The second version of the painting with flowers

in Sketchbook2 years ago

Hello to all my creative art loving friends! I hope you are doing well!

If you remember, I painted red flowers last time. It turned out beautifully, unless of course you see my mistakes 😁🙈

But all the time it seemed to me that the right side of the drawing was heavily weighted with flowers. I wanted to try to remove one flower to make the picture more harmonious. I know that there is a concept of the composition of a picture, but I still know very little about it. To do this, I need to study the theory of drawing more. To be honest, I really don't want to do this. 🙈 😶
Yes, I understand that without knowledge of the theory, I am unlikely to achieve any success in drawing. So over time I will try to force myself to learn it.
What do you think, which picture looks better: the first or the second?

Did I do the right thing by removing one red flower on the right? 🤔
(all photos are taken by me)

Take care of yourself and be healthy!


... а как насчёт символики в этом случае: я имею ввиду чётное и нечётное количество цветов?

Всё же мне твой первый вариант больше понравился, но ты ведь творец, главное чтобы нравилось тебе :-)

ты знаешь, здесь не особо запариваются с количеством цветов в букете. люди совсем не обращают на это внимание. я даже сначала не поняла, о чем именно ты говоришь 😁 просто покупают цветы сколько хотят и дарят их. помню мы приезжали к мужа родителям на Западную Украину. шли по улице и там продавали букеты из засушенных цветов. очень красивые композиции типа экибаны. мне захотелось купить один свекрови. а она потом сказала, что это берут для кладбища 😅😅😅🙈

Вот и у нас чётное количество цветов носят только на кладбище. Так что постоянно приходится считать :-(

на Украине тоже так 😁 я просто уже отвыкла от этих глупостей здесь. хотя здесь есть другие глупости 😁😁😁

Я тебе завидую даже ... Особенно сейчас :-)

Your painting is looking very beautiful specially the 2nd one . although it is heavily weighted from right side but it looks great . I think removing flower is not a good idea but if you could add one or 2 little flowers on the left side to balance the painting . It will give it more beautiful look.

thanks a lot for the great idea. I didn't think to do it myself. thanks a lot for the nice words!

You did a very nice painting, I loved those roses. I think the second one is better, it looks a little more balanced. Nice details. Nice work. Best regards!

Thank you so much for your kind words and feedback on my painting! it also seems to me that I was too carried away by the number of flowers on the right and did not think about the harmony of the whole picture

what a beautiful painting!! I loved it, I congratulate you, you have a lot of talent

Oh, thank you very much! you are very kind!