The Feast of Feathering Down the Land of Children is Still Cultivated

in OCD5 years ago

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Many Aceh people currently still maintain a number of customs in various events. Including the procession "peutron tanoh" (underground) for a baby who has aged over 44 days. Usually the procession comes down to the ground accompanied by the chant of the marbahan, peucicap and split coconut for the baby.

Down the child's land is usually done who have aged 44 days and over. The child is brought to the home yard with a cloth umbrella by the family and religious scholars. The child's feet are trampled to the ground by the activity organizer. While over the head of the child is divided by a long palm cloth which is held by several people.

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In this procession, a number of prayers and prayers are also recited. So it's not just just setting foot on a baby and breaking a coconut.

There are many parables in this procession, namely so that the baby can withstand various temptations. Good sound, weather and water splashes. This activity was witnessed by both the child's parents and close relatives. After that, the child is put back into his house to be cleaned with greetings and prayers of blessing for the happiness of the child.

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In addition, in a series of activities for peutron aneuk, peukijuk and also the sound of marhaban for the child are also performed. Even babies are also often done ‘peucicap; (toasted food extract) by religious leaders in the area. Although peucicap is usually done on babies aged 7 days.

To the baby was tasted a number of fruits, honey bees, egg yolks and others which are often mixed with softened zam-zam water. This is intended as a start for the baby to feel good food. in this procession also did not forget to read a number of prayers to the baby.

While the chanting of Marhaban is done by putting the child to sleep in a swing. Some people stand by the swing while reciting prayers and chanting marhaban to the baby. The welcome chant or marhaban also contains words of advice or advice for the child in the swing, besides the accompaniment of prayer and blessings of the prophet.
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The traditional procession that is still carried from generation to generation is still mostly done by the people of Aceh. Even accompanied by the feast of orphans and prayers to the spirits of parents. Especially during festivity, a number of relatives get together and the community. There can also be re-established friendly relations.

Usually the procession goes down also followed by a feast of orphans and invitation of relatives and relatives.[]
