Hive Powered GitHub

in OCD3 years ago

Roh Seunghoon

I've talked about how DPoS blockchains like Hive will allow for the monetization of positive feedback in the form of Hive Powered Reviews. However, it may only be viable once Hive has more widespread adoption.

Let's talk about something that Hive can and should accomplish now.

Tokenizing Developer Contribution

GitCoin allows for decentralized development via a 1 to 1 payment made on a bounty. This is great, but it is the old way of doing things. Gitcoin is just a helpful middle-man.

Meanwhile, while the Decentralized Hive Fund allocates Hive to projects in the ecosystem, the amount of funding can be arbitrary & the system doesn't really utilize all of Hive's crypto-economics.

Development contributions are a valuable thing. What if there was essentially a currency based on these contributions? That's something Hive can do.

How It Could Work

All developers on the project — as well as any supporters — give their voting powers to the project. Whenever a developer submits a merge request — requesting that their development contribution be accepted — a post is created on Hive. If their request is accepted and merged into the source code, everyone that has committed their voting power to the project gives that developer's post a 100% upvote. Ideally, the developer is also set as the 100% beneficiary to their reward. The goal would be to get as much capital allocated to bringing about improvements as possible

There are more nuanced ways to set up the reward system (e.g. to account for partial commits, where only a part of the contribution is accepted), but this is the rundown of how a Hive Powered Github could work.

Like Hive Powered Reviews, this can be done in a browser extension.

There are obviously some ways that this reward structure can be exploited, but I think those can largely mitigated with an intelligently designed moderation system.

I think Hive Powered Git will be a reality in the future, allowing for development to really thrive. How soon is up to you ⚡️


I look forward to introducing my first Hive project relatively soon. I really believe in the crypto-economics behind Hive, and I can't wait to start working with it.

@theycallmedan, if you want a project manager to kick off Hive Powered Git, I'd be happy to lead the proof of concept. I'm sure it could be done quickly & cheaply.


Sounds interesting. I say go for it, I'd be happy to help out if it improves Hive.

To clarify, I'd be happy to work on it if you bankrolled the dev haha. Just shooting my shot.

Hive Powered Git is a natural evolution if you at all believe Hive's reward system will one day be big (and if you don't believe Hive's reward system will one day be big, I'd love to hear why). That said, it's nothing I'm interested in going at alone.

I think everyone would be interested in doing something if someone else will bank roll it.

That shot was poorly thought out, honestly. But it would be cheap.
Being conservative, let's say it'd take me 2 months and no money to build an alpha of Hive Powered Git. If I had ~$2k to pay a low market experienced dev, that could probably be shipped in 1-2 weeks. But, again, that's just the proof of concept.

Furthermore, once a proof of concept is built, there is a ridiculous amount of seed money out there right now (it's a trend for VC's to fund smaller VC's), and more money to take you all the way after that.
I'm just not in the position right now to command much, and would have to give up equity by the boat loads just to get pennies from a carpet bagging VC. That doesn't sound fun!

It's a respectable ask, but since I'm not really interested at the moment, idk why I asked 😅

Wow! what an interesting idea, but how the decentralization mechanism is going to be regarding hosting those codes?

Regarding merge request approvals, I think the approval mechanism could be as same as the proposals one. Once a merge request reaches 100%, that merge request is merged.

The code would be on e.g. Github, like I mentioned to Kyle. A pull request creates a Hive post. Maybe the contributor can talk about his pull request in the Hive post. If it's merged, then all supporters of the project give that post a vote.

That's one creepy Freeza you chose yo

Yeah I know. Check out the artist's Homer Simpson

Ye it's fine, wasn't planning on sleeping tonight anyway

The biggest question I have.. Is how is my code going to be stored server side and protected from eyes lacking proper clearance to see it..?

Hivesigner manages to do this, right? The extension could probably even use Hivesigner. I'd expect anything like this to be given the stamp of approval from the Hive development community before it ships.

Hivesigner is merely a permissions broker and as far as I know, and doesn't allow for storing of users data like what would be required for hosting project repositories..

Why compete against GitHub or GitCoin? Hive powered git could be used as a browser extension for both. All it would store is your posting key.

I mean.. Ideally you wouldn't need to store any user keys and just have users sign functions requiring authentication. This business idea makes more sense if it's a sort of HIVE tipping on Github rather than what the naming implies.

There was a project / site called that did some github related stuff with code and whatnot. You might dig through the rubble of that one to see if any useful parts or ideas for yours will work.

Yeah, Hive voting* on GitHub, which is an important distinction.
Pull request generates a post on Hive. Merge has all supporters vote on that post.

Rather than a 1 to 1 transfer of money, pretty much everything I'm interested in entails, essentially, minting money from things that are valuable. That's what I view Hive as a tool for.

Approved your Witness btw. Interested in De-Fi on Hive and learning more about Hive.Loans!

Sorry, I was tired last night and read 'keys' where you said 'code'.
You get how it would work with a browser extension / API, right? I don't think there's any need to reinvent the wheel.

Aye, totally misread what your concept set out to do and thought you were building a github clone that hosted project rather than what the actual service target function seems to be.

Yeah would be cool if users could commit changes to other peoples posts, haha. Like if we saw an error we could propose a fix and patch it for them, in exchange for a cut of the original post rewards. I'm not totally sure how it would all be done, bit that was an idea I had once a long time ago. Sounds similar to what you are describing. Wow keep working on this!!