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RE: Feedback to our community incubation welcomed!

in OCD4 years ago

Yeah, so, in an essence what is involved in the incubation is this:

You get a designated channel for your community and a role that all community leaders share, there you just input links to posts you want more rewarded. The reason we went for channels instead of just going through the curation report posts is that some times when we get up to speed to vote through all nominations community leaders may appreciate a more "up to date" trending than having posts after the fact voted up 1-5 days late depending on when they end up writing the curation report and how active the community is (i.e. if there's only been 6 great posts to nominate in the last 3 days then write 2 per week, etc)

As for the curation reports, this is mainly to invite more curators, moderators and helpers to your community, with these posts you can easily share beneficiary rewards based on who helped how much that week and incentivize everyone to be active in curating, engaging and bringing life to the community. Of course many do so also without extra incentives like you but this is also meant to offload some work from only 1 person onto others they trust are helping the community grow and stay active.

So not sure if this answered your question, but say if we were to incubate your Pew community, you could invite other gun enthusiasts you trust and they could be in charge of dropping nominations along with you onto the channels, one of you could do the curation reports, share the rewards with each other, maybe set some aside through to be used for tipping comments, etc.

We're also working on some ways to assist smaller communities so that we can incubate them into trials and kick it off with contests and focused curation to see if activity sticks onto them and continues past the "boost" so that the community can remain in the incubation longer until it is too big and won't need us anymore. Maybe you'd be interested in applying with one of yours by then. :)


Hmm, ok that seems straightforward enough I guess.

So the channel is on Discord and all the leaders do is drop links there for promotion and someone (from amongst those leaders) writes a weekly curation post/report.

I suppose I often think there's simply not enough PEW or LEGO content to make it worth while. The Engage the weekend community also if I'm honest. This is why I've just sort of driven them myself and left your project for other more deserving communities.

I mean the PEW community is certainly something that could garner a lot of attention quick, especially with so many american's on Hive! :D

Stay tuned for when we start doing these trial runs of focused curation + contests to see if it will get you the activity you'd feel comfortable with in the community!

I'll keep my peepers peeled. 👍🙄