Been quite a few weeks since I've started adding some upvotes to Proof of Shares and it seems the community is enjoying the added incentives to share their and other authors content on Twitter in an effort to give them more visibility and possibly onboard new accounts to our ecosystem. At some point we're going to have to automate that part because as you can imagine voting the hundreds of shares daily by hand does take quite a lot of my time and sanity. We already have some ideas in mind of how this could be automated while minimizing abuse, something like posh tokens earned by the account in the equation should make sure to reward people properly. We're not going to make the equation completely transparent because we don't want people to figure out the best ways to abuse it.
Talking about abuse, now that there's Hive rewards included in POSH we've noticed quite a few people upping the amount of daily shares. This is of course great and something we want to see but let me talk about certain scenarios we don't want to see and where we're not going to have a problem blocking certain accounts from earning POSH or Hive from the shares.
There was an account a few weeks ago that not only had a new Hive account (surprisingly had powered up some Hive) but also a brand new Twitter account. What he would do was quite literally spam share hive links onto tweets without rhyme or reason. Not only was he not earning any POSH due to our limitations, but he also stopped earning any Hive when this spam was noticed and the comments weren't rewarded. Even on posts where someone else had already shared it and his share was edited into the same comment he wouldn't earn any Hive from because "surprisingly" his tweets never performed well because he had no followers and was being quite spammy so the hive rewards went to the other sharer mostly. We were about to block this account from the POSH program when we noticed that Twitter had taken care of the issue from their side, his Twitter account was suspended which is nice to see that they are doing something and at the same time it makes our jobs easier and POSH more valid.
Similarly even those who do have an active twitter and are just now joining POSH you have to be aware that not only will your followers dislike seeing you spam 50+ hive link tweets per day, but it also doesn't make Hive look good from outsiders. Curb your enthusiasm about POSH, please.
There's other ways people seem to abuse POSH so I'd like to make it clear that we do not take kindly to those attempting to manipulate the way they earn POSH by cheating their way to more likes and retweets by either buying followers/likes or asking/forcing your friends to like them consistently. There's some out there even creating alt twitter accounts just to earn a couple hivetoshi's from their POSH earnings. Cut that out, please, you're only going to get yourself banned from the program.
We strive for genuine engagement and twitter performances to reward with POSH. Similar to how things run on Hive we want to see deserving members being rewarded fairly for their contributions sharing Hive content on #web2. If you're trying to cut corners to unfairly earn more POSH than the other members you're not only cheating them out of less POSH but at the same time cheating those who've bought tokens and the project out of value as well since it's been running a buyback program for quite a while now mostly funded by the reward-pool which means you're attempting to cheat the reward-pool as well, yes they're all connected in the spirit of empowering our ecosystem.
With that out of the way, here are some tips on what you can do to actually grow a genuine following and receive genuinely good performances on your proof of shares:
For those who are new to Twitter and Hive; try to grow them both simultaneously.
Similarly how we'd recommend you to grow your Hive connections, by engaging with authors you're interested in their content or subscribing and being active in community niche's that interest you, do the same over on Twitter. Follow Hive authors that you follow here as well, let them know about it on Hive, there's nothing wrong with "follow4follow" over on Twitter if you're already following them here. We want people to create connections with each other on #web2 because it makes us all stronger as a collective and gives our Twitter presence a bigger reach. If you stick to a few certain niche's you're interested and knowledgable in you're more likely to do well on both Hive and Twitter rather than spamming random posts.
After using the #hive tag, add in some other tags that are relevant to the post you're sharing. Check what tags are trending on Twitter that day and share a Hive post by someone discussing that particular event on Hive or tag relevant people on Twitter you think may be interested in reading said content. Similarly there, though, don't spam tag people or tags that have nothing to do with the post. If you're using peakd links you're also able to see if you're getting that post a lot more views that would reflect on your Twitter performance.
You can use a myriad of Hive and tribe front-ends that are eligible for POSH, as long as the @poshtoken bot replies under the post you shared with your embedded tweet you'll know that front-end is eligible. If there's any front-ends that aren't, feel free to ping us about it and we'll see what we can do to include that as well!
Talking about peakd, another great way to use peakd links that not many may be aware of which not only will validate if your tweets are doing well but it may also give you some onboarding stats and possible beneficiary rewards if your tweets are bringing in users directly from outside of our ecosystem. Here's how you can generate these links before pasting them in your tweet:

This action will generate a link that looks like this:
Which means that if outsiders click your Twitter link and read the post on peakd, become curious enough to attempt to register, they'll be sent to where they'll receive a free Hive account after verifying with SMS. Once they've completed those steps, you'll receive a notification memo to your wallet letting you know a new user signed up under your link and when these users post you'll receive some beneficiary rewards from them (until they decide to remove them). The rewards are of course not that important but with just a couple extra clicks you can make sure that your tweets are bringing in users from #web2 to Hive directly and you can easily find out when they join to help them out with some guidance and possible delegations to use our blockchain.
At some point in the future we'll try to add some extra incentives for direct onboarded users, especially if they also sign up for POSH and link their Twitter to verify to us that they're genuine users who joined Hive thanks to your Tweets. As you can see these are the kind of activities and genuine interactions we want to reward with POSH which bring more traffic to our #web3 ecosystem and strengthen it.
There's a lot of new things coming up for POSH, as usual these things take time but I hope you're all as excited as I am to see everything be released and how they'll aid our platform in the long run.
Happy POSH'ing!
~~~ embed:1564922861089099776 twitter metadata:YmFsdmluZGVyMDB8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vYmFsdmluZGVyMDAvc3RhdHVzLzE1NjQ5MjI4NjEwODkwOTk3NzZ8 ~~~
~~~ embed:1565298247991791616 twitter metadata:ZnJhbmtsaW5id2hpdGV8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vZnJhbmtsaW5id2hpdGUvc3RhdHVzLzE1NjUyOTgyNDc5OTE3OTE2MTZ8 ~~~
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @anzirpasai, @balvinder294, @cravis, @cryptocanny ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at
I have a Twitter account I made long before Hive and the “blockchain that shall not be named”, but never really did anything with it. The POSH project is a good reason for me to get my butt over to Twitter and start growing that account. Thanks for all the hard work of growing the eco system here!
This is really a great project! I use it on a daily basis to grow both, my Hive as well as my Twitter presence. Keep on your good work and the integrative approach - this is the way to win!
Definitely! Once I learned of this Posh Thing I am sharing constantly links from Hive articles that may also be of interest for my Twitter followers.
Been noticing your username consistently in the poshtoken comments, keep up the great job!
I didn't know about sharing a link on Twitter that can help get an interested person sign up on Hive for free.
I just tried to find the "Referral link" you displayed on your post but I can't seem to find it... Is it a feature limited to a few account?
Because I can only see copy link but not "Referral link" what do I do please?
By the way, thanks for taking time out to share this post... I'm more enlightened to be careful of how I share links on Twitter.
Hmm I wasn't aware of any limitations, maybe @asgarth or @jarvie can chime in as it's a @peakd feature.
Okay, because I am using peakD frontend... But that feature isn't available on mine 😒
The option should be available for everyone. Of course you have to be logged in.
Maybe you can share a screenshot?
These are the options I see on mine
Oh, that's because on mobile the native share screen of your smartphone is used. You will see the option on desktop.
If you want you can still do it manually, just copy the link and append
at the end.Oh I see now... Thanks, will have to do it manually from now.
Ah that explains it!
I'm finding it hard to tweet my post on Twitter because I feel I might be getting it wrong so I just decided to back out but now that I've seen that there is a benefit of people joining hive through my links, I think I will want that.
I'm having a problem with my Twitter account, I have forgotten the password I used though I'm logged in, is there anyway I can get my password back or something? Please I'd really appreciate if you have any advice for me.
That sounds like something you need to check with Twitter, maybe they have a password reset option. Make sure not to do the same with your Hive keys. :)
Yes I've tried it but it seems to me like I've lost that account, I already opened a new one but I'm still worried if I did the right thing.
Yes sir, I'm doing all I can to keep them safe, thank you for the advice by the way 🙏.
you should be able to unlink the old one on and then register the new twitter account if that's what you want to do.
Exactly, I only got to realize that I had forgotten my password when I tried to link it to the POSH account. I will just have to register the new one with POSH then. Thank you for your response 🙏.
This is a really nice initiative and a way to reduce spam when sharing but I would like to ask how many contents in a day can we share to twitter?
Maybe you can imagine that others following you aren't going to appreciate it if you spam or tweet too much and may unfollow/mute you which will just result in less posh/hive rewards for you.
There's no exact limitations on amounts, it's the intention that matters, if you're just doing it to try get some posh or hive rewards and at the same time doing some other shady things on twitter to manipulate the amount of posh you earn, that's when we take issue with it.
Ok thanks a lot I really appreciate the feedback
You know a lot about POSH! you answered me yesterday and i ended up logging in to read some of your posts, do you happen to know of any accounts of some of the project administrators that talk about POSH (updates, news, etc)?
lol well I'm behind the project along with a couple devs so I usually talk about it and will most likely do some updates on this account and reblog it on @poshtoken for visibility. We prefer not to do a roadmap as it's a community-driven project and we don't want people to invest a lot into the project's token and become disappointed if it doesn't pan out the way we want to right now. On top of it being in Hive's best interest, the posh token will always come second.
I understood! and sorry I didn't know you were one of the POSH admins lol
No worries :D
since you advised me to insert the #posh #hive TAGs on Twitter, I confirm that everything is working correctly. Great project
posh tag is not necessary please:)
next time I will try not to insert it. Thanks for this feedback
I'm not such an active user on twitter, because I got 'addicted' to Hive, so much so that I've been here since 2017.
But I'm trying to make that twitter grow as well.
Work must be constant. Good luck with the improvements you plan to bring.
Same heret, only using it to support hive in any way I can.
When people see that they can exploit something, they do not hesitate to do so. It is not worth doing such things for a few cents. I hope we can promote Hive better and bring more people to hive for web3. Thanks a lot for the information.
Things people do for a few pennies....
tells you a lot what they might be doing for post rewards, and certain voters enabling it
These are surely some handy tips with regards to POSH. THANKS
This is a nice project actually specially for those, who already have a nice following on twitter and keep sharing links.
Hi Acidyo! To get a share of the hive rewards your tweet must receive some engagments (likes, retweets, etc.)? Or these are only needed to get some posh tokens?
Because some days ago I finally found that from desktop I was able to share posts on Twitter and get a response from the poshtoken bot, but it looks like I'm not receiving anything from the posts I shared: I checked poshtoken's transaction history and I saw that part of the payout of the posts I shared is going to, even if I'm registered on
Am I missing something? Or did I share too many posts in my 3 days of testing (15 per day on average, which is far less than 50, but maybe still too much, I have no idea tbh)?
Did you selfvote the comments with your shares embedded?
Nope, I didn't vote any of the comments.
To get you an example, this is one of the post I shared.
This one is poshtoken's comment (with my name embedded and without any upvotes from my account).
And this is the payout for that comment
Since so much of the payout went to, I thought that even this was shared between the "sharers" according to the engagements generated by their tweets (same as for posh tokens). If this is not the case, why the payout wasn't shared in the same amounts between queenstar and visualblock, since both seemed to be elegible? Are there other criterias?
Thansk for your answers and for all the work you are doing!
Hmm that is indeed weird and you should have received some Hive from that comment, will check with our dev what the issue is and get back to you! Thanks for reporting and apologize for this weird bug, we're still trying to iron out these things as it's getting quite complex on the backend. :D
You don't have to apologize! You are working for free to build a way for us, hivers, to earn from something which, usually, isn't rewarded in any way... so the one who have to apologize here is me, with my mighty "power" to break things even when I do nothing !LOLZ
To give you another example: poshtoken comment with my name embedded and no upvotes.
Comment payout:

I checked other users' tweets and I saw that they got more or less Hive according to how their tweets performed, while (maybe) I got nothing because no one interacted with mine: I know that this is how it should work with posh tokens, but it looks like that the bot is splitting out hive in the same way.
Hope this can help :)
P.s. many thanks for that (huge!) upvote (even if I don't think I have the right to any compensation, as I know that posh is at its beginning and it may have bugs or things that doesn't work as intended! :) Also I got two new followers on Twitters by sharing those posts, so I still got something!)
Boo boo clusters.
Credit: reddit
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(1/2)@acidyo, I sent you an on behalf of @arc7icwolf
Oh okay, on further inspection I realize where the issue lies. It seems the reason you aren't receiving any POSH or Hive rewards is due to your Tweets not performing well and not hitting our minimum performance boundaries in order to earn. What you can do is attempt to grow your following on Twitter, I realize this takes some work for those just starting out and not having a big following but I gave some advice in the post above on how one could get going with it. These are unfortunately requirements we need to have in place to avoid abuse/bot activity.
Okay! This makes sense and seems reasonable: one more reason to appreciate those two followers I got when tweetting about hive :)
Thanks for clarifying that! I'll continue to share posts, slowly getting more followers and likes and with these, one day, hopefully, I'll see some hive and posh rewards coming :)
Seems you did receive one reward:
Received from poshtoken0.119 HIVE
7 days ago
Comment payout for
so it should be working unless you've voted the comments yourself which we send to as we don't think it's appropriate to reward yourself with Hive for sharing posts on Twitter, similar to some who go around self-voting all their comments.
PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
(2/5) @arc7icwolf tipped @acidyo (x1)
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Thanks for the tips. I didn't know about the referral link embedding, that's pretty cool.
Congratulations @acidyo! You received a personal badge!
Wait until the end of Power Up Day to find out the size of your Power-Bee.
May the Hive Power be with you!
You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking
Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:
One of the great things about Hive is that there is always something new to learn by reading the posts and in fact I didn't know about Peakd's feature to add refferal and so thank you.
In every project there is always someone trying to be clever and abuse and I am glad you are watching out for these cases.
Congratulations @acidyo! You received a personal badge!
Participate in the next Power Up Day and try to power-up more HIVE to get a bigger Power-Bee.
May the Hive Power be with you!
You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking
Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:
I need to spend more time reading your post now I understand haha here I thought posting it on twitter will get some rewards didn't know the reward amount will rise if my twitter followers is rising as well wish I had more time to get my friends and family on board but I doubt I can do it due to amount of time I spend on working.
I'll let it grow by itself then. Thanks for the post @acidyo also for the rewards
Oh I just read some comments below so we not suppose to upvote the poshtoken comments? I remove my upvote from the new comments I made I thought it's to support poshtoken account itself sorry about that.
Hi, friend.
Thank you very much for the information, actually I had no knowledge about it that I could share a link on Twitter.
Thank you very much for the advice I also want to grow on twitter but I'm new and it's a bit difficult for me