Good day plant lovers, Today i would like to share my Homestead garden since gardening and planting is one of my best hobby.

This area is near at the house window which is also where my neighbor at the back passes by, i am happy to see my neighbor passing by while they are enjoying watching my beautiful flowers around to my front yard. Since i meet this platform which is before steem**t i started sharing my garden and some ideas about doing my homestead garden.

Beside at the cactus plant at my back this cute plants are bloom it's flowers. It was a bit good today because i don't need to water my plants because last night until now we encountered an slightly rain even this moment at night it's still a bit cloudy due to typhoon.

I have also a lot of collections and different types of leaves and smell of "Coleus Blumei" is known as a herbal plants here in the Philippines and it has more that 15 different types of colours with combinations. I collected them last year when i was working because i'm the one who purchase all the plants that needed to our landscaping and everytime i purchased they gave me 3-5 plants for free.

I have also a big tree of lemon last month it bears more fruits that i used them and benefits it's fruits. Planting some goods that we need to our daily use is what i wanted to rise in my garden.

I have also an small garden of cassava looks like the leaves of it are changing but luckily today there are a bit rain that watered my cassava crops. When the harvest time comes i will replace them with more crops soon like Tomato, Eggplant, ect.
You have a lovely garden there friend.
Keep. Up the good work
I will friend. Thank you😊
That’s nice that you have an abundance of plants and flowers and especially the lemon tree! We use a lot of lemon in our household. It’s so beneficial being able to grow your own goods.
This type of post would fit well in the Hive Garden Community. You should check it out ;)
Thanks for sharing ~
Yes friend! Indeed lemon is very useful also in our household.
Wow i never knew that. i will check and subscribe to it friend thank you for the information.
You’re welcome ~