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RE: A glance at my Keto lifestyle | How I lost 6 Kilos in a few months

in OCD5 years ago

That looks incredibly yummy, although I'm not completely sold on the plant based burger, I guess I'd have to try it.

Oh damn, you gained it all back even though your diet is plant based? That's curious, I wonder what happened.

I agree, it's either vegan, keto or paleo, depending on your body and metabolism.


The burger I used is quite good, but I just made burgers with Beyond Meat Pads and holy shit thats another level of goodness!

I mean, eating 3000 calories on a plant-based diet, is still 3000 calories :p I am not active enough tl be eating that many calories thats why I gained weight, I am eating around 2.100 calories now as my maintenance. That why :p

Not sure about Paleo, but thats because of my lack of knownledge of it :D