.Dragon Boy, 1983.
. Ackman, 1993-1994
.Sand Land, 2000
.Dr. Slump, 1980-1984.
Dragon Ball, 1984-1995
siendo la joya de la corona el mundo de
.Dragon ball , es bien sabido por las generaciones que crecieron admirando esta obra de arte y quedando en la cultura popular y sirviendo de inspiración para otros artista destacados.
en esta oportunidad realice una obra inspirada en su historia y talento innato.
This March we lost one of the best in the world of anime and manga, Akira Toriyama leaves a priceless bastion in this world, a collection of numerous works among them are
.Dragon Boy, 1983.
. Ackman, 1993-1994
.Sand Land, 2000
.Dr. Slump, 1980-1984.
Dragon Ball, 1984-1995
being the jewel in the crown the world of Dragon ball.
Dragon ball, it is well known by the generations that grew up admiring this work of art, remaining in popular culture and serving as inspiration for other outstanding artists.
In this opportunity I made a work inspired by its history and innate talent.
a continuación les dejo la reseña del paso a paso.
here is a step-by-step description of the process
Proceso creativo. 🎨✒️
Creative process.

Gracias Akira tu legado vivirá por Siempre.
Thank you akira, your legacy will live on forever.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Good art !