Activity Today I met a friend from West Nusa Tenggara, (Lombok-Mataram) at Sultan Iskandar Muda International Airport, Aceh-Indonesia.✈️🛩️

in OCD3 years ago

sorry the photos I took were not good, because I use an old mobile phone, output in 2018, xiomi s2,📲

Hi all friends how are you today? I hope you are always healthy. And have a nice day.
Recommend me azkalll. I am a member of this community. Today I want to share a little moment when I went to the young Sultan Iskandar Airport. I went to the airport with the intention of meeting up. My friends are from West Nusa Tenggara, Lombok, Mataram.


Today they all arrived in Aceh to take part in the competitions held at UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh. The participants are all over Indonesia. And I was one of the committee members who accompanied them while they were in Aceh, and even came back to Lombok. They were in Aceh for about 4 days.

After the pick up we will drop them all to the hotel. To rest so that his stamina is maintained until he joins the race. This is a portrait of our closeness.


Thank you for reading my post. @azkalll!