How can I grow up on

in OCD4 years ago
Authored by @by-alfianweku
  • Inggris
    This is a question for major communications on As a newcomer to the Hive platform, I want to work and also earn money for my daily needs. I also haven't previously introduced my:

Name: Name: Alfiannur
City: Aceh Utara
Country: Indonesian
Age: 30 Years
Stus: Married
Occupation: Entrepreneur

I want hive friends to come to share knowledge and I will be your friends wherever you are and become brothers. Let friends hive data and befriend me.


  • Idonesia
    Ini pertanyaan bagi komunikasi besar di saya sebagai pendatang baru di flatform hive ingin berkarya dan juga mencari uang untuk kebutuhan saya sehari-hari. Saya juga sebelumnya belum perkenalkan nama saya:

Nama: Alfiannur
Kota : Aceh Utara
Negara : indonesia
Umur : 30 Tahun
Stus : Kawin
Pekerjaan : Wiraswasta

Saya ingin sahabat hive datang untuk berbagi ilmu dan saya akan menjadi sahabat kalian dimanapun berada dan menjadi saudara. Mari sahabat hive data dan bersahabat dengan saya.


Hi. I highly recommend you to read the community posts, interact with the community, Hive is quite an interesting social network, so learning about Hive is one of the fundamental bases for you to grow here.

Lately there have been many introduceyourself (posts from new people on the platform) and I recommend you to read them and learn about them, and also to interact in the community (this is what I consider fundamental to make yourself known here).