Bile jednom jedne hrabre rimske guske. Once upon a time there were brave Roman geese

in Sketchbooklast year (edited)

Prava svrha umetnosti je da kultiviše duhovnu prirodu samog umetnika. Uvek novu izazovi, uvek nova stimulacija estetike, uvek nova likovna avantura.
Kažu, igrajte se sa decom jer je to najbolji lek protiv starenja. Isto mislim i za slikanje, crtanje…
Crtanje je prvo sa čim dete ima kontakt. Otkrivanje linija, boja, eksperimentisanje sa apstraktnim delovima crteža. Kada smo kreativni zaboravljamo na sebe, što znači da tada ne brojimo minute, sate, dane u godine. Tada ne starimo. 🥰
Danas sam se igrala i nacrtala svoje guske. Bile su jako žedne pa sam im dala vode. . . ❤️

The true purpose of art is to cultivate the spiritual nature of the artist himself. Always new challenges, always new stimulation of aesthetics, always a new art adventure.
They say, play with children because it is the best anti-aging medicine. I think the same about painting, drawing...
Drawing is the first thing a child has contact with. Discovering lines, colors, experimenting with abstract parts of drawings. When we are creative, we forget about ourselves, which means that we don't count minutes, hours, days in years. Then we don't get old.
Today I played and drew my geese. They were very thirsty so I gave them water. . . ❤️



Nakon skice koja mislim da je ispala uspešna, krenula sam blagim tonovima da dodajem konture tek da naglasim finoću perja. . .

After a sketch that I think turned out to be successful, I started with soft tones to add contours just to emphasize the fineness of the feathers. . .




Korito, voda, kljun, glava, krilo, noge. . .društvo je polako dobilo sve življi i prirodniji izgled.

Trough, water, beak, head, wing, legs. . .society slowly took on a more lively and natural appearance.



Moje guske su gotove! Neverovatno kako samo sa dve boje i nekoliko njihovih tonova mozete dobiti ovako lep crtež. ✏️😊
Eh da, možda niste znali, ali legenda kaže da su guske 390. godine pre nove ere spasile Rim! Ne znate?
U počecima rimske istorije Rim su jednom napali ratoborni Gali sa severa. Po priči Alijeja došlo je do bitke između Rimljana i Gala. Gali su počeli da opsedaju Kapitol, ali pošto se opsada odužila jedne vedre noći prišunjali su se pod tvrđavu i tiho počeli da se penju preko kamenja, podupirući jedni druge. To su radili tako vešto da ih straža na bedemima nije primetila, psi i petlovi su ćutali i spavali, ali su se probudile guske, čuvarke Junoninog hrama koje su gakale i lepetale krilima i tako probudile Rimljane koji stadoše gađati kopljima, strelicama i kamenjem Gale i odbiše njihov napad.Nadam se da ste uživali u ivoj priči i hrabrim guskama i slici. Hm, možda su one preci hrabrih rimskih gusaka? 🤔🤭😁❤️

My geese are done! It's incredible how with just two colors and a few of their tones you can get such a beautiful drawing. ✏️😊
Ah yes, maybe you didn't know, but legend has it that geese saved Rome in 390 BC! You do not know?
Early in Roman history, Rome was once attacked by warlike Gauls from the north. According to the story of Alieus, there was a battle between the Romans and the Gauls. The Gauls began to besiege the Capitol, but as the siege dragged on one clear night they crept under the citadel and quietly began to climb over the rocks, supporting each other. They did this so skilfully that the guards on the ramparts did not notice them, the dogs and roosters were silent and slept, but the geese, the guardians of Juno's temple, woke up, cackling and flapping their wings and thus awoke the Romans, who stopped shooting Galla with spears, arrows and stones. repel their attack. I hope you enjoyed the story and the brave geese and the picture. Hmm, maybe they are the ancestors of the brave Roman geese? 🤔🤭😁❤️

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!