I am Martha, Venezuelan and with a dream that I have carried with me since I was a child.

You see, for a long time there was something that always intrigued me, that somehow captivated me, and that is, simply, the different ways in which we can tell stories, convey emotions and reach the thoughts of others through them. That wonderful connection that exists between the viewers and the art, between the readers and the characters with whom we connect so much despite not being real, how we laugh, cry and feel so much for them.
Since I became interested in movies, series, animations, comics, video games, novels, music and every other type of media that exists in this world to bring stories to people, I knew that was what I wanted to do. And I decided, that’s what I will strive to create.
It was not easy to reach this conclusion, I have been plagued by many doubs, my writing and drawing skills, the possibility of a future in this path, my hope to be able to intrigue people in the same way that others have intrigued me through their tales, but I am going to try it, and I would like you to accompany me in my progress, in my growth as an author. For better or for worse, if I never try, I will never know what might come of it.
It's not easy to do so, living in a country with so many issues, but I have the support of my family and I don't want to disappoint them.
Wish me luck in this community.
If this has piqued the curiosity of any of you, know that soon I will share more things and that I thank you, sincerely, for taking the time to read these words.

Supongo que la mejor manera de comenzar esto es con un saludo, así que, hola, espero que estén teniendo un buen día.
Soy Martha, Venezolana y con un sueño que llevo conmigo desde que era niña.
Verán, desde hace mucho tiempo hubo algo que siempre me intrigo, que de alguna manera me cautivo, y eso es, simplemente, las distintas formas en la que podemos contar historias, transmitir emociones y llegar a los pensamientos de otros a través de la ficción. Siempre me ha parecido maravillosa esa conexión que existe entre los espectadores y el arte, entre el lector y los personajes con los que conectamos tanto a pesar de no ser reales, como reímos, lloramos y sentimos tanto por ellos.
Desde que me interesé en las películas, series, animaciones, cómics, videojuegos, novelas, música y todo lo que existe en este mundo para hacer llegar a otros cualquier historia, supe eso era lo que yo quería hacer. Ahora lo he decidido, eso es lo que voy a crear.
No ha sido fácil llegar a esta conclusión, he dudado de mis habilidades, de la posibilidad de que exista un futuro en este camino, de que lo que quiero hacer intrigue a la gente de la misma manera que otros me han intrigado a mí a través de estos medios, pero voy a tratar de recorrer este camino, y quisiera que ustedes me acompañasen en mi progreso, en mi maduración como autora. Para bien o para mal, si nunca lo intento, no podre saber que podría resultar.
No es fácil hacer esto, viviendo en un país con tantos problemas, pero tengo el apoyo de mi familia y no quiero decepcionarlos.
Deséenme suerte al unirme a esta comunidad.
Si esto ha despertado la curiosidad de alguno de ustedes, sepan que pronto compartiré más cosas y que les doy mis más sinceras gracias por haber leído estas palabras.

Welcome carpem5!
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Congratulations and welcome to Hive!Hello @carpem5! This is @indayclara from @ocd (Original Content Decentralized) team. We saw that you already posted your first blog here in Hive!
Are those your sketches? If so, you can share your artworks in the Sketchbook community!
We have other amazing Communities to explore or you can check out the Communities Incubation Program.If you are looking for tips and information as a Hive newbie, click here.
Also, letting you know since content on the Hive platform is monetized, using other people’s ideas or images could be considered as an offense and which is also viewed in a serious light on the blockchain. Here is a useful collection of resources about how plagiarism and abuse is viewed and handled on Hive.
If you have questions, you can hop into Discord server and we'll gladly answer your questions.
Hello and thank you! Yes, those are my sketches, I have posted them in other websites, but they are all made by me. I will share them in other art communities and also, take a thorough look about the plagiarism and abuse link.