Odbegli čamac🛶Runaway boat🛶

in Sketchbook2 months ago

E pa dragi moji hajveri, s obzirom da je počela nova godina, red bi bio da nacrtam prvi crtež ove godine. Nacrtaću svoju omiljenu temu, more i čamci. Tačnije, čamac koji je pobegao na obalu jer voli samoću, kao i neki ljudi. To nam je ponekad svima potrebno...
Dakle, počinjem od skice kao i obično.

Well, my dear friends, since the new year has started, it would be my turn to draw the first drawing of the year. I will draw my favorite subject, the sea and boats. Or rather, a boat that ran ashore because it likes solitude, like some people. We all need that sometimes...


Počela sam od neba. Najlepši deo je kada crtate, odnosno kada širokom četkom potez jedan ispod drugog povezujete...Slivanje boja je zaista čarobna momenat...

I started from the sky. The most beautiful part is when you draw, that is, when you use a wide brush to connect the strokes one under the other... The flow of colors is a truly magical moment...


Planine su u daljini pa se zato radi svetlijim nijansom bez mnogo detalja...

The mountains are in the distance, so it's done in a lighter shade without many details...


A sada je na redu, glavni akter na slici, čamac!
Obožavam ih. Čamce i automobile najviše volim da slikam...🖌️

And now it's the turn of the main actor in the picture, the boat!
I adore them. I like to paint boats and cars the most...🖌️



Crtež je sa čamcem dobio novu dimenziju. Još nekoliko detalja...

The drawing gained a new dimension with the boat. A few more details...


Crtež je završen u skladu sa očekivanjima. Još samo da nadjem vesla i plovidba može da počne...
Bio je ovo moj prvi akvarel u 2025. godini! 🖌️❤️🎨🖼️
Laku noć...😊

The drawing was completed as expected. I just have to find the oars and the sailing can begin...
This was my first watercolor in 2025! 🖌️❤️🎨🖼️
Good night...😊

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


Sretna ova godina 😁🍾❤️

@tipu curate

Srećna nova godina i tebi! 🥂Hvala @ervin-lemark . 🤗

hi...I love the way you play around with colors.it really came out looking really great.well done

This is indeed a master piece. Thanks for your effort in makimg the art and sharing dear.

❤️🎨🖌️👋Thank u @baby1 !