My Introduction // Unveiling My Artistic Journey

in OCDlast year

Hello, PeakD Hive community! I'm thrilled to join this vibrant platform and take over the account previously managed by my sister, Chimucka. Allow me to introduce myself and share a bit about my interests.

My name is Mondskiee, and I'm excited to dive into the world of decentralized social media. I have a passion for drawing just like my sister, taking beautiful pictures or maybe videos, and I'm eager to connect with like-minded people with the same passion.

With my sister's departure, I'll be taking the reins of this account, and I'm excited to continue the journey of engaging with the PeakD Hive community. I believe in the power of decentralized platforms, where content creators have control over their work and can foster meaningful connections with others.

Sharing a glimpse into my past, this treasured photo captures a moment when I was an enthusiastic of a bustling restaurant crew. In this image, my skin radiated a pristine white tone, symbolizing the dedication and professionalism I brought to my role. The fast-paced environment, the teamwork, and the joy of serving patrons all come flooding back as I reminisce about those days. This picture represents the transformative power of working in the hospitality industry, where I learned invaluable skills, cultivated lasting friendships, and embraced the art of creating unforgettable dining experiences. It is a tribute to the vibrant chapter of my life that continues to shape me, even as I embark on new adventures.

My Current Job



"I am delighted to share a significant milestone in my professional journey as I join the esteemed Construction Winta Company in Quezon City, Philippines. This photo encapsulates the excitement and dedication I bring to my new role as a valued member of this renowned construction firm.

In this dynamic industry, my white skin symbolizes the fresh canvas upon which I will leave my mark, working alongside a team of skilled professionals to shape the ever-evolving landscape of Quezon City. From towering skyscrapers to innovative infrastructure projects, Construction Winta Company is at the forefront of creating architectural marvels that redefine the city's skyline.

As a construction worker, I take immense pride in my contribution to the growth and development of this vibrant city. From the initial groundwork to the final touches, my days are filled with purpose as I engage in the construction process, ensuring meticulous attention to detail and adhering to the highest standards of craftsmanship.

I am grateful for the trust placed in me to be part of Construction Worker Winta Company, and I look forward to the exciting projects, challenges, and achievements that lie ahead. With each structure we build, I am honored to play a role in shaping the future of Quezon City and leaving a lasting impact on its landscape.

My Skill




I am excited to share with you my skill in creating captivating line art using both charcoal pencil and ballpoint pen. This artistic combination allows me to explore a range of textures and effects, resulting in visually striking and emotionally engaging artwork.

Using a charcoal pencil, I can achieve bold and expressive lines that carry a sense of depth and drama. The softness and smudgeability of charcoal enable me to create subtle shading and gradients, adding dimension and atmosphere to my pieces. With each stroke, I bring life to the paper, capturing the essence of my subjects and evoking emotions through the interplay of light and shadow.

On the other hand, the precision and control offered by a ballpoint pen allow me to create intricate and meticulous details. The smooth ink flow of the pen enables me to produce clean and precise lines, resulting in intricate patterns and refined textures. This medium adds a level of intricacy and refinement to my line art, showcasing my attention to detail and the delicate nuances of my subjects.

By combining these two mediums, I have discovered a unique synergy that enhances the impact of my artwork. The contrast between the bold and smoky lines of charcoal and the intricate, precise lines of the ballpoint pen creates a captivating visual experience for the viewer. It allows me to create artwork that engages on multiple levels, drawing the eye with its boldness and intricacy.

Through my line art, I aim to convey emotions, tell stories, and invite viewers to explore the intricate beauty of the subjects I depict. Each stroke of the charcoal pencil and ballpoint pen is a deliberate choice, expressing my artistic vision and capturing the essence of the world around me.

I am constantly honing my craft and pushing the boundaries of what can be achieved with charcoal pencil and ballpoint pen. The versatility and expressive potential of these mediums continue to inspire me, enabling me to create art that is both visually captivating and emotionally resonant.

By sharing my line art creations on the PeakD Hive, I hope to inspire others to appreciate the beauty and intricacy of this unique art form. I invite viewers to immerse themselves in the details, textures, and stories conveyed through my artwork, and to experience the world through my artistic lens.

This is all my introduction, thank you very much for reading