[Splinterlands] Art Contest | Defender Of Truth

in Sketchbook3 years ago


Hello to all the dear community of Hive.blog, I'm back again with another drawing post, this time it's my second entry to the art contest sponsored by @Splinterlands, I must say that I really enjoyed participating in this contest, because you can find all kinds of very talented artists on the platform, plus the competitive nature of the event forces us to want to improve ourselves even more, to give the best of oneself.

In my previous participation I came in third place with my Dark Enchantress, this time I chose the character of "Defender Of Truth", powerful mage of Khymeria and important figure in the politics of the Order of the Silver Shield. When the warriors of Chimera march into battle, the Defender of Truth is their general. He inspires his troops with the divine protection of the Silver Shield.

Below I show you the step by step development of the illustration, I hope you like it.

Hola a toda la querida comunidad de Hive.blog, nuevamente estoy de vuelta con otro post de dibujo, esta vez se trata de mi segunda entrada al concurso de arte que patrocina @Splinterlands, debo decir que me ha encantado mucho la participación en este concurso, ya que te puedes encontrar todo tipo de artistas muy talentosos en la plataforma, además del carácter competitivo del evento nos obliga a querer superarnos aún más, para dar lo mejor de uno mismo.

En mi anterior participación quede de tercer lugar con mi Dark Enchantress, esta vez elegí al personaje de “Defender Of Truth”, poderoso mago de Khymeria y figura importante de la política de la Orden del Escudo de Plata. Cuando los guerreros de Quimera marchan a la batalla, el Defensor de la Verdad es su general. Inspira a sus tropas con la protección divina del Escudo de Plata.

A continuación les muestro el paso a paso del desarrollo de la ilustración, espero sea de su agrado.



Drawing development / Desarrollo ✏️14 sin título_20191009164546.gif

Here I wanted to represent the character of Defender Of Truth with a more realistic touch, keeping certain animated details of the original design, such as the shape of the armor and helmet, I took special emphasis on the design of it giving it a result of wear by the battle.

The drawing was composed of five main sections, body, armor, helmet, hair and background, each of them consists of different layers, between textures and shades to reach the desired result.

Acá quise representar al personaje de Defender Of Truth con un toque más realista, manteniendo ciertos detalles animados del diseño original, como la forma de la armadura y el casco, tome especial énfasis en el diseño de la misma aportándole un resultado de desgaste por la batalla.

El dibujo se compuso de cinco secciones principales, cuerpo, armadura, casco, cabello y el fondo, cada una de ellas consta de diferentes capas, entre texturas y matices hasta llegar al resultado deseado.

With quick and simple strokes we make the sketch of our defender, we place the different accessories and clothing that she wears, then in another layer we refine the lines a little more and we opacify it.

Con trazos rápidos y sencillos realizamos el boceto de nuestro defensor, colocamos los diferentes accesorios e indumentarias que ella lleva, seguidamente en otra capa refinamos un poco más las líneas y opacamos la misma.


Afterwards, taking the original drawing as a reference, we choose the base colors to use. I also start to apply some shadows, glosses and different shades to the face and hair, to give it volume.

Posteriormente tomando como referencia el dibujo original elegimos los colores bases a usar. También empiezo a aplicar algo de sombras, brillos y diferentes tonalidades al rostro y cabello, para darle volumen.


Now we move to the development of the armor, this stage of the drawing consists of designing by parts each element that composes the armor, such as shoulder pads, breastplate, bracelets and helmet. We use some textured brushes, we create the shadows and draw wandering lines to give the effect of damage in its parts.

Ahora paso al desarrollo de la armadura, esta etapa del dibujo consiste en ir diseñando por partes cada elemento que compone la misma, como hombreras, peto, brazaletes y casco. Usamos ciertos pinceles texturizados, creamos las sombras y dibujamos líneas errantes para dar el efecto de daño en sus partes.


We continue applying the same technique in the other parts of the armor, interspersing brushes of textures, shadows and glows.

Seguimos aplicando la misma técnica en las demás partes de la armadura, intercalando pinceles de texturas, sombras y brillos.


Once we obtained our base drawing with the different tonalities, textures, shadows and light areas, we started to apply light effects, we used different layers in blend mode to add and overexpose to illuminate certain parts. Finally we drew a war-themed background, under a sunset covered with flames and ashes after a burning battle.

Una vez obtenido nuestro dibujo base con las diferentes tonalidades, texturas, sombras y zonas claras, empezamos a aplicar efectos de luces, usamos diferentes capas en modo mezcla añadir y sobre exposición para iluminar ciertas partes. Finalmente dibujamos un fondo con temática de guerra, bajo un atardecer cubierto de llamas y cenizas después de una ardida batalla.


Used tools / Herramientas usadas📌14 sin título_20191009164546.gif

  • Programs: Imovie
  • Tablet: Ipad Pro
    Apple Pencil

  • Brushes: Airbrush
    Felt-tip pen
    Skin brush

  • Time: 14 hours




Past drawings / Dibujos pasados 🔙14 sin título_20191009164546.gif


Thank you for your attention. We'll see you again in the next post, don't miss it.

Gracias por la atención prestada. Nos veremos de nuevo en el proximo post, no se lo pierdan.

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Copyright © @victartex - All Rights Reserved. Design and editing by own authorship.
El punto de partida de todo logro es el deseo.
Napoleon Hill


Very nice work

Thank you for appreciating my work

It's my pleasure 👍🏾

Great job man. I love the way you made the background.

Despite being a simple background, it turned out quite well. I really liked the final result.

Wow, this looks pretty amazing! I save this one for later, maybe set it to be my backround on laptop! <3

Thanks for the comment, for me it would be an honor to use it as wallpaper :), I'm glad you liked it.

Omg is beautifull you artwork 😎😎😎

Thank you, very kind, little by little we are improving.

Cool project, I love your social link icons. 🙌

You are the first to talk about them, I wanted to show my social networks in an original and eye-catching way. Thank you for appreciating them.

Anything creative is amazing in their own way

And I appreciate the time you have put into every little detail 🤗

more realistic touch
Amazing work of art!!!

A realistic touch, but without losing that magical character that characterizes the splinterlands characters :)


You have received a 1UP from @japex1226!

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@monster-curator, @ccc-curator, @neoxag-curator, @pal-curator
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Thanks for sharing! - castleberry#6859

Thanks for the support, I am glad to know that my work is well received by you :)

Wow! This is beautiful!

Thank you for appreciating my work, I make it with much affection for the whole community.

This is freaking cool!!! Top level skill this is likely picked to be nft congratulations! Keep on sharing!

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Thank you for your good wishes and support, I try to do my best work for the community.

Wow! This is really some nice work!
Keep it up and thanks for sharing!

muy buen arte te quedo fantastico me encanto y tiene ese toque de realidad muy bien

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