Italy will still live - we'll make it!

in OCD5 years ago (edited)


after the storm

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watercolor on paper

Italy will still live.

Do you know Italy?

I want to honor her with my latest watercolor, with other paintings and with the photographs I took in times when we could go out in Italy.


My country is very bad in this period, I think you are reading it or seeing it from the news and videos.
500 people a day are dying.

Italy will survive, because it has immense creativity and solidarity, it has a love of beauty and art, it has hospitality and welcome.



Italy has the highest number of UNESCO sites in the world, they are 51.

It is the first country in the world for PDO, PGI and TSG awards awarded by the EU.

Italian agri-food products are the first on international markets such as pasta, grapes, tomatoes and other vegetables, vinegar, oil, beans and cherries, and many others.


We are the first wine producers in the world and it is appreciated above all in the United States.

We have the Mafia, and corruption, but also culture, it's no small thing!

The oldest university in history was born in Bologna in 1088, and in 1935 we inaugurated the first film festival in Venice.

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All of this may not matter much, but does it matter that we have the coronavirus death record?

We go beyond China and are heading towards a bigger tragedy in our recent history.

Italy will survive.


We only ask you for love and solidarity, and when everything is over come to us, you will find simple things, "piccole cose" as my German friend says, good and genuine, like joy, and the welcome that only we Italians can give.

We are the country of the good sun and the beautiful sea, of the immense spirit of Julius Caesar,




Christopher Columbus,

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Giotto, Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo,


Raffaello, Galilei, Caravaggio,


Bernini, Canova,


Vivaldi, Verdi, Alessandro Volta and thousands of other genes of history.


We think about them and we build strength.

Thank you.




L'Italia vivrà ancora.

Conoscete l'Italia?

Voglio onorarla con il mio ultimo acquarello, con altri dipinti e con le fotografie che ho scattato in tempi in cui in Italia potevamo uscire.

La mia nazione in questo periodo sta molto male, credo che lo state leggendo o vedendo dalle news e dai video.
Stanno morendo 500 persone al giorno.
L'Italia sopravviverà, perchè ha immensa creatività e solidarietà, ha l'amore per la bellezza e per l'arte, ha ospitalità e accoglienza.


L'Italia ha il più alto numero di siti UNESCO al mondo, sono 51.

E' il primo paese al mondo per riconoscimenti DOP, IGP E STG attribuiti dall'UE.

I prodotti agroalimentari italiani sono i primi sui mercati internazionali come ad esempio la pasta, uva, pomodori e altri ortaggi, aceto, olio, fagioli e ciliegie, e moltissimi altri ancora.

Siamo i primi produttori di vino al mondo ed è apprezzato soprattutto negli Stati Uniti.

Abbiamo la Mafia, e la corruzione, ma anche la cultura, non è poco!

La più antica Università della storia è a Bologna nata nel 1088, e nel 1935 abbiamo inaugurato il primo festival del Cinema quello di Venezia.

Tutto questo forse non interessa molto, ma importa che abbiamo il record di morti per Coronavirus?

Superiamo la Cina e stiamo andando verso una tragedia più grande della nostra storia recente.

L'Italia sopravviverà.

Vi chiediamo solo amore e solidarietà, e quando tutto sarà finito venite da noi, troverete cose semplici, piccole cose come dice un mio amico tedesco, buone e genuine, come l'allegria, e l'accoglienza che solo noi italiani sappiamo regalare.

Siamo il Paese del sole buono e del mare bellissimo, dello spirito immenso di Dante, Cristoforo Colombo, Giotto, Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raffaello,Galilei, Caravaggio, Bernini, Canova, Vivaldi, Verdi, Alessandro Volta e di migliaia di altri geni della storia.

Pensiamo a loro e ci facciamo forza.



my Facebook page:

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my web site

my channel

Art teacher
Curator of cultural activities
Artistic director and President of the Cultural Association "I Colori della Vita"

and "Fuori Controllo" Festival

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What a lovely post! Yes, Italy has lived through and survived much worse than this. The soul of the Italian people will carry her through.

Shared your post to @c-squared for extra support and hive-love.

Shared on twitter for you. POSH:

thank you very much appreciate your comment we will exit the tunnel even if it is still very long.

oh how beautiful what you shared.
u know ive been dreaming so many years now to visit Italy.
i felt so sad when i heard the news of covid-19 and then discouraged when it hit Italy.
my wedding plans have been put on hold and italy was one of the places i wanted to go to for our honeymoon.
to visit the vineyards, the countryside. oh how i yearn to travel to that part of the world. maybe one day live there too. why not? in the countryside.
so beautiful and colorful.
my country the Philippines is also beautiful and lots of fresh air in the countryside. i truly love places where nature is really awesome.
i do hope your country will heal very soon and that sickness will leave all of us.

thank you very much dear i am sorry that you have postponed your wedding, but everyone's health is a priority right now. The situation has worsened in many European countries because they have underestimated the risk of contagion, today they have armored a city 12 kilometers from mine, take care of yourself.

thank you so much for your response. you all take care too.
we are thankful for the HIVE and the whole community that supports it.
at least we are able to speak to each other and encourage one another.
i love your post really.
i like looking at paintings. i loved my arts class when we were in college.
now i am a chairperson for the arts and culture club in our church.
i still have to improve myself and my knowledge of course.
keep in touch!

That's the spirit! BRAVO! A wonderful message of hope, illustrated with beautiful art.

Nice to see you on hive, too.

Thanks Folker I arrived on the hive and I am at a safe distance, without masks.

We are the country of the good sun and the beautiful sea...

Yes, all true, but... You forgot COFFEE! And GELATO!

Be well Armando. Un bacio d'aria da una distanza di sicurezza ;-)

Yes I really love coffee and ice cream, they are part of my life and I forgot about it.
I remember the pizza now. Ciao Bellissimi!

Mi hai fatto commuovere...

purtroppo siamo tutti coinvolti e non credo ne usciremo presto. Grazie e forza!

Italy survived the Bubonic plague. It will surely survive coronavirus.

great spirit, indeed it will! :))

Italy is a cherished Country. How Italy top the list of infected country still amaze me till now. Well, i stand with you. And i hope that your government is alive to its responsibility. The good sites being visited by forigners will still be visited after the outbreak subside.

thanks we will see when everything ends.

Ay, we are going to survive this as well. A much needed heartwarming message after all the garbage thrown to us, thank you Armando

grazie a te per aver letto, un abbraccio con i gomiti e buon lavoro. Forza!!!

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