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RE: Create your 100-word Hive dating profile here

in OCD5 years ago

I agree there does not seem to be very many content people, it is like that is a bad word in today's society. "Yes he seems content, but is his being content a quality content? he could be faking how content he really is, and his apparent content, could actually be of a low quality type due to various internal self reasoning".

I like the word content. More people should try being content, it really is not a bad thing.

!ENGAGE 50 back at ya, cause I like being content, and seeing all kinds of content.


Lol...We're a couple content dudes by the sounds of it.

I agree with you that in society now it seems that to be content is seen as a weakness, unambitious maybe. I disagree. I have great drive and vision, great motivation...And yet I'm content in many areas as that contentment brings happiness and fulfilment. I may not be explaining myself well though.

An example comes to mind of the discontent people have with the old model iPhone...They seek the new one thinking they will be happy and content...And they are for a little while...Until the new model comes out a few months later...Then that contentment turns into disappointment that they have an old model. Typical consumerism. It's similar in many other areas.

Conversely, find contentment and all of a sudden things seem brighter and more easily dealt with. I'm pleased to be in the latter group, the content group, in most aspects of life...And I'm not one to place my feeling of self-value on material things...That helps a lot.

Thanks for the ENGAGE. :)

I think only content people would understand. Right now I am feeling pretty content, I had a nice day, got the oil changed finally, had a nice dinner out, and now I just finished a nice big piece of next day, cold homemade simple apple pie. No cheese, no butter tabs, just flour, sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, good old fashioned lard, and some cold water. It is work to make it, but man oh man is it worth it after it is done. Hot apple pie on the baking day, and then the next day cold piece, My stomach is pretty dang content about now. It is a good thing I only make them every now and then.

Now I'm discontent because I'm not mungin' on my own homemade apple-pie! I blame you for my discontent. Lol.

Anyway, gotta go...Meeting with the Director in five minutes to deliver my end of financial year presentation...I may be smiling later...But maybe they'll dick me...And I'll really need some cake to make me feel better then! Lol.