Sunday is a nice day for long walks and deep searches through old, almost forgotten folders and memories - and this post sublimely combines these two activities for a perfect Sunday experience. :D
So let's start with the walk. On this picture someone is walking along the sidewalk, passing by the shopping mall on a sunny day, and I'm following with the camera because I like the light and shadows in that particular place and moment, the unknown man is just a collateral victim, he did nothing wrong or weird to end up on the photograph, but he is here now ... and here to stay :D for a long, long time.
The place is the city of Pula, I will put the post on Steemit Map so there's no need to explain where in the world this city is.
Like all the cities, I suppose ... even the darkest and the gloomiest of all ... Pula has some colors - in reality ... he, he, but in this post - nope! None!
This is the completely desaturated version of this colorful place.
Since this is, above all, a walk through memories, things that you'll see here happened at various moments in the recent past ... a decade or so.
The days and nights throughout the post will appear and disappear quite randomly. Here, ad example is a fountain built in the 1930' and photographed by me during one long night walk in 2012 ... and on the following picture ...
... a monochrome look through the Roman Colosseum, photographed early this morning.
This mysterious gloomy shot filled with digital noise was taken in 2014. During one theater performance in the almost dark.
This one too ... the girl dancing behind the curtain is barely visible.
There was dancing ... talking ... whispering ... behind the veil in the dark ...
... pretty cool play.
Only the introduction was done outside the tent ... on the following photograph ...
... is a moment from that introduction.
And then when all was said and done ...
... during the long applause ...
... I took these shots.
Here is a random daytime moment from 2018. The bus is passing through the city's center.
And here is a night at the exhibition in 2008.
The light was very cool and atmospheric in that occasion.
There were fewer people than expected ... so those who were there, had a lot of food, drink and space at their disposal.
And some cool atmospheric art too.
This had was penetrating the time - space continuum in the gallery, and that caught the attention of many of those few visitors.
On the following picture ...
... is a damselfly on the facade, somewhere near the city riviera, in the summer of 2013.
Here is a brief encounter with a friend ...
... during the year 2015, I think ... in the oldest department store in town, built and opened in 1978.
As always we exchanged a healthy dose of sarcasm and irony, and did a little, improvised photo session.
Here is one of the many anonymous windows in this city. Photographed last year.
Here is a store front mannequin from 2005, photographed at night. This store in the old town doesn't exist anymore.
This is from another exhibition ...
... the one from 2016, I think, but I could be wrong about this one ... and I wasn't the only one to sniff and photograph around.
A funny moment ...
... from the same exhibition. The GIF is new but the shots are old.
Another very ordinary look at some very unremarkable building.
A detail from a similar building ... and then ...
... the crow ... ready to cross the line ...
... a little jump and the bird is on the other side ...
... life will never be the same :D
Some plants in some garden ... in 2006 ...
... at the Bus terminal in 2015 ...
... on some rooftop ... somewhere in the old town ... long ago ...
... somewhere in suburbia - this morning.
In an abandoned military complex in 2012.
A look at the shipyard in 2009.
Somewhere in the suburbs ... in 2011 ... on a rainy day ... through my steamy windshield.
Another building in that area ... the same rainy day ... of the same year - 2011.
Spotlights around the football field photographed today around noon.
A window with a brick and no glass ... in 2017.
A detail from long ago.
And this enlargeable scene from the coastline, photographed in 2009 - marks the end of this rambling time travel, as always in these posts on Steemit, the photographs are my work.
[//]:# (!steemitworldmap 44.869090 lat 13.851053 long d3scr)
Originally there were no GIFs involved, I made this one today ... I learned how to make a GIF only last year, during one of the Let's Make a Collage contests, by @shaka .
These photos are really monochrome look at the city.
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