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RE: Creative Generocide - the road to low value content

in OCD3 years ago

The reason is that because the people that spin are non-creative and also non-professionals, they actually have very little they can add to the originals that enhance or differentiate it.

All one really needs to see and understand what you are talking about is to look at all the news stations that parrot each other word for word reading from and API or the other news-feed peoples scripts. Look through the headlines same stories from different news organizations. Some of the video's people have put together of all the talking heads on all the different news channels can be pretty funny, but it is also sad. Local news stations used to do their own research into stories, not they just read or print what they are told to.

The internet has gotten pretty boring, meanwhile maybe not the greatest content in the world, reading about someones cat antics or their weekend, or even their orchids provide much more original content than 90% of the internet.


Look through the headlines same stories from different news organizations.

Repetition, repetition, repetition - it is the best way to condition minds.

People's lives on Hive are far more interesting than the news at the moment. Every time I do see or hear about something from the news - it just puts me one step closer to taking myself out of circulation completely. It is depressing at what is going on in people's minds :)

It really is, at least on Hive most of the personal stories are not so bad, some a slight bit depressing, but for the most part pretty upbeat on Hive, unlike youtube and all the petty drama squabbles.

I enjoy hearing about people's real lives, rather than the Instashite that gets pushed all over the place.