thank you for the introduction and sharing of so much data about yOURself with us @graceshelbyy ! you are becoming to get well learned (through your own independent re-searching), i am intending, to the many lies which, i believe, we were most all educated (by others) to beLIEve!
this is perfect that you are learning about crypto-currencies! i would recommend that you re-search what are called “privacy-coins, as they are the only cryptos with cryptography, so strong at the protocol-level, to allow them to be classified as truly fungible. (e.g. HUSH “the most anonymous crypto on this great plain and the dizzying globalists whirled; ARRR; DERO, and many others)
it is the truly private crypto-currencies which will Free man and womanKIND from the shackles of the slavery of fiat globalist currencies!
@attilio-cesare thank you very much for this information.