCD3 years ago (edited)
Hi friends. How I missed these words… Although I promised here in this message not to continue writing from this account, breaking before writing the messages was stronger than my promises. That's why I sat down to write this post…Привіт друзі. Як же я скучав за цими словами… Хоча я і обіцяв ось в цьому повідомленні не продовжувати писати із цього аккаунту, ломка до написання повідомлень виявилась сильнішою за мої обіцянки. Саме тому я і сів за написання цього повідомлення…

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There are 3 pages

Miss me with this shit. I didn't know about, and I don't give a fuck about, whatever drama is encircling your account or your use of HIVE.

I literally couldn't give fewer fucks. Good luck in whatever the hell it is you do. Think twice about tag spam bullshit next time.



Thanks, at the expense of mentioning users probably I was wrong.

I am reluctantly upvoting out of support for your free speech, you will regrat this if you ever return to spamming as you have been accused of.

For now, we don't have problems, I suggest you commit to your passions in life and blog as much as you would like about things you are passionate about.

Please show me where his free speech has been taken away

It hasn't, I just want to see the account stay on the hive. Encouraging them in their time of atrophy.

Fair enough

I have involved myself at the core level of the downvote and abuse debacle, @antisocialist sent me down this trail. At a later date, this metadata will be useful for Hive's future forks and updates.

Dissent is essential to finding truth, anything less is an echo chamber.

Welcome to the center of the hive.
Tell your friends, we need more because the farmers just got a pay raise.

My mother might actually join, but she posts a lot of info that is arguably only for friends on Facebook, so I have to explain to her that there is no privacy on Hive.


Try clicking 'Display Post'. You are in for a treat!

Hi @markymark,

So strangely enough #OCD has muted my comment to @cranium's post (as well as others comments) I'm just wondering why that is? ...and what that exactly means in relation to my account?

Why my comment and not all the others?

I don't like the idea of being singled out and if you read my comments (at the very bottom on @Peakd but just fine on @ecency) your going to see that it's a constructive comment and deserves to be ranked.

I think you(?) guys (Who exactly?) owe me (and everyone else that's been muted) an explanation... Yes?

We all (as Hive owners) pride ourselves in not censoring here on Hive... at least in regards to healthy interactions and behavior.

I do not (in any way) condone tagging every active user here on our Blockchain... But I also do not condone the censoring/dimming/ or dampening of peoples voices in the comments on those posts. Every person has the right to respond to this post as every person on Hive was pinged.

I await your (or who ever is the person who has done this) reply.

Thank you kindly,


Don't think we've muted your comments, though.

I’ll double check. Just wokeUP from a nights rest. If it’s still a problem I’ll share a screen capture of what it looks like from my end.

If an author mutes you, Peakd will hide your comments (if you enabled the setting to hide author muted comments). I am not sure if this behavior is possible on as I don’t use it.

Could this be what you are seeing?

I don’t have any control who is muted outside of bringing someone’s rep to below zero with tons of downvotes. I don’t do anti abuse anymore and I don’t maintain a blacklist anymore.

Hi @themarkymark.

Thanks for your quick response to my inquiry.

Indeed, none of this was noted on Hive Blog or @ecency. It was only when I went to make use of the @Peakd platform that I noticed my comment (and many other legit comments from other accounts: like my friend @ervin-lemark as an example.) had selectively been relegated to the bottom and dimmed with a mute function.

The comment is currently covered up and a caption that states "Muted in OCD" is in it's place.

I find this strange and a bit disturbing as it should be EVERYONES comments and not a selected few as this encourages unfriendly behavior on the blockchain... which, in my opinion, can be as damaging as some of the other practices we downvote and don't like here on Hive.

Do you happen to know who is in charge of the #OCD project? And how in the world have they managed to do this when this post doesn't fall within the #OCD hashtag? Or does it?

Still... It doesn't feel right to dim voices of some while amplifying the voices of others (without the use of Hive Power... Which is one reason we all poweredUP in the fist place.)

I would really like to get to the bottom of this as it is, I believe, a major concern for the overall health of this social media blockchain.

Just because we can doesn't always mean we should...

P.S. To the #OCD operators I was actually considering delegating to your project because I liked what I was seeing from your posts and the support you were giving newbies and unrecognized posts... Now, to be honest, I am having second thoughts! THIS is certainly NOT what people will leave Social Media 2.0 platforms for. We have to default to a higher standard and show people that we are better. So far I'm not seeing it! Very disappointing to say the least...

P.S.S. As well... @PeakD @jarvie . Would you care to weigh in here as this functionality is ONLY capable on your version of the Hive Blockchain! I LOVE your approach to social on Hive... But this little bit I'm not so sure about.

Hi @dickturnpin! I was just wondering what you think about all of this... you invited me into this comment for very good reasons and I respect your opinion a great deal.

Whoa! What a shitstorm this post has caused and not for the right reasons either!

I can understand why you tagged Every-man-and-his-dog because you wanted to get your message to every [active] user on Hive. The trouble is, the vast majority are just looking for ways to moan daily anyway, so your actions were just a golden opportunity for them plus, on the face of it, it endorses the accusations that you spam. (Spam, sigh, I do wish people knew what spam meant! Spam means untraceable communication, whereas the stuff most people really get is "Unsolicited" communication." a small distinction, but people should get it right.)

I like your post for two reasons.

Firstly, I do like the dual-language presentation. It might have been better with paragraphs rather than mirrored, but I applaud it. While I know there are hundreds if not thousands on Hive that are bi-lingual, I, for one, am a typical lazy Brit and only speak one language.

Secondly, I have no idea who you are or what you've done BUT it seems to me you've been (Hopefully?) open and honest about everything and laid your cards on the table. If people choose to ignore that because they feel they have some weird allegiance to 'celebrities' within the community, then I call "SHEEP!"

What the hell is Hive?

How weird is that? Over the past couple of weeks, I've been involved in several interesting debates vis vee Hive and FREEDOM. The community needs to decide if Hive is a freedom-loving decentralised platform or an autocracy? I do so love it when people lie to themselves by saying they believe in freedom and then, with the next breath, start laying down Codes of Conduct. It has me in hysterics when I see folk on Twitter saying: "Come to freedom-loving #Hive it's decentralised, and your posts cannot be censored, and nobody can close your account." and then the very same people are saying that they don't want the likes of Donald Trump on Hive. Bwahahaha.

Personally, I think the problem is crypto. If there were no financial rewards, just votes, I doubt anyone would give a damn what anybody did, but sadly, the moment money is involved, the the green-eyed monster raises its head and everyone's: "Hmm? That's earning a lot? Is it theirs? Who's voting for them? Whose account is that?" I can't be arsed to put that level of investigative work in. I will hold my hand up and say that I see many puerile, poor and minimalistic posts and scream, "HOW THE FOOK HAS THAT SHIT EARNED SO MUCH?" nobody seems to want to give a definitive answer to the question, "What is Hive?" is it a platform to make a living by blogging? Is it somewhere where people like me can vent their spleen and earn a few shekels here and there? Is it even a blogging platform? I'd say it no longer is now that people can post whatever medium they like, be it video, paintings, photos or even me singing in the bath (I don't actually have a bath). Please, Hive community, stop lying to me and yourselves; we're all in it for the money! There's no shame in that, and it's why you are here and not on Blogger or Tumblr. You came here to earn Crypto, so I'm not sure about berating someone for trying to maximise their return in a Free environment has any validity?

There's a good argument that Your content is your content you should be able to do whatever you like with your own content. So, for example, if you post a colour photo, there should be nothing stopping you the next day from posting the same photo but in black and white. After all, Andy Warhol did it. However, I can see how that might be classed as cheating, so yet again, I have to throw away my freedom values and accept rules.


Having spent the last half an hour trying to explain that "Freedom means free to do what you like." I have to say I'm still totally against multiple accounts, and holding 30, to be honest, makes me seeth with rage. Last week, a couple of individuals gave me what appeared to be valid reasons for having multiple accounts. While I was grudgingly willing to, shall we say, turn a blind eye, I still really hate it, so, therefore, I too do not truly believe in freedom. 🙁

I'm going to upvote you for your honesty and your right to free speech. I just wish there had been a better way you could have gone about it.



and not just a few words but well-written words and a LOT of them.

I saw this post this morning and the format he did on the dual language thing was made pretty standard a long time ago....... this way you just stay in your lane when reading and you don't feel left out.

Your comment should have been a post.

As always you look at all sides and speak many truths.

Thank YOU for that!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, I considered making it a post halfway through, but! I then considered that possibly half (4000?) or more of the accounts that were tagged might hopefully still be intrigued enough to continue keeping one eye on the developing conversation and so, therefore, posting in the comments section of cranium's post would get my message in front of far more eyes that 150 - 200 that glance at my stuff now and again. 🤣

See, I'm just as bad as everyone else. Even I look at ways of harvesting followers. Bwahaha


Forever the head of a company :D It is your curse?

Happy Wednesday!!

I go with that. And I know what it means to have multiple accounts and especially because of freedom of speech. But I give a damn about milking rewards. @cranium, if you want rewards, go find some fans and supporters. Being your own best fan with 30 personalities will certainly leave you lonely eventually. My kudos to @dickturpin's comment !ENGAGE 20


Thanks for reading the post and comments. I appreciate your opinion.

If there is such a comment under the text, then the text was definitely not written in vain!

Let's continue our discussion about 30 accounts. On the one hand, it seems to me that 30 accounts is an overkill. But on the other hand, it is not enough for me, for example, to have one account. I have many interests, many roles, and perhaps even several personalities. Therefore, I need at least 3-5 accounts. I feel cramped in one account.

Now back to 30 accounts. If I feel cramped in one account, and good in three or five, can I condemn people who are good in 30 accounts?

I have only one account, and I don't need any more than one account. I don't pretend to be someone else or hide behind a fake persona. Where it's possible, I always give my real name against any nick/username, although to be honest, I've used dickturpin or dick_turpin for over 20 years, so most people know it's me.

Having said all that, I have recently started using SredniVashtar on XMPP and IRC and my Friendica instance, but again, all my friends know it's me.

Its not too difficult to assume that @amphlux and @amphlux.dlux might both be owned by the same person, me. There are technical blockchain related reasons to have more than one account, just saying.

Yep. That's what @erh.germany or @wil.metcalfe said to me (Can't remember which one, I have a terrible short term memory). The reason they have extra accounts is to ensure Hive doesn't get involved or something? I have no interest in the technical stuff of Hive and the intricacies of voting on a Tuesday while standing on one leg and reciting The Free Software Song staring unblinkingly for ten minutes at a picture of Joey Ramone.
I simply like to write stuff. 😉

I am, of course, a hypocrite too! I can't exactly evangelise about FREEDOM and then demand that people with multiple accounts should be burnt at the stake. 🤣

image source

I have only one account, to make that clear :)

HaHa, we are all hypocrites. :D

It really depends on which perspective you take, that of one individual (yourself) or that of many others. Multiple accounts are an impossibility in real life because you only have one body with which to do business and actions. In the virtual world, however, such a thing is possible. Of course, you know that.

Box of Pandora?
Since such a thing is now possible and there is no way to prevent it, unless you make the entry level so high that, for example, in order to register an account, you either require verification via an identity document or a purchase for a large sum (which would still not prevent someone with a lot of money from buying multiple accounts). Usually, the reason for pseudonyms is that, for example, an author was politically persecuted and therefore had to do without his or her real name. Anonymity in a world where a person had to fear for his life or his financial stability and reputation is important. Keyword "whistleblower".

But the fact that one maintains several accounts on Hive is probably more of a fun element or an experiment on the part of the person acting. Or, unfortunately, also to enrich oneself personally through circle voting without having to rely on other users. Personally, I would consider it too much energy expenditure to maintain more than one account.

The problem with multiple fake accounts is that it can distort and influence processes in such a way that, for example, opinion-forming online can be extremely manipulated. Just imagine that a single person creates hundreds of accounts and then uses them to manipulate an election. Bot farms are an expression of this phenomenon. From my point of view, it is control fanatics who use something like this. Or fools who want to shake up the world. Of course, it is the fools who often point out a flaw in the system.

Therefore, the election of witnesses is not completely secure here either. Who wants to know how many individuals cast their vote through multiple accounts? Question still remains, if the opposite forces (also holding multiple accounts) still balance things out.

Lord Voldemort, however, finally failed in cutting his soul into seven pieces :)

Great points listed here. And I too only have 1 posting account on HIVE, this one, and my alt accounts are named the same name just with a tag at the end.

For me, alt accounts are mostly there for security, technical and yea, fun reasons. But your point does stand. I wouldn't be so much worried about 1 person making 10 accounts to sway/influence, I would be more worried about a crew of 10 people making a few hundred accounts to swap opinion. That's when it gets scary.

The biggest reasons for me to have more than 1 HIVE account are technical and security reasons. I wanted to spin up a node just to see if I could, but I didn't want to use my main overall @amphlux HIVE account to do so. (I didn't want to use my accounts keys, specifically) So for a tech/security reason, I made @amphlux.dlux for that node. There are a few more reasons I could list for having alt accounts, but we are semi talking about 2 different things here. I'm pretty sure you mean "having more than 1 account that you actively post with maybe even with different personas"

I do understand your point, don't get me wrong. I am @amphlux and I have been since 2006. It is my name on the online world, and its pretty easy to search around and find who the person is behind the name, I'm pretty open about it.

I've added you to my "Bad Boys" list. bwahahaha

I'm more concerned about the circle jerk voting, to be honest, and the possibility that some of the 'extra' accounts could get votes if they post, which in turn would increase their voting power for their own upvoting of the main account.

As I said, I shouldn't moan, really, given my views on Freedom. 🤣

I’m the one with 3+ accounts. My intended use is for branding purposes. Different entities with different functionalities deserve their own account. For example: @BeachReady is a fitness company dedicated to Reps. @AdventureReady is a fitness company dedicated to Steps. And @OneMoreNutrition (a newer account I’m still developing more) is a nutrition company dedicated to... well! Nutrition! These are good examples of legitimate reasons to have other accounts are they not? 😉

I only have one account also........

okay I have was for posting gaming videos cuz at the time peeps didn't like it when you posted blog posts with "I am live playing XYZ" but I lost the keys to that account :D and yes, got yelled at by the big Guy........... who in turn now has a spare set of my keys :D

I do not have time for more than one account. Plus I have nothing to hide.

I also do not urge to hide behind different nicknames and accounts. But when a person is interested in different things, for example, physics, baking pies and breeding ants, then writing about all this from one account will not be very appropriate. As the author himself will be uncomfortable, so will his readers.

But thats where tags come in and communities. You can create a community for each subject and post relevant topics from there.

Thanks for the awesome comment !!! Now I am at a loss, I can not decide which is better than your comment or my message.
I decided - your comment! As long as there are people like you who are not sorry to spend time writing such a masterpiece, HIVE has a future.

It would seem only the naughty boys (are you naughty?) rave about my contributions (Apart from my longtime supporter, you know who you are). If only I were that good, I wouldn't still be a smidge up from krill surviving on delegations after being on Steem then Hive since 2017 😉 🤣

I just like posting now and again. It's not my source of income, and I like earning the odd groat for what I post. I'm not going to lie. Yes, I'd love to be up there in the $100 plus reward bracket, but I'm not, so there's no point in worrying about it or trying to find ways to stop others from earning those levels. I can be a twat sometimes, but I come from the FOSS community, so I know about freedom, free software yadder yadder and therefore have over 20 years of experience discussing freedom of choice.

The reply I gave wasn't a phishing exercise. I truly believe in and stand behind every word I wrote.

Good Luck with fighting the 2% with all the power “Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?” 😉

Probably, I already got even more than I expected. I am not so much worried about the deprivation of awards for publications, as much as the fact that this is another fate, which I cannot ignore - I will have to change something in my pleasant routine.

Whatever drama or beef you had with these people, you just pissed off a whole lot more people with needless pings. I don't downvote often, but when I do, it's for shit like this.

Thanks for this :)

Congratulations you got my 2nd downvote till now. Your mistake with this post is tagging 4k people... your mistake in hive - 3 posts are 2 posts too many... if average I say there are 400 words in each of them then that's about 1200 words and you're burning your energy more... if shorter than 400, then you're just trying to grab money without putting in much effort... 500 to 600 words in 1 post and publish once in 24hours is more than enough... you chose poorly dude... you just wrote a "how to crash and burn with a single post" manual here...

I would very much enjoy seeing you reply all the people here 🤣 good luck

I would very much enjoy seeing you reply all the people here 🤣 good luck

this. this is exactly my 1st thought.

well... at least he's replying which is good

How could you doubt it?

Thank you, that's what I'm doing now. Despite the mass of criticism, I received 100 more attention than I ever received.

you know at first I thought that I may have been too harsh because I didn't read any of your posts prior to this mass call... even I have read other people's comments as well saying that you're a great person and you help out a lot of people...

but seeing that same 100 words written over and over and over again I don't know what else I can say.

Check out the messages a week earlier. Just for fun. These messages were on the eve of my son's 5th birthday, when I was busy and did not have time, and did not want to interrupt my relay race of 3 posts per day.

There were only so many things you could do... you could've skipped one or two days as you were busy... writing or blogging is not a race... think of it as a tower... you lay your foundation using good quality cement, concrete, sand, rod and other things and you make it strong... or else the tower falls tragically due to faulty materials

I think I have said more than enough

Yes, you described everything perfectly except that this is already the past, which is unrealistic to change ... Anyway - thanks!

Sorry but I gotta disagree.. the "How to crash and burn with a single post" manual was designed, authored and published by Jerry Banfield

damn it... should have known there's already an existing manual

The number you're trying to reach has a voice mailbox that has not been set up yet.

We have been trying to reach you about your extended service warranty. Press 1 to speak to an operator and renew before it's too late!


That has to be the most outta control soliciting robot of our lifetime.


I've seen you guys around here a couple times now. I've been meaning to tell you I love the gimmick. Stick up with the stick-wear.. it's one of those things that's so simple but only after the fact when I'm "dammit! I shoulda thought of that."

Great idea @stickupboys.

hey thanks a lot we are primarily music producers lol then we got into gifs a few months ago and are enjoying making them!Then a few people asked us to make them some and it has kind of gone from there.... we became accredited a few weeks ago and now have 1.4mil views...

Congratulations! Attention well deserved.

I caught a couple different videos awhile back, that's where i first saw the name. The whole thing is working well, good idea. Gas pedal.

Pleasure to be met.

Thank you so much we spent 20 years in studio writing and producing so it is nice to be out and about!

The number you're trying to reach has a voice mailbox that has not been set up yet.

But, I have never received so many comments before. I think that such a massive mention nevertheless coped with the main purpose of the message - it drew attention.

..the main purpose of the message.

Look, I mean no disrespect, until now I didn't know you exist. But if the main purpose of your article was to have someone like me drop a smart ass comment after skipping the entire thing due to an uninvited mass-spam disappointment to which now each of those mass-spammed names (which is a shitload!) will likely avoid your content at all costs, mission accomplished.

Have a nice week.

Thank you! Great goal :)

Not all attention is good attention.

Not all attention is good attention.

Perhaps, but I don't think so.

Catch a clue

And you actually think people read this… damn, I feel sorry for you.

I thank you for your pity. Do you think that if no one had read this message, 460 comments would have been collected?

90% of those people left comments because you mass tagged the entire hive. Catch a clue and stop acting like you did something good for the community. You annoyed the shit out of many people. Act right

Posted via D.Buzz

Count me to the 10 % :)

I understood that, I am not going to repeat it anymore. But, I can't change anything, except to give people answers to their comments.

DAMN! This is the highest tag I have seen. Okay, whatever you did, there are better ways to prove a point, and reading what you said in this post, I feel the whole tagging for the world to see is not necessary. There is nothing an honest dialogue can't solve. I have had my share of wrong doing here on hive and I own and admitted my wrong (I think about that event each time I create a new post and I'm grateful that event happened because it made me even better at what I do), have dialogues with the individuals involved, if there is something you need to do to redeem yourself just do it and prove yourself worthy enough. The tags are just not necessary, I hope you find solace in all you do. Thanks

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this post and write such a meaningful comment!

LOL - too bad you tagged everyone. I agree they've lost their minds and perspective and have poor justification for calling people they don't like spammers and scammers, but your message is going to get lost because of tagging everyone.

Thanks for reading, If I hadn't tagged everyone I would never have received so much attention and feedback! It's nice that there are people who have read this post. The more people read it, the more justified it was to mention all these active users.

I’d just give it some time and try to talk with people about and gaining allies who may be able to get these guys off your back. They usually let up after a while if you don’t piss them off too bad.

Sucks what happened but tagging so many people probably hurt more than it helped. A lot of people probably don’t know you well enough to trust that this is the whole story, and so that’s probably why they are annoyed. I mean, I always got a good impression from you but I don't know you al that well so when I see you tag this many people I can only imagine it annoying some of them, and maybe making the bullies angrier.

Good luck. Hope you stay. I don’t think there is much I can do but if you decide to stay I’ll keep giving you votes when I see a decent post

It was for the sake of such comments that it was worth mentioning all the active users that I could find. I will stay on HIVE for a long time as a curator and player in various crypto games, but with blogging on this account, after this post, I definitely gave up.

I don’t mind you tagging me cause you were one of the first people to join and support cross culture community and some other contests I’ve run before, but I think it was a really bad idea to tag people who you don’t have a relationship with. That will make it very difficult to get people on your side.

I think @themarkymark can be too hard on certain people but he’s not totally unreasonable. He tends to leave you alone if you stop the behavior he dislikes.

It sucks that one person has so much power in an ecosystem like this but in some ways it’s the same everywhere...and here we always have the option to fork. I think we need to stick together and avoid forking though because it’s still a small and fragile ecosystem. I totally understand why some people get frustrated but these guys have done much more good than bad and they are the best we got for now. If we can get more users I hope they find teams of reasonable people and create a more efficient appeal process. I think that is on the horizon (whether it's them or someone new that comes along) so once again I hope you stay and try to make peace with these guys. It’ll be difficult after this post which made you a lot of enemies but if you adjust your behavior a little and try to understand others point of view a bit you can keep earning and having fun here. I’ve seen this happen to people and if they stopped doing whatever pissed the big guys off, they were fine after a week or at longest a month.

Ive already made a comment to marky. That’s all I can do for you. I hope you can figure it out. For your sake I wouldn’t tag anyone again, and I’d stop whatever pissed them off. Good luck.

I am very grateful to you for this. As well as everyone who expressed their opinion.

To be honest, I'm even more confused than before writing the message. The comments are so contradictory, but there are a few for which it is definitely worth staying on the platform with this particular account.

I'm sorry that happened. How about you just keep to the ethics of the community and continue blogging from this your account?

After I wrote everything I think and got 82 votes against, I don't think this is the right decision :) Thank you for your empathy.

Many of the downvotes you got is due to the mass tagging that you did. I know there are dysfunctional folks on this chain but the majority of users are quite sane.

Hi @gentleshaid,

stumbled over your name and comment. Still on the chain, are you? :)

I think the majority is always on the sane side (well, ... depends though . lol). For my part, I find it kind of too much to downvote someone who obviously did an experiment - a comment also would serve the purpose of saying "don't tag me", wouldn't it? But anyways, people react like they react.

Greetings from the far!

Hi Erika @erh.germany. I've ways been around on this chain. It's my virtual home. Glad to meet you again after a while.

Indeed, the majority of users here are sane tbh. People downvote for no reason at all on Reddit where money isn't even involved. I just laugh when users on hive complain of just few downvotes. Why dwell on the negative when there are far many users who upvote you?

Money not being involved makes the downvotes make more sense though because downvotes don't cause as much harm on reddit as they do on a platform where downvotes impact income. Also, on reddit while some people do downvote for the wrong reasons, you're not supposed to downvote for no reason. There's specific reasons in the reddiquette for downvoting and "no reason" and "I don't like what you said" aren't the legitimate reasons stated in the reddiquette guidelines. Reddit seems to be getting worse for people downvoting for the wrong reasons though OR the communities I've spent more time in more recently compared to before are more prone to misusing downvotes (I think it might be a mix of the two). Regardless, I'm sure everyone would rather a downvote on reddit than on here and I would be more willing to downvote someone on reddit than on here because a downvote on reddit doesn't actively harm their income so I don't get your point with that sentence because "money isn't even involved" is more reason to be flippant with downvoting and money being involved is more reason to be careful with downvoting because the consequences of the downvote are harsher on here than on reddit.

100% It's nice that thanks to this post I found a lot of people interesting to me. Thank you for support!!!

Hi! I imagine you must be feeling overwhelmed with all the negative votes you are receiving, I know you are not a bad person and you try to do your best, however, doing this kind of thing is frowned upon on Hive and it has already happened and people didn't like it (I have already been tagged in a post like this a few months ago) the point is not to do it again as it will give a bad image of you and nobody wants that right?

I think the best thing would be to give a public apology and clarify what happened, most people in Hive are very friendly and I think most will accept it, I hope you read my message and reconsider if this is what you want to happen, greetings I hope you do well!

He has been here for 4 years and has a top 10% rep, for god's sake.
He knows what he did, he just needs help stopping.

He knows what he did, he just needs help stopping.

Maybe you are right!

They did it to me, too.
Still don't agree, but I abide by the ruling to avoid an unsustainable political position.
One day these folks will pass, too.

Everything changes in this life. I think we can handle it.

Thank you so much for your words of support. I think this time it’s too late to write a post asking you to forgive me.

I'm not mad with being tagged, it doesn't happen very often anyway. If you are up-voting your own content then go to hell, but I strongly disagree with downvoting somebody because he/she earns "too much". If you are fair just continue sharing high quality content, there is more HP in the hands of users who care for fair reward distribution.

I'm not with being tagged, it doesn't happen very often anyway, If you are up-voting your own content then go to hell, but I strongly disagree with downvoting somebody because he/she earns "too much". If you are fair just continue sharing high quality content, there is more HP in the hands of users who care for fair reward distribution.

My level of voting for my messages even now, when I don't care what happens next, looks like this.


Many people are doing self votes lol. I disagree with that but, they say it's okay :/

I only voted for my other accounts and often it was a 10% vote, only for the purpose of using second-level tokens.

Then person who started down-voting campaign is responsible to prove the reason for downvotes in my opinion. Otherwise it's just community-harming behaviour on his side. Don't give up, I believe it might be resolved.

Unfortunately, it was precisely because of the desire to prove something that I wrote this message.


@themarkymark, it is better to pay attention to a real spammer and farmer who does not bring any benefit to the HIVE community, but only publishes propaganda shit from totalitarian garbage:

I appreciate being included with the active users you've found and tagged; however, the tagging does come off as spamming in my opinion. The downvotes on this post, at least, are deserved because of it. I won't be one of them, but I don't blame the ones that have downvoted.

You've successfully drawn attention to the post. Cool. I still have no idea what the point of this post is though. To call out azircon? To admit that you reward farm intentionally?

Thank you for understanding. This is a post as a way to self-reflect and look at the current situation again, as if from the outside, through writing.

The fact that you compared hive downvotes to a twitter deletion is quite extreme. You do realise despite all the downvotes on this post and how many people may dislike you, your account and this post still exist to be viewed by all, so no, you have not been censored.

As with every time I recieve a bulk mention (8k people... wow), you win my downvote of the day award! But remember, your post is still here... I am not censoring you, and while I might not like the fact you posted this, I'm a big believer in free speech and hence is why I am here... if censorship was actually a problem here, I'd be out of here in a heartbeat.

Kind regards,
~ CA

It depends on what is meant by the word censorship. Thank you for the reward in dissent, I really deserve it.


I still recieved your mention despite all the downvotes, did I not? If you go to, say, HiveBlocks which is a neutral site just showing blockchain history, your post will be as equally prominent as any other. If I sort by new, this post will be in the correct place, will it not?

Sure, you don't get the benefits of Trending or Hot, but they are supposed to be decided by the community at large.

I agree with you. And I apologize if I offended you. I think the possibility of a massive mention is something that should be excluded in the next hard forks.

Nah, I wasn't offended, although reading that back, I can see how you could imply that from my message. I actually appreciate that you gave me a different perspective on the issue, as I had never considered that. So, thank you.

I don't think it's actually a Hardfork requiring issue, because Frontends/Bots can count the mentions, and set a cap themselves. I don't think mass mentioning should cause your post to fail to appear on the chain, just that it should be filtered.

Anyway, thank you for the discussion.
Kind regards,
~ CA

Another confirmation


Ahh yes, that's because you opted to post it in a community. Therefore the community owner can mute the post. You can avoid this issue by posting it to your own profile instead.

It was muted because:


~ CA

I don't want to mention all users for the 3rd time. People's patience has long run out :)

Yeah, I just meant to avoid the issue in the future :D

I don't mean to be rude but when I saw my name tagged with 8000+ others it felt like a bad taste in my mouth. That's a bad sign before I even started reading.

@cranium you don't want someone to read your post while they're already angry at you. You have some good arguments but I'm pretty sure 99% of the people you tagged won't read them BECAUSE they know they're not tagged for being themselves BECAUSE they see other 8000+ users tagged with them... I'm assuming you probably know that and you want to have your chances with the remaining %1?

Now I'm thinking what would I do if I were you, and the options you listed are only the ones I would have... I probably won't start a war, either I'll post knowing I won't get any rewards or I would go somewhere else.

Usually I don't do things against the rules of the platform I'm in... On HIVE the rules are decided by the majority. Some big users are making the rules right now, but that's only because the majority supports them. If you had larger number of people supporting you, you'll can flip the rules here, but the others will have to make a Hive fork if they don't like your new system.

There is one difference between here and centralized social media though: They can't delete what you post here! Even if you got 0 HIVE for it, and even if you were hidden from the major interfaces. You can make your own interface with its own rules and maybe even its own token. You probably should do that?

The majority here don't like spam. They might tolerate it if the rewards are burned, but if you got like $10 three times on the same content, that's $20 less for a different content. If you're self upvoting (even with other accounts) to accomplish that, that would make more people angry... In a way I agree with their mindset, but I think they take it too far sometimes.

I'm just glad you're replying to people here. Hope to see what you think about my comment as well.

Your comment is great. It is for the sake of such comments that I wrote this message. Plus, I'm very happy about what the discussion underneath this article has turned into. At the time of my reply, more than 200 comments have already been written. This number of comments is more than in the last few months under all my publications.

Yes, I'm glad that there are 1% of people for whom curiosity means much more than a first impression. Thank you!

You have beef with people. I don't remember the incident. Maybe you were wrong, maybe you were the victim of overzealous community members. I don't know, and I honestly don't care. Now that you have my attention, know that I and my puny upvote/downvote will be watching. I downvoted this post because that level of tag abuse is simply awful. Surely you know better than to commit such a breach of netiquette?

Do you want to create quality content and engage with the community? Post on Hive, earn support, and carry on. Hang around and show me which you want to earn instead of ranting on and on.

Do you want to shitpost and spam? Off to Steemit with you.

Thanks for reading the posts! I respect your decision to vote against. I still haven't decided what to do first. But it will be exactly what brings me pleasure, for example, this massive mention, which gave me as much attention as I have not received in all 4 years of publications, writing more than 5000 articles.

And now you have added even more names to your tag spam. Not cool. It doesn't appear to me as if you're really interested in building community, just demanding attention.

No drama posts in the OCD community (check rules), also really disappointed in your past actions and current ones.

That's life...
Yes, with the community I missed.
I should post this message to the Ask the Hive community. I wonder if cross-posting will be repeated? :)

Yes that's life, some people turn out to be idiots and some man up to their mistakes and try to repent.

Enjoy burning the last bridges you may have had.

I think it's too late to repent. Although in what? repent. In the fact that I published a photo of the family in various treatments, or that I started one of the promising #hivepackday initiatives that I can no longer continue. Or because of this correspondence -, in which I was promised to pursue all my publications whatever I do ...

Remains to enjoy ... HIVE has a ton of other things besides blogging where I will stay. In addition, there are many users whom I support and respect. I will happily continue to read them.

Since I'm quite frank, I'm really sorry that I used the community I really didn't know that the publication of dramas is prohibited here. And your comments only strengthened my respect for you!

Це найцікавіший пост української спільноти, який я побачила за три місяці тут.
Спочатку я була дуже вражена, що є українська спільнота, підтримує один одного, є інструмент для новачків, щоб не бачити нульові виплати з самого початку, які демотивують. А потім я зрозуміла, що люди просто не спілкуються один з одним, і я майже ніколи не бачу ніяких дискусій.
Тому і мені набридло всіх смикати і обговорювати таки те, що в дописах написано. Ця ситуація складає враження, що українська спільнота в цілому тут не заради того, щоб взаємодіяти.

Є деякі популярні блогери поза нашої спільноти, які майже одне й те саме і пишуть, але різними словами, і на десятий пост таки набридає це читати. З творчими людьми легше, бо хоча вони й витрачають більше часу на створення допису, але результат при цьому всім їх читачам швидко видно. Ну і мені чисто з власного занурення в творчість цікаво бачити прогрес інших.

Ну тобто я розумію, що цей скандал був за ваш рахунок, але реально тут емоції, активність, купа різних думок. І нарешті таки є що почитати :)
Якщо дійсно ламає ви все одно будете писати. Я писала на Голосі і тоді, коли це вже нічого не варто було, і коли мої пости стали намагатись сховати з загальної стрічки, навіть коли тільки в мене і залишились там цікаві пости. І я кинула Голос тільки тоді, коли перейшла на Хайв, бо не публікувати щось час від часу, коли зачепило, коли я щось красиве намалювала, коли я просто хочу бачити свій прогрес, я вже не можу. Малюнки я ще дублюю в Інстаграмі, там надто зручно саме для творчих людей, але паралельно час від часу є думки і їх хочеться кудись викласти.
Залишайтесь на зв'язку.

Дякую за прекрасний коментар!!! Думаю, цей хайп навколо повідомлення буде гарним моментом піти із блогінгу. А це повідомлення - своєрідне гучне закриття дверей за собою.

Але, на звязку я точно залишусь.

I don’t appreciate tag spam.

Yep, no need to tag me either. This is one of the longest lists I've ever seen.


Yep, no need to tag me either. This is one of the longest lists I've ever seen.

If it were not for the limit of 64,000 characters in a message, it would have been even longer.

Me neither. Don't know why I was tagged in this bullshit. Do you?

He probably recycled his posts and bs too many times and got downvoted. Not to mention the excessive self voting on his own comments.

He probably recycled his posts and bs too many times and got downvoted. Not to mention the excessive self voting on his own comments.

Before the first down vote, my auto-vote rate was 0

Me neither. Don't know why I was tagged in this bullshit. Do you?

I tried to get attention and mentioned all active users.

I think that such a massive mention nevertheless coped with the main purpose of the message - it drew attention.

And you query why people say your actions are abusive?

No, I'm just getting attention to demonstrate the problem on HIVE.

The problem is when people tag thousands of people in a post. Why do you feel the need to demonstrate that problem?

I will try to answer with the 1st screenshot.


Since yesterday I have 4k followers do you recommend me tagging them aswell 🤣

The effect will not be the same. I have marked active users. I don't think it will give you the same effect :)

Are you saying I have dead fishfollowers! Shit

On the topic here , you know you did not do the hive ride honest, the hive ride has some unwritten codes, you didn’t need this blog to know that. but it did generate you a lot of comments. You said that yourself,

Why not do a blog a day, like this blog, which will generate the same attention and comments and let you earn hive every day , I say for an addict a piece of cake.

#benice #befair

It's like smoking only 1 cigarette a day :)

Although, I'm already starting to think that re-mentioning all users, like in this post, can make my blog unique :)

Do what you wanna do bro, do what makes you happy, have some fun, chill out, listen to music (Stick Up Boys preferably), eat !PIZZA, drink !BEER, find things you !LUV and spread that around a bit. Don't worry about others be who you want to be.



@cranium! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @stickupboys.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (4/20)

Do what you wanna do bro, do what makes you happy


just stop spamming. "one post in every language?" just post your translations on a single post or pick your crowd. your good deeds don't make up for your bad deeds. you know you are farming. the result is obvious
ps: you are muted

My feel is that one post a day/seven posts a week is all any of us should be doing (for rewards). I do not downvote, but I try not to upvote anyone more than once a day either.

Sometimes we have more to say in one day ...I know ... save this for the next day or interact with like minds and discuss your ideas in the comment sections. I know some accounts that pretty much only upvote comments.

I agree with others ... you want to have multiple languages that's great but do it in ONE post.

This is particularly important for your subscription up-voters ... ONE POST a day per account/ 7 a week. This shouldn't be a problem because, you have several accounts to post to, if you are more ambitious. Make sure those other posts are qualitatively different ... otherwise, yes, it is spam.

HIVE needs its dolphins, orcas, whales, and witnesses but if the bulk of rewards go to the bigger accounts, we will topple ourselves and never grow.

We are building a decentralized creative and intellectual economy, it is about having a very strong base. We gotta reward the tried and true folks but we also have to make room for more and tend to our interaction and not just posting.

Very wise words. Thank you for taking the time to read all the posts and write such a great comment!

I am pleased it was well-received:)

@cranium To challenge authority (PTB, MSM, Status Quo) is to place oneself in jeopardy. But in the long term, "who gives a f..........? This life is a lesson in futility when you follow the PTB..... They are in it for them and we are but slaves. It has been going on for many, many, many, years......... to wake up and be other than and to question..... means...."what?" What is the meaning of life? WTF? Why are we here? Stop the nonsense! The BUCK STOPS HERE!

Thank you for taking the time to share your opinion. It really pleases me.

And now I'm going to simply set up an auto downvote for everything you ever post because you tagged almost 5k people.

I wouldn't mind to be tagged. Why would I? I can ignore it or see whats going on, can't I?

I think that such a massive mention nevertheless coped with the main purpose of the message - it drew attention.

...and probably made enemies where people were at worst ambivalent before.

..and probably made enemies where people were at worst ambivalent before.

Perhaps, but many have seen that there is a problem called "fanatical struggle with the farm" and the people who do it are not as honest as they show themselves to the public.

Complaining of being downvoted while tagging 4000 people is a nice way to get downvoted.

We are a gang. Get it right.

Видно крик душі, співчуваю. Але це масове тегання лише вам зашкодить, на мою думку. А так я вас добре розумію, сам був у схожій ситуації через, коли мінусували мої пости (і дружини також). Ми набагато довше були відсутні тоді ще на стіміті, потім у хайві. Я пробував розвивати інший акаунт,не надто вдало, але повернувся до старого, як тільки вдалося домовитися про "помилування". Відтоді більше не грішу, ділов то - дати посилання, якщо береш звідкілясь шматки тексту. Я думаю, що вам також варто домовитись, пообіцяти, наприклад, постити лише оригінальний і унікальний контент. Воювати, гадаю, марно і апелювати до абстрактної більшості, децентралізація як-не-як, лише до "індюків", як ви їх назвали, я гадаю.

Очень хороший совет, друг @yetaras. Всегда лучше искать мирного соглашения, чем конфронтация, даже если это только в письменной форме. Здесь, на платформе, как и в реальной жизни, лучше всего извиняться и продолжать создавать хороший оригинальный контент.

100% вірна думка

Гарна порада, але масовий тег і фактор особистості самозакоханих індиків з якими я намагався домовитись 7 днів тому, призвели до цього повідомлення, яке ви влучно назвали "криком душі.

Дякую за досвід розвитку іншого акаунту, от і мене щось від цього утримує.

Хух, ну ви і бучу тут зчинили, ледве знайшов свій пост 😆. Я думаю вам просто потрібно охолонути, спробувати комунікувати з найбільшими даунвотерами і з'ясувати, які умови того, що ваші пости перестануть мінусувати і продовжувати ділитися вашими думками у Вулику, як раніше.

Як раніше вже не буде... Зараз, ніби трішки веселіше.

Ну, абсолютно незмінного немає нічого, то ж точно так само не буде, згоден. Але є ви хотіли змін, наскільки я пам'ятаю ваші останні повідомлення. Не певен, що саме таких, але зміни відбулися))

Дякую, я завжди хотыв інтенсивного живого спілкування - ледве встигаю відповідати на коментарі :)

Якийсь позитив все таке є))

And you tagged me because?

seems he is too busy and dont have time for you, to answer. but he surely wanted to use you (and me), tagging us

Я упоминал всех активных пользователей, да и в статье написал почему. Но, куда проще написать почему меня упомянули нежели прочесть содержимое сообщения. Пс, текст к тебе не имеет ни какого отношения.


And you tagged me because?

You are an active user.

I just want know how the hell you tagged that many people at once! Holy $h!t!!!!!!

Posted via D.Buzz

I just want know how the hell you tagged that many people at once! Holy $h!t!!!!!!

If I write that I was looking for everyone and entered it by hand, you will definitely not believe it. I just used the existing user list from this post. -

The blockchain remembers everything.

Normally when things get a little dramatic around here, I sit back and watch before deciding to chime in. Based on this comment of yours above where you indicate the list source (I had a feeling that was the source), I have reason to believe you published this list in order to intentionally annoy this community. Though for me personally, something as small as a nefarious mention won't faze me, clearly majority of the community would prefer these things didn't happen; and there's no way you could not have known that. Their honest reaction is plastered everywhere under the post you linked above. When I combine that with a few other comments of yours here where it seems you actually feel proud of yourself for getting this much attention, I see no reason to take your concerns seriously. There's simply no way to help someone who will refuse to take steps to help themselves first. I'm not sure if you're even capable of acknowledging your own mistakes.

Good luck with the mess you've created for yourself.


Hey. I like your style. The only problem is your gimmick is becoming boring and repetitive. That gimmick is your identity so you might want to be careful with that.


Eat !PIZZA and have some !LUV



@nonameslefttouse! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @stickupboys.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (2/20)

There's simply no way to help someone who will refuse to take steps to help themselves first. I'm not sure if you're even capable of acknowledging your own mistakes.
Good luck with the mess you've created for yourself.

After such a comment, I cannot but answer sincerely.

You are right, I am not able to admit mistakes, because I really think that I did everything right, I did it as I wanted. And even mentioning 4000+ users was the right decision, which I would gladly repeat at least because of my acquaintance with a user like you.

By the way, thanks to your comment, I will definitely stay on HIVE, but not to write articles, but to read people from whom I can learn something. For example you.

PS. The commentary was written without sarcasm.


Good. Glad to hear you'll stick around. Now you don't need to mention 4000 people. You can just go visit them one by one. Have conversations. Learn things...

This place is dying for dedicated consumers anyway. That's why your views are so low. Posting multiple times per day also leads to low views.

Do you really think I'm going to mention everyone else I mentioned in this post sometime?

This place is dying for dedicated consumers anyway.

Unfortunately, I think. and here you are right.

By the way, why did you stop texting?

Stop texting? What are you talking about?

I wish you well, but I would appreciate being taken off the multi tag list. Thanks so much!




that made me laugh for realz

Well, I am TRYING to be nice about it. I could've done a Pixie Stomp but that won't solve anything ;) I got bigger fish to fry he he. untitled.gif

I thinks is nice bringing everyone who is active in one place, first time I seen it lol oh and nice fish....

Good point! Otherwise, we would've missed out in this nice chat here :)

And thank you ;)

@cranium. Opino igual que lo hace la amiga @pixiepost en su respuesta.
@cranium. I think the same as the friend @pixiepost does in her answer.

I'm honored that you tagged me, you deserve a lot of rewards farming is hard work, you get what you put in!

Thank you! Amazing sarcasm!

oh and nice one bringing all the active hive people together in one place, thats amazing I might meet some nice new people and must have taken a while to do!

oh and nice one bringing all the active hive people together in one place, thats amazing I might meet some nice new people and must have taken a while to do!

Thank you for not writing "why did you write my nickname?" :)

I think the only thing that comes out of your post is super spamming, personally I do one post a day serious and with original content and my rep. has grown a lot. It means that if you have things to say or value to show Hive rewards you. The rest is bar talk. Don't tag me next time thanks and good luck.

Thank you for reading the message. I promise I won't notice you anymore :) Sorry

Even when you were right, you took the wrong way with this post. How could you call a post Spam tagging 4000 people?

Even when you were right, you took the wrong way with this post. How could you call a post Spam tagging 4000 people?

It's easy if this message was written in order to attract attention.

We all want to attract attention to our post. Could you imagine 4000 people tagging you every day in their posts? Come on, it's just an abuse!

But that is not happening. 4000 people don't do that.

I'm sorry if I offended

I’m dizzy as hell seeing your long list! What are you talking about again?

They tagged you twoo I see

They tagged you twoo I see


I’m dizzy as hell seeing your long list! What are you talking about again?

Definitely not about the list :)

Did you type out those names one by one?


I sure hope so

Dude I don't know what he did and I may have downvoted him too if I were the policeman here but I've run into him a few times and he isn't a bad guy. I admit this amount of tags is ridiculous but hope you go easy on him. Better not to scare away everyone who fucks up once or twice or who disagrees with your policy. You have a whole lot of power. Please be easier on the people who could change their behavior. 🤷‍♂️

Thanks for all the times you stop the real bad guys.

I was thinking he did that 🤣 that's a lot of effort just to get downvoted hahaha

Where would you find a list to copy?
Not many people keeping track of that.

True true, or maybe he is just too expert with techs that he knows how to automatically mention 4k people but on the bright side we get to use our downvote mana 😂

No shortage of flag ready material, hopefully this guy will straighten up and fly right.

Did you type out those names one by one?

How did you notice them?

Tldr,...knew what was about to happen.

What are you talking about?

I didn't really 'notice' them, once I saw how many there were I knew the popcorn was about ready.


Well you seemed to have kicked a hornets nets there bud, lol!


Why not. There is nothing to lose :)

Pissing off people is not really a good way to attain justice!

how about a cup of tea 😂

Thanks for that too :)

damn, I knew I would find you here... hey long time no see... everything alright?

All's well. I just came to watch the people. How you doing?

just chilling in the office... I took the time to read this whole thing including the comments... now I'll go get some tea

I read through as well. Now I'm on some chillin, coffee, and music...

unfortunately, he called so many people here but didn't arrange tea or biscuits.. and he's nowhere to be found.. a vanished host is a bad host

I guess we'll just have to help ourselves.

It took a long time to mention all of them and I went to bed. But in the morning I have been responding to comments for the second hour :)

Do not tag spam

Please remove my tag.

Please remove my tag.

What will it change?

I don’t appreciate being spam tagged from someone I don’t know. And please remove my name from your list so that it doesn’t happen again. It just poor form and impolite.

The peculiarity of the blockchain is that if I correct the messages, the original information is always already written in the code. I apologize for disturbing you with my mention.

I would still prefer if my name were not in your list even if it’s still in the code. It’s easy for anyone to copy your entire list and then they have my name without me opting in. That’s not cool.

Just for you - I'll delete it!

And by doing so you sent out notifications to all 4000 people again. Good job!

Thank you very much.

If I were nasty I would downvote you for doing it. Instead I’m kindly requesting that you remove me from your blog. It has nothing to do with me.

Do not restrain yourself, this message was written precisely so that people could express their emotions. If you want to vote against - I will only be glad. All the same, all the rewards will be scrapped (To be honest, I didn't even expect them to be).

Friend and this mention? could you explain a little Hehehe

Thanks for the first comment. I didn't have time to answer yesterday. I think now in the comments there are answers to absolutely everything.

because of your mention I won't read your post, I think you got what you didn't want

because of your mention I won't read your post, I think you got what you didn't want

An interesting solution.

I'm afraid that taging over 4k people won't do any good.

I'm afraid that taging over 4k people won't do any good.

I think that such a massive mention nevertheless coped with the main purpose of the message - it drew attention.

My account cannot handle anyone who posts more than once a day, seven days.

My account cannot handle anyone who posts more than once a day, seven days.

There is logic in such restrictions. I think, if there was somewhere in the FAQ, a mention of the recommended number of messages per day for such a story would not have appeared.

eehh... Even women aren't that dramatic u.u

eehh... Even women aren't that dramatic u.u

Yes, I really, really, really (very, very, very) like to dramatize. that's why I loved to write.

in general, your phrase is direct sexism.

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