Devojčica čeka autobus/ The girl is waiting for the bus

in Sketchbook7 months ago

Danas ćete videti proces kako sam nacrtala devojčicu. Naravno, akvarel...🥰🎨🖌️

Today you will see the process of how I drew a little girl. Of course, watercolor... 🎨🖌️



Kao i obično, počela skicom. Sada treba obojiti. Koristim novu paletu boja. Oduševljena sam izborom..Ljubičasta, parisko plava, oker...

As usual, she started with a sketch. Now it needs to be painted. I'm using a new color palette. I am delighted with the selection..Purple, Paris blue, ocher...



Ovo je inače prva skica u mom novom bloku za skiciranje. ❤️🖌️

This is the first sketch in my new sketchpad by the way. ❤️🖌️



Približavam se kraju...

I'm nearing the end...


Ako je neko imao loš dan, nadam se da su mu ove boje popravile raspoloženje, ako je nekom rodjendan, srećan rodjendan! 🎨🥰🖌️🥳

If someone had a bad day, I hope these colors cheered them up, if it's someone's birthday, happy birthday! 🎨 🖌️

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


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