Biciklisti u kabanicama / Cyclists in raincoats

in Sketchbook6 months ago

Obožavam akvarel. Akvarel nudi prozirnost, razlivanje, spontane linije, prikazivanje svetla oduzimanjem boje...
Sve u svemu, čarolija!
Nijedna tehnika to ne može, zato akvarel i jeste najteži. Treba biti majstor da se voda drži pod kontrolom.
Evo i današnjeg crteža...

I love watercolor. Watercolor offers transparency, spilling, spontaneous lines, showing light by subtracting color...
All in all, magic!
No technique can do it, that's why watercolor is the most difficult. You have to be a master to keep the water under control.
Here is today's drawing...


Skica je tu. A sad je na redu kolorisanje. Počinjem od glava...

The sketch is here. And now it's time for coloring. I start with the heads...


A sada se spuštam niže i s vremena na vreme crtam paralelno obe figure...
Kabanica je zanimljiv detalj za crtanje. Mora izgledati providno i lagano.

And now I go lower and from time to time I draw both figures in parallel...
The raincoat is an interesting detail to draw. It must appear transparent and light.



Još bicikle da završim, dodam senku i pozadinu...

More bikes to finish, add shadow and background...




To je to! Skoro da čujem šuštanje kabanica, i vetar kako njiše palme u daljini...
A vi?

That's it! I can almost hear the rustling of raincoats, and the wind swaying the palm trees in the distance...
And you?

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


Eswooo esto esta increible!!

Tnx !


This is an amazing piece of art.
I agree with you on the challenges of using the watercolor, I used to use it in the past, It was really a challenge. You're amazing. thanks for sharing

Amazing... I love this

Wow @vragolana, I love the light and the shadows in this painting, I can feel the heat of the sun and the wind 👌🏻. So beautiful, specially the woman's raincoat 😃, perfect 👍🏻. Great artwork 👌🏻👏🏻.

Yes, the beauty of light is especially visible in this drawing.

Thanks for your comment and support @gatubela !

You're welcome @vragolana, always a pleasure to enjoy your paintings 💖.