It comes in waves, doesn't it. The good and the bad. Sometimes the waves are just near too damn much. That's where that toughness and balance come into play.
I sometimes ask myself "Is this the same decision I'd make if my life was in the toilet?" Or "..if I were right on top of the wheel?" It is important to maintain a balance, to detach.
I know that 2020 is going to go down as a horrible shitty year for most, I get it. I sometimes feel guilty for having such a damn good year. I've gained 8 siblings since the first of the year. A whole load of people to know and care about... It's pretty good detail.
I've made the same New Year's Resolution for the last 21 years in a row. When I find something that works I stick with it. "I resolve this year to not wear a necktie." I've been successful in my resolve 19 times.
Some have had a good year and one should never feel bad about that...Other's have had a bad one and just have to own it, deal with the shit and move on. It's where I am I guess. I never make apologies for when things are going well because they go well because I'm made it that way. Conversely, when things go bad I just own it, roll up the sleeves and get on with turning it around.
Yep. I said 'sometimes' and I always get over it right away :)