Norma Džin, poznata kao Merlin Monro, plavuša za kojom su muškarci čeznuli, ali nisu znali da je ona duboko povređena žena koja je tražila zrelog muškarca koji bi joj pružio toliko potrebnu emotivnu sigurnost...
Norma Jean, aka Marilyn Monroe, the blonde that men longed for but didn't know was a deeply hurt woman who was looking for a mature man to provide her with much-needed emotional security...
Norma Džin je većinu svog detinjstva provela u sirotištu i među usvojiteljskim porodicama...
Norma Jean spent most of her childhood in an orphanage and among adoptive families..
Nije znala ko joj je pravi otac, dok je njena majka Gledis Perl Bejker imala psihičkih i finansijskih poteškoća, zbog čega nije mogla da brine o devojčici.
To je bio razlog večite težnje za pažnjom i bogatstvom...
She did not know who her real father was, while her mother, Gladys Pearl Baker, had mental and financial difficulties, which made her unable to care for the girl.
That was the reason for the eternal pursuit of attention and wealth...
Nije život zvezda toliko sjajan kao što nama izgleda...
The life of the stars is not as bright as it seems to us...
Jedna od zanimljivih činjenica je i ta da je ime promenila po istoimenoj popularnoj njujorškoj pozorišnoj glumici, i dodala je bakino prezime Monro. Zvanično je promenila ime 23. februara 1946. godine.
One of the interesting facts is that she changed her name after the popular New York theater actress of the same name, and added her grandmother's surname, Monroe. She officially changed her name on February 23, 1946.
Merlin Monro, idealna žena tog vremena...
Marilyn Monroe, the ideal woman of that time...
Ono o čemu se raspravljalo bilo je da je radila korekciju nosa i brade. Ova informacija i zvanično je potvrđena 2013. godine...
What was discussed was that she had a nose job and a chin job. This information was officially confirmed in 2013...
Kako god, ostala je najveći seks simbol...
However, she remains the greatest sex symbol...
Dovoljno inspirativna da i ja pokušam da je nacrtam. Nadam se da ste uz ove zanimljivosti o divi 50- ih i '60-ih uživali i u procesu slike.
Laku noć dragi Hajveri uz čuvenu scenu gde se pojavljuje ova plavuša:
Inspiring enough to try to draw it myself. I hope that along with these interesting facts about the diva of the 50s and 60s, you also enjoyed the painting process.
Good night dear Hivery with the famous scene where this blonde appears:
Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.
Greetings from Anka vregolana! painting is pleasong to look at ,well done
I'm glad you like it @happy080 !
I sure do.