Četiri zime/akvarel❄️Four winters/watercolor

in Sketchbook3 months ago

Poželela sam da nacrtam zimu u šumi, ali nisam mogla na jedan način pa sam se malo igrala. Tako su nastale ove slike, crteži. Bilo je nemoguće fotografisati proces kao do sada jer se boje brzo razlivaju i morala sam brzo da radim. To ne znači da ih ne trebam izložiti, naprotiv, veoma mi se svidjaju, mislim da su uspešno ispale i to je dovoljan razlog da vam ih pokažem. Možete čak i glasati koja vam je najlepša! 🤗❄️
Evo i crteža:

I wanted to draw winter in the forest, but I couldn't do it in one way, so I played around a bit. This is how these pictures and drawings were created. It was impossible to photograph the process as before because the colors spilled quickly and I had to work quickly. That doesn't mean I shouldn't display them, on the contrary, I really like them, I think they turned out successfully and that's reason enough to show them to you. You can even vote on which one you like best! 🤗❄️
Here is the drawing:


Prva je tajanstvena sa apstraktnom šumom, vidi se i sneg kako pada...
Evo sledi i druga, nekako u naučno fantastičnom stilu...
E da, da li znate od čega je sneg?

The first one is mysterious with an abstract forest, you can see the snow falling...
Here comes the second one, somehow in science fiction style...
Well, do you know what snow is made of?
From salt...😊


Evo i jedna prava mećava...

Here is a real blizzard...


Sledeća i poslednja me podseća na scenu iz filma Čarlija Čaplina, "Zlatna groznica". Sećate se scene kada je Čarli u kolibi koja se klati na ivici planine zavejana u nekim brdima? Ok, ove nisu na ivici,ali to mi je ipak bila prva asocijacija. ☝️😁

The next and last one reminds me of a scene from Charlie Chaplin's movie, "The Gold Rush". Remember the scene when Charlie is in a rickety cabin on the edge of a snowy mountain in some hills? Ok, these are not on the edge, but that was still my first association. ☝️😁


Kako god...nadam se da vas je ova scena makar malo nasmejala a malo i naježila nakon svih crteža...
Lep je podeliti umetnost sa prijateljima da li se slažete?
Laku noć i uživajte u toplim domovima i ne otvaranje vrata.☝️😄😉..✨❄️✨❄️

Anyway...I hope this scene made you smile a little and give you goosebumps after all the drawings...
It's nice to share art with friends, don't you agree?
Good night and enjoy warm homes and not opening doors.☝️😄😉..✨❄️✨❄️

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!ćć


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E da, da li znate od čega je sneg?

Jao, sad cu zamisljati da je pravi sneg slan 😂

Sve su lepe...prva i poslednja su mi favoriti.

Hahaha, pa moguće zbog kruženja vode u prirodi. Možda su ovaj sneg smrznute kapljice mora. 😉

Ej, drago mi je da imaš svoje favorite! 🥰❄️ Hvala.

Želim ti lepu novogodišnju noć i uspeh kao i do sada!
@mipiano 🌹

Oooh que bonito! ✨✨✨

Gracias,amigo! 👋🥂

waw.... there you go again with yet another beautiful art work.I have always loved your work.well done

Thank you!
