#Twitter-Posh upgrade discussion, community input appreciated

in OCD3 years ago (edited)

Hey everyone, as many of you know, in our Discord Channel we've allowed people to "promote" their posts but doing it through Twitter links rather than Hive links. Then we have a team of dedicated curators go through all of them daily and pick some good ones according to a set of rules and limits, main ones being not to nominate the same people too often, of course also check for quality, effort, etc, but importantly also check for how well it was tweeted. Point being that it's not just a blanket tweet where the author only cares about possibly receiving some upvotes but also attempts to tag the post well, not just the required #hive tag for the @poshtoken comment but also other relevant tags for the post in question in an attempt to of course maybe get some more traffic to Hive from people browsing through tags or finding out about the post through a retweet from someone they're following, etc.

andWe've often thought about this process and how we could improve it, having a place to link your posts is something we've wanted to move away and many of us consider it something to be so "2016" if you've been around the chain at the time you may understand. At the same time, it's also rather selfish and moves away from the "give and receive" culture that upvotes on Hive bring, or at least are supposed to. (:P) Another thing we've seen very little usage of is the way we've set up the comments of @poshtoken to work. In a nutshell, they scan Twitter and announce when a post was shared with a comment under the shared post, most of the time this is done by the author of the post so the function of the comment to receive upvotes, check hiveposh.com if the upvoter is not the same as the author, then after liquidating the comment rewards using @reward.app and checking who shared it on hiveposh where the Twitter and Hive accounts are linked it would send 100% of the rewards to whoever shared it. Sadly most people don't share other people's posts to make the most out of it, in an ideal world we'd see a lot more POSH'ing from other people, the author then being thankful for someone sharing their post, giving the comment an upvote and the sharer receiving some Hive rewards from the author some POSH rewards from @poshtoken depending on how well the tweet does.

It's quite a complicated process on the back-end as you can see, while we're trying to keep it as simple for the end-users as possible there are a lot of things to keep in mind of how it works when we want to change things around for a different initiative. And that is just for the comment function alone.

What we're thinking of doing instead may also be a little tricky at first but we're wondering how it might evolve and also the communities thoughts on it, that's why I'm writing this post to see what the general consensus would be on it.

Instead of the Discord channel, we'd remove it completely so people can't just share their Twitter links in there for possible curation. We would instead:

  • encourage users to POSH other people's posts
  • share the @poshtoken comment link of their POSH
  • receive a comment vote for the share + curate the post that was shared

As an example, let's say I want to share @hiddenblade's latest awesome post about her dog giving blood to save another dog's life on Twitter. I take the peakd link, write a description, add the #hive tag, maybe include #dog, #pets, #donatingblood, etc. Then @poshtoken would see my tweet and write a comment under @hiddenblade's post with my tweet embedded. I would then take the link of that comment, paste it under the POSH Curation compilation posts of @ocd and wait for curators to go through it to maybe vote the comment up cause I tweeted it properly and also curate the post that I shared.

and curate the post even if it wasn't their own.This would encourage more people to be friendlier and take care of eachother's "proof of sharing", maybe build some connections through it and get their posts shared in exchange another time, etc. Main point being that we'd encourage the sharing of other people's posts and reward that through both the @poshtoken comments, POSH earnings

Starting out it will of course not be as popular as the current way it works, but I think the psychology behind sharing other people's content, whether they're already friends or not and then applying for curation of both the comment and the post would be better than the way things currently work where they just tweet their post out real quick and apply for curation of their own post. It has a lot of accounts that mainly do that and nothing else, nor do they care if their tweet does well, if they are following other Hive users on Twitter to attempt to grow the reach of every POSH tweet, etc.

Maybe this would enforce the community spirit a bit more and we'd see more activity overall both on Hive and Hive Twitter.

Let me know what you think! Been a while since I've posted, hope you're all doing well!


Plain and simple: The work only spreads when content consumers pick it up and share it.

If one shares their own links on twitter but doesn't have a massive following on twitter, the content barely moves (especially if the market/following is nearly identical on both Twitter and Hive).

Hive content should be reaching people who are not members of Hive. Twitter can be an effective distribution tool but if the content is only reaching Hive members, it's just going in circles.

Another issue people here face is having their work spread across several platforms/front ends. Each service offers a unique link. For example a member uses Peakd and therefore Hive.blog and Eccency as well. Three links. LEO. Four links. Then wants to milk so they cross post to Blurt and Steemit. Six links; but each instance of content is identical. Now let's add the fact in this scenario it was video content. Add three more links. 3speak, Youtube, Odysee. Nine links!

It's hard enough to get one instance or ONE LINK to go viral. Now the market is fractured into nine smaller pieces. So if someone shares the PeakD link on twitter, that can only go so far, then stagnates naturally. This happens with each unique link. Making it damn near impossible to go viral due to the fractured nature of the market. That helps contribute to lowering the views for each link, since the consumer will not share all nine links, only one, and that one share can only spread so far before stagnating.

Most effective approach is having all consumers/entire market sharing/spreading one link.

Those are some good points and why we've been reluctant to add more front-ends for some time, though that may change in the future. Another thing is that only one link can be shared by the same author and earn POSH rewards for it, we haven't had instances where people have shared the same link from different front-ends but eventually that rule can be added as well (that it will only work with the first front-end you shared and since all links have the same data it should be an easy restriction).

The main issue is the price of POSH, I can myself only buy so much until I feel I've put in too much Hive and am owning way too many tokens, not sure what I'm going to do with all of them yet aside from some giveaways here and there. We've recently started buying up tokens with the post rewards it generates to then start giving people staking rewards with them depending on their POSH holdings and POSH PET NFT holdings. I just wish more people saw the benefit this could have to the whole ecosystem if the price was higher and more people were registered and using it. Not only could it enable "influencers" to share other people's work and earn some coins for it but it could also allow for sharing of older content which can't earn hive curation anymore but can earn POSH and tips if enough traffic gets to it.

We've also wanted to add facebook as that could be another great way to receive traffic but times are weird and devs are slim and facing irl issues and other things getting in the way making it a slow process. Maybe going the DHF route is the best way forward, inviting one or two more developers and giving this a proper try to see if it has legs to grow into something even bigger, or at least make use of the proper fair distribution it has had which unfortunately I can't say the same for 99% of other Hive tokens.

There's definitely potential in rewarding shares but doing that sustainably; it's hard for me to see how one could pull that off. In my mind that token needs to serve other purposes as well. With HIVE and the other community tokens, the consumer gets consumer/curator rewards. So there's author, curation rewards; add a share pool to that. Then the value of the token can be driven by consumer demand. Of course I've been talking about that consumer driven demand for what feels like years now. Not enough consumers around; not enough attention placed on attracting consumers or marketing the platform/concepts to consumers. Creating all this content for such a small audience that hardly sees the value in simply sharing good work to the outside; I dunno man...

Hmm, I haven't given the token a staking feature cause in and of itself it seemed pointless, i.e. "lock up your tokens for x time to get inflation", especially when the market needed liquidity and close to no one could buy in a considerable amount without moving the price up 10x (I've literally moved it 10x on several occasions with less than 100 Hive buy power at a time). There could be something there for a curation system but I'm not sure the point of it, say a front-end where POSH holders can curate content, but again this feels like splitting up the community and front-end links even more and I'm not a big fan of those.

Giving the token more usecases is our main priority, right now there is literally no buy demand because why would people buy/speculate on a token that's main purpose is to just get more people to share and possibly bring more traffic to our front-ends. No I'm not trying to be sarcastic here but you know how people are, if they're not directly instantly seeing a netgain for themselves they don't think longterm/greater good.

My plans after the POSH PETS NFT is out and a custom staking method exists is to give the token usecases in the form of sinks and possible buy backs that would not be used to give POSH/NFT holders "staking" rewards but also burn from supply. There are a few ways we can do that, I don't want to say too much what else I have planned, not just cause it's most likely going to take a long time but also due to uncertainty and don't want people to yolo/fomo into it expecting results. Even though I have a lot of tokens of it myself I don't consider myself vested enough to spend all of my energy/focus on it as I see it as a community token that had a fair airdrop distribution to those who have been sharing and were registered all along and has been funded mainly through post rewards thus far.

I like that it offers the possibilities of doing more with it at any time in the future though, no one's going to be able to complain that there was a ninjamine or unfair allocation of supply from the creator(s) cause there isn't, anyone who's vested in it has either earned the tokens or bought in when the market existed. Same can't be said for most of the other tokens out there. That along is not enough to make it exceptional of course and I'd like focusing on it as a hobby as I have been and at some point when the time feels right and there's enough of a base foundation working and has several usecases I might make a move for a DHF proposal to build more and more things on top of it. There's definitely lots of possibilities and many things still missing on Hive that could easily start to exist but the end goal would still be so the main idea behind it is enforced with a stronger buy pressure and other utilities than just issuing out tokens forever to sharers.

It would take a few times in practice for me to understand it but sharing other users content sure would be good for networking.

I do like how I can take a shift liking others twitter posts to their own posts and link back to the post on the blockchain so I can manually curate. Would just make it so I could hit their blog and discover some content they like to follow.

I will certainly give it a try.

Hello, friend @acydio

I think it's a good idea that you want us to do more promotion on Twitter, but I get the impression that this new system is very cumbersome.

We are on Discord because it simplifies the search for publications to vote for. If we have to get them directly on Hive, and that they meet all the requirements, we will have to use a lot of time.

I am an artist and it takes me at least 12 hours to create a post. Besides, I have another job that feeds me.

I also think that tweeting other articles from people who are not in OCD and are not interested in being in OCD, would subtract votes for those of us who are in OCD and do care about it.

For example, if after following the instructions correctly, I tweet 3 posts, and in addition, no one tweets mine, I would have no chance of being included in the curation.

On the other hand, the rush to look for interesting, recently published posts would lead us to choose, out of haste, any blog that may not be of quality.

We are all on Hive because we want Hive to grow, but also to be rewarded for our posts. Doing all that work for nothing would be frustrating.

I have long felt that the quality of posts on Hive has declined.

It seems to me that it would be more interesting if you would come up with a strategy to reward the best content according to clear standards and that would be people who are in OCD. This way, we would all be interested in improving our content: writings, images, structure, photos, videos, etc., and that, at the same time, would include the multiple publications of other people's posts on Twitter or other social networks.

That would be much, much better for Hive and for everyone.

I think you fail to understand that POSH Curation is only a small part of our curation initiatives. We still curate and look for new posts of newcomers, posts in niche communities that aren't in our incubation, posts in all niche communities that are, some random upvotes here and there provided by me and even on posts that are in no communities, etc.

If people don't tweet back some of your posts that are underrewarded and of quality then I suggest move on from them, but it shouldn't have to be a quid pro quo action always, you can also just feel good about doing some curation through us and helping get some posts of authors proper rewards through this initiative and maybe karma will eventually come your way. Not to mention that we do reward the comment of your @poshtoken tweet with some rewards as well as the "finder" and tweeter of the post that got curated. It could even be that we will only reward the tweet comment of yours if the post you shared was already overrewarded by the time we got to it, etc. So it's not really a complete "waste of time" in a monetary sense neither.

I also think that tweeting other articles from people who are not in OCD and are not interested in being in OCD, would subtract votes for those of us who are in OCD and do care about it.

This part I don't really understand what you mean.

Maybe, this new way of doing things is a great idea and I don't see it.

I think it's a good idea that you want us to do more promotion on Twitter, but I get the impression that this new system is very cumbersome.

We are on Discord because it simplifies the search for publications to vote for. If we have to get them directly on Hive, and that they meet all the requirements, we will have to use a lot of time.

I am an artist and it takes me at least 12 hours to create a post. Besides, I have another job that feeds me.

I don't have a lot of time to do curation, although I do curate on my own, as I am primarily a quality content generator.

We'll see what happens over time.

I hope you understand me

Sharing others posts is wonderful, but gotta watch out for circle jerkers. Maybe train curators to check and see if its legit about the content and not just the promotion.

The curators definitely already check. They are a rigorous bunch.

It good to know. I'm terrible at curation and just vot for whoever seems interesting.

Me too. And, I admit that I do autovote a number of select accounts. Carefully selected.

I used to auto vote, but not anymore. I don't really have enough Hive to bother. I make like 0.5 Hive per week in curation rewards. And after that last fork, I don't think the timing is nearly as important.

The only issue, and there's been few instances of this, are those cheating their way to twitter likes and retweets with bots/paid services. They are easy to detect though and can easily be banned from receiving posh tokens. There will definitely be nomination traders with this approach but it's slightly better than the constant self-nominating we've seen so far and might encourage people to go out there and nominate new people they aren't already friends with who will notice their post got not only shared on Twitter but also for ocd curation and may appreciate it enough to give the poshtoken comment an extra vote and thank the sharer, etc. That would be the best outcome of this and worth the experiment imo.

Wow, paying Twitter bots to get more community rewards is horrible. I'll admit I'm not too active or engaging on Twitter, but some people are. I just post my blog because it's another index and good for SEO.

Nomination trading is the phrase I was looking for. I'm guessing you will know how to tackle it if this becomes a problem.

Since becoming active again, I've noticed engagement is still surrounding a few focal points. Most of the focal points definitely deserve it, and you can't stop people from chasing money with reasonable effort and honesty. But, I really hope to see a lot of activity and success all over the place.

I think this is the good way to go, as it will strengthen community relations and favour engagement. Moreover, this will have the advantage of increasing Hive-related activity on Twitter, that is quite good to potentially on-board new users.

Great idea with letting more users tweet on the same article even if this was not written by then. It's a win-win, for all of us. The community, blockchain, author of the post, and those who are supporting his work!

Surely this new procedure would create new connections between users. It would create new bonds in the community, it would make it more united and stronger. Support and sharing are great powers.

Maybe I got lost in translation:

I would then take the link of that comment, paste it under the POSH Curation compilation posts of @ocd and wait for curators to go through it to maybe vote the comment up cause I tweeted it properly and also curate the post that I shared.

Will this be done by the POSH bot or does it have to be done by each user?

Another question I have is when a post is shared by several users, how is the reward distributed?

In general, I like the idea very much

The user would take the poshtoken comment of their share, like example this (even tho I wasn't the one who shared it)


post that as a comment under the POSH curation posts, the curators would then in the next one compile the best tweets mixed with some great posts they curated.

As for the distribution, as far as I know the bot can handle sharing the rewards if there are more than 1 sharer, though I can make sure that's the case with the dev first.

Perfect thanks

Sounds like a good idea to me! I regularly share my posts on Twitter but not those of other authors, even though I read and comment on them. It seems a good way to give more visibility to other users and to our network. I will implement it ❣️.

I think it's a good modality to generate those necessary connections, in fact sometimes I do it but it's based on a contest haha. I think it is more important to do it to generate empathy and a good relationship with the author.

I will put it into practice 💪.

De qué concurso hablas? jajajaja

Jajajaja, do you speak English 🤔

Jaja 😅

I am spending less and less time on Twitter because I am busy. Also my Twitter account predates Hive and I use it for more than sharing Hive stuff and participating in @hivechat which I haven't been able to do lately, either. It's a fine line one needs to walk: between spamming folk who might just not be persuadable and the one who just might cross to the other side. As it were 😄

Also,@nonamelefttouse makes a great point. The different interfaces is one of the mixed blessings of the DAO.

The idea isn't bad and I think it can be pushed deeper, motivate the author to interact in the process by replacing the part where it's you who take the link of the comment to put it in the POSH Curation compilation posts by:

The author answers the @poshtoken comment in the form of "Thanks @acidyo for your tweet...."

Ok, it will take a little more time to put in place because it needs dev to retrieve the answer to @poshtoken comments but it's not really hard and it can create more interaction on the post itself.

I also think you should keep the old system for authors who include photos or a short video in their tweets (which reaches more people) because only they can do that.

Sounds like a solid idea to me. I've never really been a fan of the link dropping meta. (although I do partake because of fomo)

Communities I run: Gridcoin (GRC)(PeakD) / Gridcoin (GRC) (hive.blog)| Fish Keepers (PeakD) / Fish Keepers (hive.blog)
Check out my gaming stream on VIMM.TV | Vote for me as a Hive witness! and Hive-engine witness!

It's a great idea and I really like it. Before I found the situation a bit simple and that it helped very little to spread, I think it is better to share the content of other Hive users and thus create a synergy of teamwork, like a true hive. I like this new change and I feel that it has a great spirit. I will gladly support it.

the link to discord opens this 😀

Thank you! Fixed

Maybe this would enforce the community spirit a bit more and we'd see more activity overall both on Hive and Hive Twitter.

I certainly believe it, especially if it turns into a habit. (I want to say I am in full support but I got no friends in twitter 😭)

Best I could do for now is share this post. (and probably teach a few how to use twitter and posh 🤣)

Did you share it correctly? Since @poshtoken didn't reply (we've been tackling some issues lately with the bot).


Sorry, the problem is on my end... my account got suspended. Unsure what I did wrong 😭.

I love and support this wonderful idea as this would enforce and encourage the community spirit as you put it.
I'm sure most of us will be glad to be part of this amazing action.

Well I hope that won't be more difficult to curate posts. I'm ok with this, I hope it works. @acidyo

I have to get used to. Just give me time.

Well, I liked the idea. Better than before.

But the thing is, while someone else is sharing the post, he might not particularly care about creating the most relevant/ tweet. Which can hamper the chances of curators picking it. If they'll still use that criteria.

I have stopped sharing at posh anyway.

I feel OCD's curation is indifferent to people who don't have a significant footprint outside of Hive. And who can't possibly drive any external traffic. Like punishing them for not being anywhere and starting directly at web 3.0.

Sometimes I think starting a copy paste Rising star contest would fetch me more of everything than original writeups.

I have started feeling like OCD would never pick me as just creating quality content is not the game. 😄 Even a D.buzz might trend if it could onboard a 100 users at once or get 50 comments.

But you guys are like ghosts. Curating everywhere. Haha. It is difficult not to care for OCD's support, lol. But I try.

Have some !WINE !LUV !BBH !PIZZA

This is only one of our many initiatives, most of the other ones don't care much about how your twitter activity is or other socials, what we care about is your on chain activity, those who are trying have way better chances than those who just post and expect to magically get rewards even if they are as unknown as most others.

Don't really know what else to tell you, you've received a vote from us this past month and that post ended up doing really well. Other than that we prioritize on people posting in the correct communities and have some restrictions on certain niches not to curate, they are mentioned in our community side rules.

Yea, the specific post you mentioned got included in top 3 of the travel digest so probably was vouched for support by the dedicated curators. I admire Haveyoubeenhere ❣ as it almost always recognizes my efforts put into creating a worthy post.

I post in relevant communities with relevant tags and do engage. But yea it takes significantly more time to create content that aren't cat posts. Leaves less time at hands for engagement. But I guess it will be read and re read. Improves seo, organic search and DA. It can and does drive engagement even beyond the payout window, at times.

Anyway, I understand, thanks for the clarity and acknowledging my comment.

I know that time and consistency has the power to make even most silent of the presence felt. And I am not the most silent, live example, lol 😜

Just wanted to point out that since OCD's curation overlaps a major part of Hive. Too prominent in a variety of niches. Some diversity and flexibility in curation policies might be a change for the better.

Being curated besides giving the rewards, helps with the exposure and attracting a followership to authors like me, trying to establish in multiple niches, also falling under the OCD's scope of curation.

Please also consider supporting the worthy content dying tragic death for lack of exposure. 🙏

Thank You, Have a good day.

0.100 WINEXCongratulations, @shubhwaj You Successfully Shared With @acidyo.
You Earned 0.100 WINEX As Curation Reward.
You Utilized 1/1 Successful Calls.


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I think this is a great change going forward. I believe it will make the community closer together than ever before. Someone sharing a different Hive post on Twitter only means that the post deserves more attention.

It is a good idea and definitely a positive way forward to promote others

I think it's stupid 🤪🤷‍♂️
I share Hive links to twitter, which in 95%aren't mine.
Following your new rules, I pasted the link to posh token comment and it looks like this


I will give it a try, but I think it's a waste of time and requires too many things to be done

I share Hive links to twitter, which in 95%aren't mine.

You are the 1%.

very good idea, that way you avoid the lazy lol,

Sounds very collective. If it's really going to happen, please give me instructions that lay people like me can understand 🙏

Is it like this, @acidyo?

I shared the link of this post to twitter, then copied the link here?

~~~ embed:1493448668145274880?t=2jnx07xBJ2dUssPLEc3cXw&s=19 twitter metadata:bW9zaW5fX25hZ2FudHx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9tb3Npbl9fbmFnYW50L3N0YXR1cy8xNDkzNDQ4NjY4MTQ1Mjc0ODgwfA== ~~~

So, the way that I understand it is that I just continue with what I am doing?
Upvote, reply, twitter and tag?


PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
(4/5) @shubhwaj tipped @acidyo (x1)

Learn more at https://hive.pizza.

I see a great way to build the NETWORK Power on Hive and would strengthen relationships the more. really cool explanation and that would help Hive users not to be selfish with requesting OCD curation on their post.

Because this is such an awesome post, here is a BBH Tip for you. . Keep up the fantastic work

I don't think I have ever received a posh token. I got a lozl token last time, can't remember how I got it, maybe from a comment I made. I also got some fart tokens, bought these last month and I think since it's dropped in value. I'm going to see how I can find out how to acquire some posh tokens !

Maybe this would enforce the community spirit a bit more and we'd see more activity overall both on Hive and Hive Twitter.
Let me know what you think!

Well, here few words for community consensus... };)


The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.

I Like this idea. It would also weed out those who are not really utilizing the system for what it was really designed to accomplish. Too much take take take and no give give give.. Now that @hiddenblade post was something else (speaking of giving) 😁

I am definitely on board with the idea!


Awesome way of doing it! Hopefully it works out!


ok... I actually didn't remember about the post discord stuff. But I am happy with these.

Hello, @ocd friends

We will see how it works. It's a very good idea, but it feels very complicated.

Have a Hug

I will keep this post in my blog, to see if I can follow those instructions ;)

Now to wait for the next POSH Curation compilation post. First I shared a @stdd post with the #Hive hashtag. Minutes later I received notification of the @poshtoken comment showing my tweet embedded? Then I added a comment below the last @ocd POSH Curation compilation post.

Maybe this would enforce the community spirit a bit more and we'd see more activity overall both on Hive and Hive Twitter.

I like that, and will try to share more posts :) Do they have to be under a day old?

As an example, let's say I want to share @hiddenblade's latest awesome post about her dog giving blood to save another dog's life on Twitter. I take the peakd link, write a description, add the #hive tag, maybe include #dog, #pets, #donatingblood, etc. Then @poshtoken would see my tweet and write a comment under @hiddenblade's post with my tweet embedded. I would then take the link of that comment, paste it under the POSH Curation compilation posts of @ocd and wait for curators to go through it to maybe vote the comment up cause I tweeted it properly and also curate the post that I shared.

Now that's what could actually change the way users have been doing till now. And probably that's the right thing to do.

I hope that this way we may get more exposure at Twitter and bring some traffic to Hive.