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RE: Random Advice for Hive Newbies

in OCD4 years ago

Ahhh true words spoken, says the person that still considers herself a newbie. It is easy to fall into the trap of envy, probably human.

You join for whatever reason , you see the numbers, you want the same. Plus you may not get the whole ecosystem in the beginning. But if you be yourself it pays out more on so many different levels. Plus it pays out to learn how a decent post should look like, long or not.

And yah, most of us are just normal beings, so why not show that? I'm all over with my content. Having a funny moment, having a sad moment, having a smartass moment, be sure you will find it here.

Drawing readers, hard work for sure.


And it’s just going to get harder and harder. Folks (especially newbies who haven’t yet developed relationships here) may have to concentrate on niche Communities and Tribes

Well in the end that's the way to go anyways. At least for me it was a way, finding little niches where I felt comfortable and exploring from there.