Yeah I'm really skeptical. He is a clever business guy. Witnesses are clever IT guys (some are damn good negotiators and business guys, too). But worst, he bought something a community believes it owns or at least benefits from like 'the commons' and has absolutely no idea what he is doing, in this case, having never done it before (has a social network community blockchain been sold?).
It reminds me a little of this pipeline project in Canada that has all the natives protesting across the country. Or when a corporation wants to drill for oil. Even if they own it, people nearby have been enjoying the community as it stands and now get understandably pissed off when he wants to bulldoze it because it becomes a serious environmental concern (this is assuming he legally is entitled).
It's a new territory. We should definitely make it a long and painful process. He isn't stealing candy from a baby.
It si all a very good test for how community interaction and governance works. I am kind of glad that this came up now, rather than later - or after Ned just ran it all into the ground. I am hoping that we will all come out the other side of this not only stronger, but better off. There are plenty of win-win options, as long as people negotiating keep their freaking egos in check.
Yeah, I have a crackpot theory that this is an experiment. In any case, I expect it will be a case study. Social network blockchains are not studied very often. I don't even know what field could research this case or how it would be done.
Maybe Justin can make a 'Steemit Movie' like the facebook one.
I know what my favourite scene will be...