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RE: You Don't Play The Adoption Victim Card on Hive While Being Downvoted! My Thoughts on CryptoFinally Vs XXXXX Drama

in OCD5 years ago

Dear sister @cryptofinally. I have observed a few of your posts and comments and of others re. Bernie downvoting you.

I humbly suggest considering the possibility that all which appears is a potential learning experience, and all that appears is a projection from within, from the one true self. One could imagine that everything one sees, hears, smells etc is more like a reflection in a mirror, and if one finds it upsetting then it is a clear indication that it is reflecting an inner upset, and is appearing in this way to guide one to feel this upset unconditionally, without the story, to feel the bodily sensations without reacting. Reacting (doing anything whilst feeling upset, basically) is like cleaning the mirror in an attempt to clean a mark from the face seen in the mirror.

If one is able to do this consistently, the inner tensions (or emotional blockages) gradually relax, so the upsetting situations are no longer necessary.

This does require humility, as the ego will always react to defend. So a step back from doing, instead just being (we are human beings after all, not human doings) will allow time to feel the cause of the apparent upset.

Hope this helps.

A most excellent guide to practice this and to become more aware of feelings and how they create our reality and to help remember true self, is The Presence Process by Michael Brown. I can share a pdf or request.


#selftalk #notaboutyou


She will not read this because she already left Hive

yeah, perhaps not. Yet she might still check in. Perhaps I'll tweet her

There are high chances she will keep checking on the comments hahaha