Kreativnost je po mommišljenju lek protiv svih naših uspavanih potencijala. Takodje protiv rutine, dosade, uznemirenosti.
Kreativnost kao umetnost je kao neka vrsta terapije koju svaki čovek treba što više da uzima.
Kada god osećam bilo kakvu nelagodu, skuvam kafu, iscedim boje iz tuba, izvadim list, uzmem četkicu i vodu. Već me sav taj miris umiruje a kada počnem da slikam, počinje prava meditacija. Oslobadjanje unutrašnje sile bez ičijeg nadzora. Umetnička nirvana. Danas sam uživala stvarajući slike konja.
Kao i uvek, počinjem od skice olovkom.
Creativity, in my opinion, is a medicine against all our dormant potentials. Also against routine, boredom, anxiety.
Creativity as an art is like a kind of therapy that every person should take as much as possible.
Whenever I feel any discomfort, I make coffee, squeeze the colors out of the tubes, take out a sheet, get a brush and water. All that smell already calms me down, and when I start painting, the real meditation begins. Releasing the inner force without anyone's supervision. Artistic nirvana. Today I enjoyed creating pictures of horses.
As always, I start with a pencil sketch.
U skici moram biti preciznija da bi slika bila uspešnija. Kada je crtež dobro uradjen slika je u tom slučaju već skoro gotova. Mada uvek postoji šansa da se i najboljim umetnicina/slikarima desi da zabrljaju bojama.
I have to be more precise in the sketch to make the painting more successful. When the drawing is well done, the painting is almost finished. Although there is always a chance that even the best artists/painters can mess up with colors.
Počela sam da bojim. Uvek u početku imam strah da ne uništim sliku lošom kombinacijom boja, ali vremenom shvatiš da u grču ništa ne uspeva. Zbog toga napravim nekoliko spontanih poteza koji naprave najbolje momente na radu. O źivotu učimo kroz sve pa tako i kroz slikarstvo. Upravo su spontane akcije naši najlepši delovi źivota. Strah je destruktivan. Malo po malo, konji su bili sve životniji, lepši i bogatiji.
I started to paint. In the beginning, I'm always afraid of ruining the picture with a bad combination of colors, but over time you realize that nothing works in spasms. That's why I make a few spontaneous moves that create the best moments at work. We learn about life through everything, including through painting. Spontaneous actions are precisely our most beautiful parts of life. Fear is destructive. Little by little, the horses became more alive, more beautiful and richer.
Obično slikam samo jednu životinju ali ovog puta sam glavnom liku nacrtala druga jer u društvu je sve lepše. 😊
Nadam se da vam je ovaj crtež popravio raspoloženje i uneo dah kreativnosti. . .🐴🐴
I usually draw only one animal, but this time I drew another one for the main character because everything is more beautiful in company. 😊
I hope this drawing lifted your spirits and gave you a breath of creativity. . .🐴🐴
Pozdrav svim Hajverima! 👋
Greetings to all Haivers! 👋
Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.
Greetings from Anka vregolana!
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It has too many details,looks so good!
I'm glad you like it just like that with a lot of details. 👋
Hvala, @sarka-vs 🌹
How beautiful this is! You reminded me of a painter friend who loves horses and always drew them 🤗. Nice work! Greetings, @vragolana 😘.
Thank you @vezo !