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RE: Musical connections

in OCD4 years ago

Thank you, @galenkp!

Thank you for bringing to our attention a colleague, a colleague so talented and so determined to become an artist, a musician. I think there are so many special people we don't know, we don't have time to look for them, we don't have time to understand them ...
Because of this, it is good to recommend to those who read us or interact with us when we find a special colleague.
I really liked @edenmichelle and I don't mean music now. I liked how she presents himself and how she writes, I like those who don't hide, they are not shy to present their life in front of us (and, on the other hand, I don't like those who hide, from their identity under an avatar and we wonder if we have in front of us a man, a woman or a teenager who can laugh about us) ...

Faithless, in transition with today's music).About music, I'm not a connoisseur of the music that is being played now, I remained anchored in old music, and in this perspective, @edenmichelle, in the second video, reminds me of Dido (which I perceived as a kind of bridge between the old rock I listened to towards newer music, with

Eden is more than obvious that she is talented and I hope she succeeds in her activity.

Of course, I have become a follower and I will try to support her here, following her posts and recommending her to my acquaintances.


Hi there @bluemoon I agree in that it's a nice thing to support others in the community as there are so many out there doing great things, or who could benefit from a little support. It was an easy thing to support Eden, and I'd do it again.

We all like different types of music and you clearly have your own interests however that doesn't mean we can support others as you have done. It feels nice I think right?

Thanks for your comment and for taking the time to support one of our hive friends. 😊