Plastercine or Paper 🤷 Forth Valley Stop-Motion Animation Film

in OCD • 4 years ago


It's been a few months since Forth Valley Rape Crisis commissioned me to make an animation film for their future campaign.

Intially we started building models out of Plastercine, it looked awesome, was great to animate but the overall vibe was too dark. More in keeping with a Tim Burton film rather than a message of hope and safety.


With paper and card comes less movement. When working with card, you want to keep things bold and colourful. Basic movement for ex: snow melting on the mountains can bring a micro paper set to life, it's not about realism it's about conveying a message, a vibe, a specific feeling.


Weather and the four seasons is a big them in our film, so yesterday was dedicated to working out simply ways to explore rain, snow, wind etc.

It's likely the next few days will be dedicated to the scissor kings, lots of cutting and thinking and more cutting and some more thinking and probably a bit more cutting. Then we can talk about firing up Dragonframe 4 and running some tests!

Have a nice day!