Hello, kitty!

in Sketchbook3 months ago (edited)

Danas sam videla jednu super šarenu macu. Odmah sam poželela da je nacrtam. Ok, dodala sam neke nerealne boje za mačke ali baš zato je zanimljivija. 🤗
Uvek radim čist akvarel,ali ovog puta sam mešala tehnike. Dakle,akvarel+suvi pastel!
Pa,da počnem...

Today I saw a super colorful cat. I immediately wanted to draw her. Ok, I added some unrealistic colors for the cats, but that's why it's more interesting. 🤗
I always do pure watercolor, but this time I mixed techniques. So, watercolor + dry pastel!
Well, to begin...


Zapravo, ideja je bila da radim SAMO akvarel,ali nekako mi se dopalo da pojačan teksturu...

Actually, the idea was to ONLY do watercolor, but somehow I liked to enhance the texture...


Inače, kao što znate, mačke su pravi upijači negativne energije, pa bi zato svako trebao da ima po jednu ☝️😁

By the way, as you know, cats are real absorbers of negative energy, so everyone should have one ☝️😁


Sloj akvarela je trebao da se osuši da bih mogla doraditi pastelom. Ok,evo krajnjeg rezultata, mislim da je zanimljivo, kao neki persijski tepih. 😄❤️

The watercolor layer needed to dry before I could finish it with pastel. Ok, here's the end result, I think it's interesting, like a Persian carpet. 😄


Nadam se da vam se svidja? Pozdrav svim vrednim Hajverima od šarene mace i mene! 👋👋👋

I hope you like it? Greetings to all hardworking Hivers from the colorful kitty and me! 👋👋👋

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


I like your painting.i like the way you play with colours here and there.its amazing.well done

I'm glad to hear that. 🌈
Thank you, many greetings from Serbia! 👋🎄✨❄️