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RE: Daydreaming Over My Art

in Sketchbook3 years ago

I just draw or paint as a hobby and I've been doing so on and off since I was young. The oldest one I kept was when I was in high school... The drawings I made in elementary flew with the flood. 😭 Anyway, your artwork is amazing .. I'll continue practicing and improving in the days to come.

And with regards daydreaming, it indeed occurs anytime anywhere. Hopefully the things we daydream about becomes a reality... Though in your case, to reminisce happy memories through your art.

Have a great one!!! 😊


Great hobby! Sorry to hear that you lost several pieces in a flood.. That's terrible. I love my daydreaming, and your right that one day they may come true. Hopefully I find more time to create more art from memory. That's the plan anyhow.