
in Sketchbook3 months ago

Ćao, svima!
Vraćamo se akvarelu i crtanju. 🤗🖌️☝️
Danas sam opet vežbala omiljenu temu, spremni?
Ok, evo procesa...

Hello, everyone!
We return to watercolor and drawing. 🤗🖌️☝️
Today I practiced my favorite topic again, are you ready?
Ok, here is the process…


Kao i obično počinjem skicom. Danas sam izabrala da crtam zanimljivu perspektivu ulice i saobraćaja u njoj. Sa leve strane su zgrade, sa leve visoko drveće u daljini i zgrade...

As usual I start with a sketch. Today I chose to draw an interesting perspective of the street and the traffic in it. On the left are buildings, on the left tall trees in the distance and buildings...


Nekako je najprirodnije da počnem od neba. Nebo sam radila vrlo svetlim nijansom plave boje...

Somehow it's most natural to start with the sky. I did the sky with a very light shade of blue...


Počela sam da bojim prvo levu stranu divnim nijansama ciklame, ljubičaste, oker...

I started to paint the left side first with wonderful shades of cyclamen, purple, ocher...


Ubrzo sam prešla na desnu stranu. Obojila sam i asfalt. Automobile sa uživanjem ostavljam za kraj. 🤗

I soon moved to the right side. I also painted the asphalt. I happily leave cars for last. 🤗


Kao što znate, čamci i automobili su mi omiljena tema...Evo i jednog zuma!

As you know, boats and cars are my favorite subject...Here's a zoom!


Obožavam kada se boje prelivaju, nestaju, ostavljaju trag...

I love when colors flow, disappear, leave a mark...


Da li ste primetili da u gradskim pejzažima uvek ima bandera?
Da, bandere kao detalji obogaćuju sliku, daju neku slojevitost i bogat sadržaj. Bandere i fine žice koje prelaze sa jedne na drugu stranu...

Have you noticed that in cityscapes there are always banners?
Yes, poles as details enrich the image, give some layering and rich content. Poles and fine wires crossing from one side to the other...


Slika je gotova! Iskreno, danas nisam planirala da crtam, ali kupila sam nov akvarel -blok pa sam bila nestrpljiva da ga isprobam. 😁
Prezadovoljan sam, verovatno je i kvalitet papira uticao na uspeh crteža. ❤️
Uživajte u umetnosti i želim vam lepu noć....✨🌟

The picture is finished! Honestly, I wasn't planning on drawing today, but I bought a new watercolor block so I was eager to try it out. 😁
I am very satisfied, probably the quality of the paper also influenced the success of the drawing. ❤️
Enjoy the art and have a nice night....✨🌟

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


This is lovely. I love how you made the 3 dimensional angles to turn out from the plain sheet.

I'm glad you're enjoying it.

Greetings dear colleague !