Otišla sam na odmor i odlučila da ne ponesem slikarski materijal, da ne slikam moje akvarele nezgoda šetam, odmaram i dobijem nove ideje za slikanje. Ali nakon dva dana, srela sam gospodnju, odnosno prijateljicu moje tetke koja je čula da se bavim slikanjem i zamolila me je da joj nacrtam portret.
Odgovorila sam joj da BiH je rado naslikala ali da nemam lak ni olovku!
Nedelja. Gde sada da kupim boje?
Otišla sam u Kineske radnje koje jedine rade nedeljom.Htela sm da kupim papir vodene boje i četkice.
Ništa od toga, samo nešto što liči na četkicu i neke boje za decu predškolskog uzrasta. 😅
Od papira su imali samo običnu svesku. Grafitna olovka takodjer diskutabilna. Sve u svemu- Bože pomozi mi! 😅
Gospodnja mi je poslala neku fotografiju. Hrabro sam počela da je crtam...
I went on vacation and decided not to bring painting materials, not to paint my watercolors of accidents, walk, rest and get new ideas for painting. But after two days, I met a lady, that is, a friend of my aunt who heard that I was painting and asked me to draw her portrait.
I answered her that BiH was happy to paint, but that I don't have nail polish or a pencil!
Sunday. Where should I buy paint now?
I went to the Chinese shops that only open on Sundays. I wanted to buy watercolor paper and brushes.
Nothing of the sort, just something that looks like a brush and some preschool paints. 😅
From paper, they only had an ordinary notebook. Graphite pencil is also debatable. All in all - God help me! 😅
The lady sent me a photo. I boldly started to draw her...
Sa čime sam radila, mogli ste da vidite na fotografiji. 😁😅
Skica odnosno portret nije loše ispao s obzirom loš kvalitet olovke.
Ijao, kako u da bojim?
Toliko sam se uplašila da ne zabrljam da sa samo malo obojila usta i kosu. Nisam smela više ništa da eksperimentiše da ne pokvari crtež...
You could see what I worked with in the photo. 😁😅
The sketch or portrait did not turn out badly considering the poor quality of the pen.
Ijao, how should I paint?
I was so afraid of messing up that I colored my mouth and hair with just a little bit. I was not allowed to experiment any more so as not to spoil the drawing.
Uh. Uspela sam nešto da uradim. Rekla sam tetki da nazove prijateljicu i pošalje joj fotografiju...
- Oh! Svidja mi se!
Dobro je! Hvala ti Bože!
Trud se isplatio! 😊
Evo i fotografije gospodnje koja je htela da je crtam:
Uh. I managed to do something. I told my aunt to call her friend and send her a photo...
- Oh! Like it!
Good! Thank you God!
The effort paid off! 😊
Here is a photo of the lady who wanted me to draw her:
Dobro je. Sa čim sam radila, dobro je i ispalo. 😁
Sutradan smo otišle na kafu kod gospodnje i odnela sam joj uramljeni portret. Ne pitajte me kako sam uramila...😅
Zamolila sam tetku da žrtvuje jednu njenu sliku i da mi da ram. 😁
Sve se može kad se hoće.
Najbitnije je da se gospodnja toliko radovala kao da je dobila nagradu na sportskoj prognozi! Hahaha..
A meni je srce na mestu!
Good. What I worked with turned out well. 😁
The next day we went for coffee at the lady's place and I took her a framed portrait. Don't ask me how I framed it...😅
I asked my aunt to sacrifice one of her pictures and give me a frame. 😁
Everything is possible when you want.
The most important thing is that the lady was so happy as if she had won an award on the sports forecast! Hahaha..
And my heart is in the right place!
Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.
Greetings from Anka vregolana!
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