Kada ste preopterećeni mislima, najbolji lek je raditi rukama. Tada se energija iz glave spušta u ruke i na taj način negativnost izlazi kroz rad rukama i vi se opuštate. Ujedno uradite odnosno napravite nešto korisno, kreativno.☝️
Ovih dana nakon zemljotresa u Turskoj, počeli su lančani zemljotresi i u Rumuniji koja je jako blizu srpske granice. Moj grad Vršac je udaljen samo 17 kilometara od rumunske granice. Grad u kome je juče bio zemljotres je samo na 149 kilometara od mog grada. Ćerka i ja smo u trenutku zemljotresa sedele na stolicama i osetile podrhtavanje. Ljuljale smo se kao na brodu. Srećom, trajalo je desetak sekundi. Taman kad smo malo zaboravile na to, danas su bila tri manja i četvrti jači nego juče. 5,7 po Rihteru. Ćerka se uplašila ali se ubrzo smirila. Kada se sve utišalo, morala sam nešto da radim. Slikala sam. Kada slikam ili crtam, zaboravim na sve. Nažalost u medjuvremenu sam pročitala na internetu da i Srbiju početkom marta očekuju zemljotresi jačine kao u Rumuniji. Za sada sam čula da nema povredjenih niti veće materijalne štete.
Da bih se opustila i bar na kratko zaboravila na to, uzela sam olovku i počela da pravim skicu.
When you are overwhelmed with thoughts, the best remedy is to work with your hands. Then the energy from the head descends into the hands and in this way the negativity comes out through the work with the hands and you relax. At the same time, do or create something useful, creative.☝️
These days, after the earthquake in Turkey, chain earthquakes also started in Romania, which is very close to the Serbian border. My town Vršac is only 17 kilometers from the Romanian border. The town where there was an earthquake yesterday is only 149 kilometers from my town. My daughter and I were sitting on chairs at the time of the earthquake and felt the shaking. We rocked like on a ship. Luckily, it lasted about ten seconds. Just when we forgot about it, today there were three less and a fourth stronger than yesterday. 5.7 on the Richter scale. The daughter was scared but soon calmed down. When everything got quiet, I had to do something. I took pictures. When I paint or draw, I forget about everything. Unfortunately, in the meantime, I read on the Internet that Serbia is also expected to experience earthquakes as strong as in Romania at the beginning of March. So far, I have heard that there are no injuries or major material damage.
In order to relax and forget about it at least for a while, I took a pencil and started making a sketch.
Skiciranje je išlo lako. Izabrala sam ne original već Skarlet Jojanson koja je glumila Devojku sa bisernom mindjušom. Sjajna gluma i velika sličnost. Bila je vrlo inspirativna.
Sketching was easy. I chose not the original but Scarlett Johansson who played the Girl with the Pearl Earring. Great acting and great likeness. She was very inspiring.
Osim četkicom, volim da radim i prstima. Volim da se umažem kao dete. Tada slikate celim svojim bićem. Ruke se lako operu a zadovoljstvo je apsolutno. Baš sam se zaigrala i unela u rad kao i Skarlet u glumu.😁
Apart from the brush, I also like to work with my fingers. I like to get dirty like a kid. Then you paint with your whole being. The hands are easy to wash and the satisfaction is absolute. I just played around and put myself into the work, just like Scarlett in acting.😁
Prsti su klizili niz papir. Ah da, na početku sam zalepila i parče novine. Takvi detalji oplemenjuju sliku i daju neku mističnost kao i kolažni efekat.
Još nekoliko detalja i slika je gotova! Dok sam završavala sliku razmišljala sam o tome kako sam privilegovana darom za slikanje. Kažu da je dobar slikar 1% talenta, 99% rada i vežbanja. Tad je gotov!
Fingers slid down the paper. Ah yes, at the beginning I also glued a piece of newspaper. Such details ennoble the image and give it some mysticism as well as a collage effect.
A few more details and the painting is done! As I finished the painting, I thought about how privileged I am with the gift of painting. They say that a good painter is 1% talent, 99% work and practice. Then it's over!
Nadam se da vam se vizuelna pustolovina dopala? 🥰
Koliko sam uspela da ponovim Skarletinu lepotu i harizmu, procenite sami. . .🎨👋🎨👋
I hope you enjoyed the visual adventure?
How much I managed to repeat Scarlett's beauty and charisma, judge for yourself. . .🎨👋🎨👋
Happy Valentine day! ❤️❤️❤️🎨🎨🎨
Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.
Greetings from Anka vregolana!
It's great that you have found a way to relax and calm your nerves through painting and sketching which is a fantastic outlet. It's true that working with your hands can be very therapeutic and help to take your mind off things. I'm sorry to hear about the earthquakes in your area and the news that there may be more to come. Your portrait is amazing and it's great that you found inspiration in portrayal of the character. Keep up the great work!
!discovery 40
Thank you for your kind words and support. 🌹
I wish you much success in life @esther-emmanuel ! 👋
Superb , feels like you love playing with colors . The final result of painting is great.
It started in childhood.
It was a time when parents could not devote time to you, but that has a good side.
You search and develop yourself. ❤️
Hvala @rashid001 ! 👋
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