Tmuran I kišni dan/Gloomy and rainy day

in Sketchbook3 months ago

Danas je kiša
sumorna jesen
prosipa oblake svoje
s’ kapima kiše lagano tiho
padaju i suze moje.

It's raining today
gloomy autumn
sheds its clouds
with the raindrops softly quietly
my tears also fall.


Skriveni nemir negde duboko
u mojoj duši vlada
sumorne misli
ko jesen ova
dok kiša lagano pada.

A hidden restlessness somewhere deep down
in my soul reigns
gloomy thoughts
like this fall
while the rain falls gently.


Gledam u nebo
grak roda čujem,
poslednje ka jugu lete...

I look at the sky
I hear the stork's croak,
the last to fly south...


...oblaci tmurni jato skrivaju
i dugom kišom prete.

...the gloomy clouds hide the flock
and long rain threatens.


Stojim na drumu
mokar do kože
i tako sam
s’ pticama kako bi
leteo rado
Samo da leteti znam.

I'm standing on the road
wet to the skin
and so I am
with the birds in order
flew happily
I only know how to fly.


Tako mi svake
jeseni ovde
poneka suza sklizne niz lice
skrivena srećom da niko ne vidi
kapima izmaglice.

I like each one
autumn here
a few tears slide down his face
hidden by luck so that no one can see
drops of mist.



Svaka je jesen takva ovde
kišan je svaki dan
ja znam da jesen je
i tamo na jugu
al’ ipak sunčan je dan.

Every autumn is like that here
it rains every day
I know it's autumn
and there in the south
but it's still a sunny day.

Pesma "Kišni dan" od Milovan Petrović

The song "Rainy Day" by Milovan Petrović

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!